Why do people act as though FF1 is significantly more advanced than DQ1?

Why do people act as though FF1 is significantly more advanced than DQ1?

They're the same game, but as far as DQ1 is concerned, being restricted to one party member is kinda boring.

Dragon Quest 1 had a full four person party, though.

FFI did come out 3 years after DQI. Two months before Dragon Quest III came out. And it technically had a lot more going on, just like Dragon Quest III did. But in terms of class system, flow, item collecting, exploration and NPC interaction, Dragon Quest III was obviously superior. The only thing that made FF stand out was the focus on story. And just like people can knock DQ1 for its limited combat, you can knock FFI for absolutely stupid story. As well as every other FF game that followed.

I still enjoy replaying DQI. I could barely finish FFI the first time.

>Dragon Quest 1 had a full four person party
Dragon Quest 1 - 1 person fighting 1 enemy at a time.

Dragon Quest II - 3 person party, group battle system is introduced, can fight up to 6 enemies.

Dragon Quest III - 4 person party, can fight up to 8 enemies.

FF1 also used westernized art in the west instead of cartoon graphics, so it had great market appeal to an already crpg heavy audience. And Mario had already showed that the japanese knew how to make games, so seeing FF come to the west was like a dream come true.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

N-no, baka. Dragon Quest 1 was May 1986, DQ2 was January 1987, and the first Final Fantasy was December 1987.

You're correct on the American release dates, of course, but the Japanese dates are more relevant for judging them since 1987 technology was different from 1990 technology.

They're all just casual versions of wizardry and ultima

DQ also used 'westernized' art for the western release. And sold the same as FF1 did. Just after DQ1, the other games got limited prints and zero marketing. While Final Fantasy II, III and IV all broke marketing records.

Final Fantasy went on to become synonymous with RPGs and Dragon Quest failed in the west. The box art wasn't the issue, just the lack of marketing and product. If anything, Dragon Quest would have done better to keep the Akira Toriyama designs leading into the 90s when Dragon Ball became synonymous with anime.

Pretty much this. But you can't say those games did a lot for console rpgs. crpgs will always have my gratitude for the things they did, but there needed to be some ways to make that shit work for a two button gamepad.

It's irrelevant which is more "advanced" because there are older computer games which are already more complex. FF1 and DQ1 are about as basic as an RPG can get.

Dragon Quest I is a good form of casualization however. It streamlined some stuff that was just annoying in Ultima. And greatly improved dungeon exploration over Wizardry.

>It's irrelevant which is more "advanced" because there are older computer games which are already more complex.

Yeah, but those games are boring and suck.

If the DBZ games were brought to the west during the craze, we may have had better anything DQ or DBZ related as far as games goes. Its a reason Tenkaichi is what westerners consider a DBZ game they heard of.

They were boring, but I felt like devs threw off the game designs from those old games too fast. Those old rpgs had more content than most games these days.

This is it. It isn't "more advanced", exactly, but more party members and more enemies is just more interesting. I beat the fuck out of both of them back when they were new though. Final Fantasy was the more fun game between those two, but Dragon Warrior 3 was even better.

FF was actually a fight, with a party

dragon warrior was a still picture and a story

Kill yourself, tripfag.

>no fighting
>all story

You're literally describing FF1.

Actually, it applies to both of them. Neither Dragon Quest 1 nor Final Fantasy 1 have any actual cutscenes aside from their endings. Bosses or NPCs might give 2-4 lines of dialogue at certain points, but that's about it.

FF1 is more advanced than DQ1, it came out like 2 or 3 years after. Pretty sure FF1 came out after DQ2.

Just a year and a half, FF1 was December '87.

FF1 still has plenty of exposition and 'stop the game to tell story' cutscenes. While in DQ1, all the story is just from random NPCs. This isn't a condemnation of FF1, some people hate getting story from NPCs and as a result they hate DQ1. But some people are the opposite.

Fun fact, Yuji Horii and Nakamura both admitted that they never play tested Dragon Quest II after you get the boat. And cite that as to why the game isn't as well received as other DQ games. And they have since delayed every DQ game until after it was thoroughly play tested.

On the flip side, I sometimes think most FF games were released with zero play testing. Especially II and III. Hell, FFIII got a remake and they still didn't fix the issues with the game. If anything, they made it worse.

FF1 shits all over DQ1 DQ is still the overall better series, especially these days[/spoilers]

Not having to use the menu to interact with stairs, doors and chests is a plus


Dragon Quest is by far the better series, but DQ1 was a fucking chore to play, while FF1 is still a solid game

Dragon Quest III fixed that. Pretty much everything that made FFI seem better was done in DQIII, which came out alongside FFI. We just didn't get them simultaneously in the west. If we had, DQIII would have easily overtaken FFI.

So it could have really been the FINAL fantasy


This. Seriously.

Only a complete pleb thinks Ultima IV is boring.

I don't know about you but there's something that bugs me about not being able to see your party members in battle. That's why I prefer FF1 over DQ3

I forgot about that shit. Pretty autistic even for an early 8-bit RPG.

>Ultima IV
My goddamn nigger. I haven't thought about this game in so long but I played the tits off of it back in the day.

I hate RPGs where I can't see my characters in battle.

>Customizable party
>Alternative methods of travel
>Save system that wasn't jacked up

It's the small things. You would have been better off comparing FF1 to DQ3

I haven't played Dragon Quest.

Dragon Quest has always been popular in Japan, and Final Fantasy has always been popular in the Western world, and vice versa. It's always been that way.