Are there any games where I can play as a cute girl with cute twintails?

Are there any games where I can play as a cute girl with cute twintails?

Trails in the Sky FC and SC


Hyperdevotion noire, and any neptunia if you use noire


Nope, you'll just have to become a trap for that experience

That would be a bad idea.



what are the neptunia games like?
other than qt neps, what is there?

Jrpgs that are generic in every sense except for the fact that they break the fourth wall ever five seconds or so.

Ok gentlemen of exquisite taste, this is now a twintails thread, post'em

>break the fourth wall ever five seconds or so
really didn't like that about the deadpool game or movie, knowing full well that's what that faggot did
well fuck it, I'll give it a shot; any suggestion for where to start?



Nep games are pretty hit or miss. I like'em but I wouldn't recommend them to people either. They're decent JRPGs but the real fun is with the characters and humor. But if it's not your thing, you're not going to enjoy the series that much.

but that's a man


It technically isn't a guy since her whole body transformed. Her real form is a guy, no argument.

Dont play the original, play the remake instead. The first game is dogshit, not even hardcore neptunia fans like it.

Do you hate blatantly obvious (and lazy) pandering in any way, shape or form? Then stay right the fuck away from those games.

Nah senpai, he's a magical girl.

see, I don't mind regular RPG, but (to my memory at least) haven't tried any JRPG
any suggestion for that? :^)

What this guy said, also, neptunia VII was the best jrpg of the year, and noire is best nep

The general consensus is to start with Rebirth 1. It's the remake of the first game and will help you get familiar with the core cast as well as the gameplay.


I liked Borderlands 2 if that counts, desu

>thinks like a man
>wears like a man
> he only transform in to a twintail when he is going to fight.
>refused to be a girl forever

he is a man :)

If you want to play for the characters rb1, if you want gameplay and characters go VII, if you start with VII there is no way back to the rebirth games though

pandering to who?

Seems like you're easily amused by referential "humor". Go right ahead then, I won't judge you.

It depends by what you mean by RPGs, since the term is used a little inconsistently.

V-II was voted higher than Bloodborne in the Dengeki Playstation magazine polls. Neptune was also voted the 2nd best character of the year, with Big Boss in 1st place.

Nothing really.
Keep in mind what I'm about to say only applies to the ReBirth games and the PS3 games.

Basically the Nep games are low budget as fuck JRPGs wherein the only appeal lies in the top-tier character designs and somewhat humorous dialogue. The battle system has potential to be pretty good but in the end it's quite shallow. This isn't helped by the fact there are no interesting enemies to fight because most are just bullet sponges. Exploration is legit the worst I've ever experienced. Dungeons are awfully designed and offer nothing at all interesting to do or look at, which is dissapointing since Gamindustri seems like an interesting world. Maps are recycled multiple times within the same game, which makes the lack of budget and laziness amongst the devs more apparent. The stories are somewhat fun, though ReBirth 3 was pants-on-head-retarded and all the characters are boring and one dimensional -- existing for the sake of repeating the same jokes. The visuals are fucking trash on both a graphical side and an artistic side. Overall it's a mediocre series that earned its fanbase through top-tier cute girls, not the actual gameplay.

>he doesn't believe in the power of twintails allowing you to become a QT3.14

whatever you say


Most games with a character creator. I suggest dragons dogma since your character's design (height, build, etc) affect how they play, making your character play more like a cute twin tailed girl

Chan culture, as a whole.


Well, is this a girl?

>another sissy ass white boi thread

No, and he doesn't use twintails, go away

This is a ponytail thread.

I'd buy a figure of that in a heartbeat.

If you are going to play neptunia, there is only one thing you must know, stay away from nep threads


Battle Girl High School. F2P phone game in japanese with a whole menagerie of girls. Including this twintail. It's actually a pretty good game.

>any suggestion for that? :^)
In terms of JRPGs I'd totally recommend:

>Chrono Trigger
Pretty easy entry point for JRPGs. It's short, but very tightly put together. The difficulty isn't too high but it is very fun to play.

>Final Fantasy X
Controversial to say start with X but hey it's one of my favourites. The story, visuals, and music are pretty nice, however, the game is very linear so if open-worlds are your thing then this might not be the best place to start.

>Xenoblade Chronicles
One of my favourite games ever made. Presents an extremely huge and beautiful world, a fantastic OST, and a good story with plenty of twists. Battle system isn't perfect but I found it to be really fun. Only complaint I had was that the characters could've had more to them.

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Has no relation to the past game btw. Another favourite of mine. Improves upon everything from the original game except for the story. OST is hit and miss when compared to the original (I prefer XBX persoanlly). The world is even BIGGER than before and seamless too. Combat has a lot more options that make position matter much more and also makes the use consider combos and makes the player be more mindful of when they use their arts due to the doublecast mechanic.

>Pokemon (any really)
Really easy series to get into. None of the games are terribly difficult, but they're pretty fun.


No, you're only a girl if you have twintails.

I want to ____cuddle____ with Noire.

I want to ___be___ Noire

I want to befriend noire


>ywn comfort Noire after other neps say she has no friends.

Why even keep living bros?

I don't know, I can't even post noire in nep threads without being shitposted into oblivion by some dedicated shitposter

We Noirebros seem to have it rough. Keep posting Noires my man.

they're just jealous of best goddess

that is a boy, Sup Forums.

and from a bad anime. Holy fuck it was so horrible

They are very detailed games

Keep posting nowarus user, I need it, I'm tired of fight in nep thread, I can't do it anymore

If we're talking about Neps, I want Nepgear to be a protagonist again. She can be just as funny as Neptune but without being so memey. Not only that, Nepgear is capable of going along with the mood. If things are serious, Nepgear is serious too. Meanwhile Neptune will spout memes and crack jokes, it totally kills the mood.

I find it weird all the drama happens to the candidates. They seem to take things differently than the goddesses, who can barely be bothered getting off their asses half the time (except Noire)

When you consider the size of her spear, that's a giant marshmallow

None of them are outies?

Aight man, as long as you continue to post Nowarus as well.

Another Nowa

I don't think the problem was nepgear, but in that game you had uni, a shameless bad copy of noire, rom and ram, and the villains, dear lord they where so shit, it made me miss arfoire
As long as you keep posting nowakos

>and the villains, dear lord they where so shit
CFW Brave was literally the only good one of the bunch.

I will always post more Noires for my fellow Noirebros.

I'd like to see the groups mixed up a bit. I'm pretty tired of Vert and Blanc fighting over tits or Neptune teasing Noire for having no friends. Throw Neptune with Vert and Noire with Blanc for a change and spice it up just a little.





This actually makes me fucking diamonds, ngl

My last contribution for the night.


>Make video game for people who play videogames