Where is it Ben

where is it Ben

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Brandon said it would be a few hours late tonight.

Ben Moore is so handsome

>The Last Guardian is their GOTY
not sure about this tbqhwyf

>eceleb shit
not vidya

Ben here
no podcast this week

Why does Bloodworth look the way he does?

Podcast has been delayed
Will post tomorrow as soon as it pops up
Call my name and I will appear



>let's take care of the dropped baby in the morning.
Yogala the best.

Thanks, Ultima. Keep it DIFFERENT.


>pay $25 for them
>reviews come in late 99% of the time
>in their own podcasts, they're not even up to date on gaming news, or get them wrong most of the time. when they're gaming journalists
>still think that my money is going to a sperglord like damiani, an autist like huber and a tumblr faggot like ian
maybe I should stop donating

Super Hippie, but Super Christian family, It's a thing that happened in the 70s in california where a pastor reached out to the hippies, and they all fell in love with him and in turn god.

Please do. They have the highest funded patreon on the entire site and they do everything in a godamn garage with shitty lighting and equipment.

Is 90% of the money just going to brandons house bills? How many hundreds of thousands of dollars have they gotten and it looks no different than when they started.

they said they spent the money on upgrading a computer and getting better audio equipment

wow a three hundred thousand dollar computer, thats gotta be one beefy machine!

You do realize that there's fucking 9 of them, right? Most Patreons don't even have half that amount of people to to split money between.

It was the right choice. People#s complaints about TLG are trivial and completely miss the point on why the game is a masterpiece. "Why is the jump button triangle?!" "The textures look like a PS3 game!". "I have to line up my jumps in platforming sections rather than have the character automatically scale everything like Assassin's Creed or Uncharted!". All bullshit, irrelevant complaints.

TLG is GotY because it's one of the best (if not THE best) games at making you care about its characters. I cared more about Trico than I ever did about Elizabeth from Bioshock or the dickholes you hang out with in GTA4. And what's amazing is that the game makes that connection through gameplay rather than story. People praise Naughty Dog for making emotional games, but anyone can open a game with a father clutching his dying daughter in his arms. Your connection with Trico is much more meaningful because it's built throughout the game.At the start of the game he doesn't listen to you. You're almost afraid of this huge beast deciding to eat you/stomp on you because he feels like a real animal with real animal impulses. Then you make your way through the game and Trico starts obeying you more, you learn what all his little noises and ticks mean. Another complaint I hear is "Trico doesn't do what I tell him". EXACTLY. That's a reason why this game is great; Trico isn't just a piece of AI that does the per-programmed thing you want when you press a button. Some of the most endearing moments in the game for me were when Trico ignored one of my commands to go ff and do his own thing. There's a big difference between the frustration of a game like Dead Rising when they AI is simply too stupid to figure out it's pathfinding and what Trico does.

kek and only a couple of them are even full time because "not enough money"

EZA is only worth it for when Huber goes Full Huber

Post em

>lost Bosman to Corp Overlords (steady pay though)
>Damiani still around
>Nonlinear whatever the fuck gender Ian
>Everything is late
>Scoring system
>Where da money going

Damn, guess Sophie really was the best one after all.

>e-celeb thread


Any podcasts or things similar to what these guys do?

the thing is, they're in california
if you don't live in california, you should know its expensive as fuck to actually live there

so move to bumfuck alabama and buy a barn or something

except they cant because they need to be there for the gaming events even tho they get it wrong most of the time

>tfw you get you game played in Love & Respect