Why is King of Fighters 14 so good? And why is Angel the best character?

Why is King of Fighters 14 so good? And why is Angel the best character?

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Because it, much like every other modern fighting game, took notes on why SFV bombed. As for Angel, she's actually one of the worst tier-wise. Too much work for rewards earned more easily by other characters.

Thic Thread.

Because no other fighting game series has Saigado's Offical Seal of Approval I still kinda prefer 98 though

Anyone got pics of characters under new lighting? Can't wait for the update to drop in January.

More like breast character. Amiright?

Who's everyone's mains? Nelson is my definite, but I'm still deciding. Hein and Terry are pretty fun.

Because SNK in a way has become the anti Capcom.

Capcom has grown arrogant and thought they could treat the fans however they want (to their defense the fans are just as much to blame for this by allowing them too)

SNK however was more, for want of a better term, desperate. They weren't in a good way for a long time and they needed to win fan support so they actually gave a fuck.

They made the game the best they could, loaded it with as much characters and content as they could and didn't plan from the start to nickel and dime us later with DLC and Season passes because they couldn't be sure they'd even get the chance too.

KOF14 is good because it had to be.

Is this game dead? I really wanted to try SFV but Sup Forums said it was shit so I bought GG and KOF14 but I'm having alot of trouble finding matches.

1.10 when

SNK always was to Capcom what Nintendo was to Sega. They made the games of same genres, but the way they went about it were completely different.

It just isn't as good as SFV or previous SF games. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

I just want you to know that despite the fact that you cunts constantly shitpost SFV threads I'm not going to do that here.

I'm going to rise up and be the better man and even though I could make this thread worse I won't. But I could though.

Yep, that's worth a "You"


I just made this thread because I wanted to talk about KoF, I don't give a shit about arguing about SFV. There's already enough of that and its boring.

>Posting that abortion of a film and not the Fatal Fury movie

Don't even remind me of what Ryo looks like in that.

I've never played KoF because I really really dislike the idea of team based fighters. A lot. If KoF was 1 on 1 I might have picked it up.

Im not gonna say it was good, but it always makaes me laugh

>If KoF was 1 on 1 I might have picked it up.

You can play one on one in most if not all KOFs. Plus you could always check out the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting series for something more traditional

I actually like that about the game. The movesets are small, and there's more of an emphasis on learning multiple fighters.

PC port when?

I'd heavily recommend you pick up Garou on PS4 or Steam then. Not the exact same as KoF, but it's a good 1-on-1 fighter that lets you understand a bit more about how SNK fighting games work.

SNK did say PC played a part in sustaining them during the Pachinko era. Hopefully it, along with cross-play, come soon enough.

>kof thread
>less than 3 post before someone mentions a capcom game
Every time

People love competition, I guess. Happens among GG and BB players too, and those games are made by the same company, and mostly the same people too.


How's KoF 02 UM on steam? I been playing 02 on fightcade but my god rarely do I come across a lag free match.

not really though high level people play so you gotta train mang.
v1.10 will hopefully bring more people in, best fighting game of the year IMO

02 Um is one of my favorite games in the series but you're gonna want a friend to play with. I really hope they give it the same treatment they gave Garou and put it up on PS4 soon.

that or 98um. either or

Well, 02UM is actually a good game, so that's that. And you can't have a lag free match online when the game dœsn't have some lag compensation.

And the netcode's not rollback, so it is infinitely better

>KoF thread
>first reply mentions Street Fighter
And the world refuses to change.

>And the netcode's not rollback, so it is infinitely better

Sounds good to me.

SNK is probably one of the few companies that doesn't try to pull ridiculous shit with their fighting games so it probably would have released the way it did regardless

14 has its own charm but it feels incomplete in so many areas be it presentation, graphics, animation, and balance. There is no impact on the hits. Everything goes into max mode and it's almost always the same max mode combo over and over. It's not as fun as 13 and the only reason people don't talk about it is cause sf5 is also disappointing and it's one of the special snowflake games you can't talk shit about.

Daily reminder that Ángel in spanish is exclusively a boy's name.

And you expect the chinese man who created her to know that?

Not really, my aunt was called Angel. Though we called her Angelita.

Researching popular names of people from the country your character nationality is sounds like the logic thing to do.

Hey, for shit and giggles, how many of you here know that you can do a DP by inputting half-circle backward, forward or forward, half-circle forward + appropriate button?

wasn't angel made because some mexican dude with the same name beat on of the devs?

I want to get the game during the christmas week but this character right here in the demo is almost making not buy it.

>I like to play grapplers and character with big risk;big reward
>See this fucker
>Try it out
>Slow as fuck
>grabs are fucking garbage and easy to avoid, even if you use the one with armor while opponent is in the air he can hit you, touch the ground and jump right back.
>Armor is almost useless
>Normal are also pretty bad
>Combos are weird as hell
>Dash is also garbage
>Level 3 super can be avoided even on neutral jump

I could deal with all hat if whatever he got out of it was good, but no, even his specials are bad
and he gets little to no reward for all the work he has to do just to get in. I really don't get how to play this characters, at least in the demo. I heard he is better in the actual version but i didn't find much on the change between the 2 versions. I also don't know if the update in january will be only a graphical update or if it will actually add balance or something.

Are there any decent grapplers in this game or grapplers are just fucking shit?

no idea, i only that you can DP in USF4 by pressing down-forward twice

>Normal are also pretty bad
Man, he can cross-up with a hop. And grabs can combo in KoF!
And man, did you see how much damage he shit for one bar?
KoD is a really good first member. And that's fine.

than i have no diea how to play this fucker, or kof in general, is there a tutorial or anything like that? Cuz i've been playing the tutorial for a week but i always get destroyed.

is there a way to disable the autocombo that's mapped to the A button?

Characters you'd pay DLC for, GO!

it's weird she wasn't Angela or Angelica,
I've never heard of a woman going by Angel.

A Metal Slug team
Marco (Neo Geo Battle Coliseum)
Fio Germi (MI2)
Mars People (SVC Choas)

SNK rules by "learn by playing"
But I agree, the first time, you can't really understand how to cope with training mode.
"wow, I can do combo with 5 bars! So cool!"
But, no. You need to understand that the first character begins with no fury, and is limited to 3, that the second can be more aggressive with at least one fury, and that the last one must shit out damage for 5 bars like no other. So first you need to find characters that fit those 3 positions.
No, wait. The correct advice to new players is the following : Main ONE (1) Character, the one you will know everything about him, the combos, how to engage, etc. You put him in third position, He's the keeper, the one you can't let die. Then, you chose 2 others you find appealing, and place them in first and second position. And then you PLAY. You will progressively learn some shnapseries with the first two, and you'll learn the game that way.

Fuck, I don't really know what I'm trying to say myself. You can always check Shoryuken.com, basgrospoing.fr; or just "how to KoF" on google for some advice on KoF in general.
There's also friendly KoF players on Twitter, like Romance or Frionel26


here shit bag

I meant SVC Chaos,
Also Team USA Sports please thank you

Yeah, you just stop mashing.


Sell me on the game. I'm not THAT great with fighters but as long as it plays well and doesn't feel stiff like Street Fighter then I'd be happy. Also, what are the chances of this getting a bullshit "exactly the same but with 2 more characters and a balance patch" version?

If it helps, all the fighting games I've played are anime fighters, doujinsoft fighters, and Skullgirls.

>what are the chances

So, it's not getting a bullshit version? At least I don't have to wait a while in case I decide I'm interested in the game then

Even when SNK did yearly release, they did at least have a third of the cast NEW. And when I say new, I mean that even the old ones got new moves. See KoF 94 -> 95. Or was it 96?

So like, what? If I got it now and a newer version came out, it'd be new enough to warrant it being sold as a completely new game? That's alright, I guess. But how is the game itself?

How's the single player?
What's the netcode like?
How different do the characters feel?
Is it stiff and sluggish or fast and fluid?
Is it fun?

CvS3 when?

because you are mexican

>How's the single player?

It's pretty standard but you get an ending for every team and they're pretty entertaining generally

>What's the netcode like?

Haven't played in a while but it was good last time a dead a month or two ago

>How different do the characters feel?

A lot of controller motions get reused but in actual execution they're generally all pretty different.

>Is it stiff and sluggish or fast and fluid?

The latter

>Is it fun?

Yes. It's not my favorite in the series but any criticisms I have are minor things like my waifu not being in it.

I just pointed out that SNK is not Arcsys. KoF 94 to 2002 were on arcades mostly, so you didn't have per se to buy a new one. There were port of course, but the community was on arcade.
For the rest, there's an arcade mode, trials (easy but eh), a tutorial, survival, mission mode and the like... The netcode is one of the best actually (not difficult, you could say), the characters all play vastly differently, and they each play differently based on their position inside the team.
The rest is up to your taste. I find it quite good personnaly.

Where's that scene where they joke about the KoF that doesn't exist?

Didn't mean to reply.

Dong is my man.

I've been considering buying a fight stick and I was wondering, would it help me get better at cancels and super cancels and pretty much inputs in general? I hate hitting two buttons with my thumb and I can't do cancels worth a shit.

Sounds great! Definitely going to pick it up later then.

It has a huge roster right? Biggest I've ever seen outside of Mugen shit. I've never played an SNK game before so I'm looking forward to finding a main. Don't you love that feeling, when you find THAT character that just seems to click perfectly with you?

>THAT character
Be happy, you can have THREE (3) like that.
Yeah, there's 50 characters, including the bosses.

Yo, is this normal? Why the fuck is it so expensive? Unless I'm an idiot, I'm pretty sure this isn't some fancy bundle or special edition either.

theres a demo but it's not from the current version of the game,it's getting updated soon though

Reload the market, I think?

Because KoFXIV is solidly made King of Fighters game and that automatically makes it good, at minimum.

And you only think Angel is best because you are easily lured by tits and lack of pants, and don't realize that best girls have class.

with capcom shitting the bed as they are now, hopefully not so soon

It's just the price to scare the kids, when you put your date of birth it changes to the original
PSN has been doing this for a while now

>and don't realize that best girls have class.

Yeah but best girl hasn't been in the past 3 games

she also has a cute face and short, white hair is patrician fetish

I don't see a demo on the PSN Store, I'll check on the PS4 when I get home

Nope, same price. Like, I live in New Zealand and games are even more expensive than Australia over here but... This is a bit overboard. Revelator was only $95 and SFV is $85, for example.

Also, is there a way to free up room on the PS4? I know you can shove games from the Vita into your PC, can I do that here too?

It's not some cheat code to become better, but I honestly prefer it. I made myself adapt to a fight stick around PS2-era since I just didn't like pads at all (outside of saturn pads). It felt too clunky and like I was tripping over myself all the time. The layout definitely makes it a breeze to me when managing simultaneous presses or quick movements.

Good sticks are pretty durable too. Still have my Dreamcast 'Green Goblin' stock that's rocking just fine. My OG SFIV TE1, outside of me just swapping parts after years due to new preferences, is trucking along nicely. It has survived drops, tumbles during moves and people drunkenly knocking it around at fight nights.

Be ready to feel like your hands are retarded though. You'll have to learn new habits and your execution will be ass for a bit. Also, research sticks a bit before biting the bullet. What gates (square, octo, even circle) would you prefer? Bat or balltop stick? Buttons and sticks feel different depending on manufacturer and people will swear by one or another. I put a seimitsu joystick into my TE1 just because I like the feel better.

Also, if you really get into it and enjoy it you can customize your stick with art, different buttons, ball-tops etc.. It's just cosmetic but I've seen some really nice jobs. I'm thinking about taking that plunge but keep scrapping designs I whip up.





I was thinking of buying a mayflash f300 and switching the parts with sanwa. It already has a square gate, so I think I'm good there. Or buy a that hori arcade kai stick . I might just go with my first idea since its cheaper. Is modding easy? I've built a pc, so I don't think it could be that hard.


Literally anyone.
I'm happy with XIV's cast, but I gladly take more.

I'd also pay to get Billy removed from the game.

Dunno about the Mayflash, etc. I've heard it is really easy to mod. The TE1 was super simple to change out the stick and buttons. I haven't purchased any other Madcatz sticks but it seems like they're still really aiming toward being accessible and easily modified. I just looked up some tutorials and went from there. Just had to make sure I had the proper tools. Kinda getting tired of legacy support stuff so I might throw a new board or padhack it if I'm feeling brave.

As for what stick to get that'll be up to you and your budget. Cheaper sticks mean cheaper or no name parts, possibly ones that break down, but if it's easy to modify (look on different forums to check) and doesn't break the bank maybe go with it. I've had friends that get cheaper sticks when they were starting just in case they didn't like it. You'll definitely be able to tell the difference though once you've used some better quality parts.

Since Mai was in DoA5LR, I'd like to see someone from there come to this. A cross over trade, an exchange program. Ayane went to Senran Kagura already, so maybe send Kasumi? She's the main character, it'd make sense. Fan favourites Honoka or ... I've forgotten her name, the blonde not-loli one would be strong possibilities too.

We got a Kasumi and

> Honoka or ... I've forgotten her name, the blonde not-loli one would be strong possibilities too.

Ew no.

already been said that there isn't going to be a doa cross over

Because I'm too busy playing guilty gear xrd

do you have a gif of the terry and ken special intro?

>wanting modern SNK and modern Capcom to do a joint job
it'll look like a bunch of gorillas chugging feces in crystal clear 720p

here ya go

>best fighting game of the year

But that isn't guilty gear xrd revelator, senpai.


I read somewhere Angel's whole moveset could be thought of as one big Rekka move. What did they mean by that?

I really want May lee back but SNK seems to hate her and her voice actor died so sadly that will probably never happen. Kasumi would be a good fit for a new Pretty Girl Team though

Especially after how Mai snubbed her and Hinako like a bitch in the KOF14 story because the bimbo thought that she had a shot at Andy for some retarded reason.

Let me break it down babby style. You know how in modern KoF, people have normal - command normal chains combos? Angel's Unchains are that but more. You have more variety of those that cancels into another. That's it. It's not actually as complex as casuals make it out to be.

No matter what it means it's wrong, because unchained circle isn't her whole move-set.

And even if just talking about Unchained Circle stuff, that's quite the oversimplification.

Okay, thanks for the answers guys.

The annoying and hard thing about Unchained Circle is that not everything combos so you kinda have to experiment where to find combos, where to find mixups, what works in corner or midscreen, what works on juggles and so on.

Angel that gets you to corner and comes up close and personal can be really annoying to deal with.
My solution tends to be just mash buttons and hope for the best.

Oh wait. That's my solution in every situation.

kys fag