Absolutely obliterate someone in 4v4

>absolutely obliterate someone in 4v4
>he spawns next to you again next round
>he looks at you, turns away and starts running for his life immediately
>you can almost smell the shit in his pants
This is the best feel.

What are some other games where you can crush your enemies, see them driven before you. and hear the lamentations of their women?

>obliterate an enemy
>next round he tries to adapt to your tactics
>you both hone your skills after each clash
>people new to the game who get in your way get ripped to shreds

I miss Age of Chivalry.

unluckyfag here, anyone have a spare key?

Why do people fish for keys without posting their uplays? So if I have an extra key I can do a pointless back and forth over the forums instead of just straight inviting you?

Oh right. Uplay: CleaveThis

I thought the beta started next month?

When I get home I'll send you an invitation, I have your uplay written down. Unless you get an invite from someone else first.

Doing a technical test for a week or two right now.

Thanks user, appreciate it.

There's a new beta?

I was in previous, but no key this time. Weird.

Can someone share a key? Uplay: amileontti (on PS4.)

3 vs 1 is nigger fun the video game. No one plays the duel game mode and every other game mode people just run away and only fight you 3v1.


Only on PC this time around, my man. They have stated that they plan for another wider beta that includes the consoles.

>Sup Forums likes Ubisoft now

Peacekeeper best. Fuck Nobushi.

Okay. Cool.

The game was fun and customizing my armor was pretty sweet.

At least it's a new IP.

Looks cool. What can she do?

Siege was good, and so is this. These games are nothing like the ass creed shit they've been putting out.

I'd like this game so much more if the group fights weren't such total clusterfucks, especially when people pile on.

Duel and brawl are great but jesus fuck the other modes can be downright infuriating.


>playing 4v4 but it's nothing but gangbanging shitters
>even if you step aside and let people 1v1 to show them, their team will still jump in and fuck it up
>go to do duels
>10 minute queue
>half the time they're ledging faggots, and if it's 2v2, gangbangers

Not a lot of honor in For Honor.

Very fast knight that can counter attack with jabs that cause bleed. Guard break leads into multiple bleed jabs. Can use guard break as an escape.

Overall, fast and causes bleed damage with small daggers.

If there is any actual ubishill in here;
Is it possible to stack a 20% discount from the ubiclub thing with the games in store at discount now?Specifically, siege that is 50% off

Willing to sell a key but you must buy me 200+ dollars of games on steam, thxz

Someone explain to me the mindset of why they didnt allow for fullscreen?

Is it to weed out lowfps shitters? Im chugging along at 15-30 fps here depending on whats happening onscreen

What're you talking about? I'm playing fullscreen right now.


You can do borderless windowed but not true fullscreen


I do remember a little warning popping up in the options about how if your fos is too low you might get kicked

Anyone got a spare key they dont need? uplay id: Kevlol

What happened?

Go into your settings an show me the window setting nerd

so you can you choose a male version of the Peacekeeper like the other class or not?

>Get invited
>Click the link they provide which takes you to the alpha site for the game
>login just to be greeted with this

ubisoft servers are a meme.
Everytime they try to do something to pull an promotion where more than 20 people try to enters their page get clustered

Nope, the original 6 were interchangable
These new classes are locked to male or female

Fine, ffs. The first option is windowed, the second is borderless, the third is fullscreen.

Glad I could cancel out of queue for something you could've looked up yourself.

It would have be cool if the game could see if your opponent was hit by another guy just before you killed him and tag you "No Honor" until the end of the next party.

>pretty evenly matched with other guy
>teammate dies
>his buddy comes crashing in and starts 2v1ing
>teammate calls them pussies from chat
>kill them both
>laugh and call them pussies for cheating
>leave on the 1-0

This is due to location. Tech Test is only available in US and EU. A few invites got sent out of the bounds, you can use a proxy on it.

>steep is good
>siege is good
>for honor is good
>free games all the time
They're fine

I'm in the US. And their FAQ says the issue would be I'm not 17 years or older. But my account has had the correct birth date since I created it and I'm 25.

>tfw didn't get into any of the tests so far
>just want to raid with my viking bros
>anons told me the game took out faction teams

If any has a key spare I'd take it, please tell me there is still a faction-team specific game mode or something

Wanna play warlord the most, looks like fun with a shield

gotta say, this game is a pretty big clusterfuck in 4on4

not sure how I feel about 1on1 yet

Faction-specific stuff is related around an overarching game based around attacking and defending areas, where winning gets points to take an area.

Actual games are mixed faction to keep queues down and stop people from raging, but Ubi said they're looking into faction-specific modes later on.

I have played about 40 hours of the previous tests

I just played 1 hour of the new one

i am 99% sure that they slowed down the game.
i can't play the warden at all like I used to anymore for example

everything feels slower and more sluggish

also guardbreak countering never works, i don't get why.

Anyone on want to 1v1 and help me gitgud?

It doesn't feel slowed down at all to me. Maybe there's more delay to guard switching?

>also guardbreak countering never works, i don't get why.
It's just like a fighting game's throw
You have to borderline predict it since the window is INCREDIBLY tiny

I did it plenty of times in a warden mirror where we kept spamming light top attacks

Must have been mostly chance though

This. If you see the red shield, it's too late. You have to use it before it appears, AS it appears.

Yeah they fucked up a bunch of stuff

>be level 3
>just finished tutorials, never played before
>enemy is lvl 13 warden
>be warden myself
>first fight, narrow bridge
>pretty cool setting for a duel
>he bumrushes me, drops me off the bridge
>fight over in less than 2 seconds

I lost two entire games because of this bridge BS. Felt so good when I finally kicked his ass on the maps that don't have ledges.

I'll also attest to this.
I don't know what happened to the flow of the game but it feels like fucking A S S now. It's cumbersome and feels much less fluid than before. I used to enjoy it but now I'm just finding myself frustrated and annoyed, even when I win. The hell did they do?

You should try staying away from bridges, mate.

Any character where I can just bumrush the enemy?

Non of this riposte or counterattack bullshit

Duel maps place you directly on top of a bridge

Another ledging faggot. Just what this game needs.

Look behind you, dawg
There's usually an area away from it

>Duel against Peacekeeper/Orochi
>They don't even lock on
>Run around the map
>Run in and light attack or guard break then run away again
I swear I've came up against like 5 people that fight like this, they have literally never bet me and I call them out for being a little bitch everytime for guaranteed salt.

Who is this tactic working against?

dude this is me right there

i was so utterly hyped to finally play the game again and i just quit after 2 hours playing some new classes against bots to test them out.

my warden feels like crap now.
attacks barely have any range anymore.
guardbreaks either don't reach the enemy or are uncounterable.
you parry a guy and can't get attacks in anymore cause for some reason he is now thrown back super far.

also,please tell me I am not hallucinating: throwing people into walls and stuff does basically nothing anymore. It used to be a guaranteed top heavy attack hit, not i think they just lose their UI a bit and can easily block immediately.

i am having ZERO fun with this. and I was so crazy hyped for the new classes.

Best fucking feeling.

>Friends are playing Quake Live
>Download it and join the FFA server they're in
>Start stomping on everybody
>Suddenly one guy joins
>Game quickly evolves into him and I flying around the map at mach 3 and vaporizing anybody else in our path
>Pretty sure we made my friends ragequit
>Both compliment each other at the end

It worked against me while I was playing warden, but I don't actually know how to play warden. I guess it just works on people who don't know how to play.

If me and my bros generally play CoD and fighting games, would this be a good game for us? How many are in multiplayer and what modes do they have?

Remember to fill the inquiry again after the beta for feedback

>How many
Don't know. It's a tech test, not too many got in.

>What modes
4v4 brawl, skirmish, and point control modes, 2v2 brawls, and dueling. More will be added.

i can't even access the fucking beta forum

sigh, there goes my honor

Shit. There's usually 6 of us playing. Oh well. Guess we'll just swap around a bit when it comes out.

nah, not like to throw the enemy off a cliff, but more like attacking with hyperarmour and disregard for taking damage yourself

Any chance someone will spare a key?
I registered as soon as they open'd site with two email and still no luck.
Its one of three or four games im interested in next year and every preview i read just boosts the hype. Would really appreciate one guys.

>How many are in multiplayer
says about 2k players right now

>berserker is now a woman

also is warden now female as well?

you can change gender on the raider,same with the warden

Yeah, watching gameplay footage of the "public" beta really shows the difference. They slowed it the fuck down. I guess they wanted a more strategic approach but in all honesty this just watered it down.

Lol, I meant to imply how many can play on a team at once. There are times when friends of a friend gets invite to play and then suddenly there's too much people to party together.

Guess again no luck.

doing some cheap as shit bleed combos and running away

>2fort sniper back in the good ol' days
>bagging 6 dominations at once
>everyone focusfiring on you, charge n' peaking, switching to scout/spy
>still trashing the entire server
>dominations only go down when people leave the server
It was trashy as fuck but god I miss it

>runs away from a lawbringer
>"wtf he keeps charging me! ;_;"
>dumb jap players

>2fort about an hour ago
>nobody knows what they're doing
>two mexican kids mumbling into the microphone the entire match
>fucking up enemy team
>as medic

it wasn't always like this

>always online drm

I know that it's a multi-player focused game but that's not an excuse to fuck up the single player campaign

I will get it when it's pretty cheap, you shouldn't support these practices.

Whats your excuse for not playing Shugoki, Sup Forums?

He's literally the most patient and skill based class in the game

I 100% can not beat a valk.

Their flying jump thing is so damn fast and they can combo right after

I guess I'll buy it used.

>begging for free games
weak man spotted

>He's literally the most patient and skill based class in the game

>pick spear lady cause seems cool
>be dickass thief tier with poison jabs and backing away
>keep people away constantly
10/10 would jab again.

Valkyrie is insanely good, easily one of, if not the, best characters in the game. Her shit is stupidly fast, so quick that even parrying seems impossible.

They'll undoubtedly change her up, as the poll about "overpowered characters" has her leading by an enormous margin.

I don't even hate uPlay either, purchasing extra shit in games for coins you get by completing challenges in the games is pretty neat. A steam game would without a doubt charge 0,99 for those outfits and bonus weapons.
You can make games cheaper by sacrificing 100 of those coins too

>making the heavy hitter on knight side a fucking morning star faggot

I like the playstyle, but fuck morning stars man

>Ubisoft has confirmed that any future maps and modes making their way into For Honor will be free to download for all players.

>"We don't want to split the community," game director Damien Kieken said during a presentation attended by Eurogamer.

>"So everything that's matchmade [including] new modes and new maps, will be given for free to the players. We'll also have other free content. We are a big team supporting the game after launch."

>It's worth noting this statement doesn't extend to new heroes, which could still be offered as paid DLC. Looking back to Rainbow Six Siege, also developed and published by Ubisoft, we saw something similar happen there, with its maps made available for free, while the operators themselves needed to be unlocked using one of two currencies: renown (earned in-game) or credits (purchased with real money).


Seems pretty nice.

nice steam Review XD

I have 6 invites for PC.
I will try to invite my imaginary friends first, whatever codes may remain will be sent out here 5 pm GMT. Should this thread die by then, I shall find another one on Sup Forums or even /vg/.
Be patient my unlucky brethren.

game looks like shit try to make me buy this Ubi shills

Because I throw little baby cunts like you around with lawbringer

This is shaping up to be another Siege 2.0 and that's absolutely fine by me

Sometimes Ubisoft gets it right

Anyone spare a key? Would be much appreciated.

Uplay: Mogalen

Lately they've been doing everything right, steep, siege, this, next farcry is a western, they are taking their time with asscred

I can take a 3v1 and come out on top with the new blocking system. Also helps that I'm a fucking God at lawbringer.

Division has gotten better with updates too

The blocking system is as it always was