Was this the peak of E-Sports?

Was this the peak of E-Sports?

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>peak of anything


>underage detected

olde blizzard as amazing. you youngling have only ever known nublizzard

To some. It's hard to argue that though since many games have gotten more popular with higher stakes.

I'll always remember these moments though.


What the hell is an e-sport?

Fuck you you stupid fucking selfish twat

Peak was more watching MaDfrog, ElakeDuck, Grubby, Tillerman and all the others play Warcraft 3. Starcraft: BW is lame.


old blizzard was just as shit as current blizzard

the only difference was that with old blizzard the community could fix their games for them

what this pepe is referencing!


i pity the normies who will never know such joys

Absolutely. Then Bliz had to kill Starcraft.

I still remember all those hours watching the Avertec Intel Classic. 3 seasons, different castors each time with Tasteless.

My fear is that this is the final Hurrah of Starcraft before it dies off entirely. But I hope it comes back and becomes permanent.

2011 was a godsend

mfw I put AF to make it to semifinals as a joke because they were my favorite t2 team to watch for the past year

>Tasteless solo
>Tasteless + lil Susy
>Tastleess + Super Danielman
>Tasteless + Artosis

Who was the best combo? For fun, I would say that Tasteless solo was the best.

Honestly this sounds overly dismissive and I don't want to demean the excitement at the boston major. But that wasn't the most excited I've ever seen a crowd. They were hyped but they didn't lose their shit.

Also I had a normie friend over during that and made him watch a bit of the beginning, middle, and end between playing Rocket League. Even he was a little excited without knowing what was going on.

I thought Starcraft esports would last longer than it did. Tastetosis are a great commentary team

Too bad they were only live at 1-4am.
Not that much interest in VODs.

>I thought Starcraft esports would last longer than it did.

Blizzard fucking killed it. It didn't die on its own. They strong armed KESPA to phase out and then finally get rid of Broodware entirely and then they pushed SCII, which was not only a worse game, but one that wasn't even complete for like 6 fucking years.

Now that Blizzard has realized SCII is dead, they are letting Broodwar come back.

There was some awesome bw tourney back in september/november that tastosis casted. I think it was on the esl twitch channel

> Its last foreigner drops out of tournament episode
> Nothing but 8 Koreans left in the tournament episode
> Its the viewership drops by 100k episode
> It's Korean sponsored by kespa thanks for the money while not being able to speak English Episode
> It's Korean's are game rigging while being meth out of their marbles Episode
which was your fav?

It's the ASL (AfreecaTV Starleague). And Season 2 is live. They finished round of 24 and now onto round of 16.

These old tournies were round of 32 starting, and it's obvious that some of these players are filler noobs. I don't think they have enough players now.

I'm still here

but I haven't been on /scv/ for a couple years now

I really miss it

>blazers with ironic t shirts

just wear dress shirts you fucks

do they still stream it here? no videos fro 2 months

>> It's Korean's are game rigging while being meth out of their marbles Episode

Is this for real?


Round f 16 starts on the 18th.

Uh they're still working

>talked about starcraft

lol these guys are so screwed if they want another job.

they look good, grow up man

nah. koreans just play better because they have more to lose.

They can just start playing Hearthstone on Twitch or something. They got fanbases.

the brood war scene is regrowing user
starcraft is eternal

have you not seen where other starcraft people have gone?

they'll never be out of work


Lone Wolf

Man, watching the early years of SC2 tournaments at 3 AM with Sup Forums is some of the most fun I've ever gotten out of this board.
RIP SC2, you didn't last long, but the good memories were good enough to be worth it.

>Neo-Sup Forums in a nutshell

While I don't think Tasteless and Super Danielman was the best, I will forever remember staying up to fucking 4am listening to them talking about monkey milk.

>6 years ago
>Neo-Sup Forums

Anyone have the old fan art? I remember Tasteless riding a Reaver.

The peak was staying up until 3am to watch OGN.


user, you weren't even born when neo/v/ was a thing.
Also this was 2010, long after the neo/v/ transformation.

this is bait

Sup Forums is nostalgia for 2007-2009 GomTV.

Neo-Sup Forums is nostalgia for SCII.

Ahh, brood war. When skill in video games mattered. Now it's all casual shit.

ah, okay, it's just some reddit kid, I thought you were serious there for a sec.

I assume OP is referring to SC2. Didn't enjoy watching/playing it as much as BW, but it still had some enjoyable moments like staying up late watching qxc reverse all kill that korean team

mobashit is ruining video games in general



They killed 1v1 games. Kids now want to be able to blame their team and never themselves.

Anybody here watching the Brood War ASL on sunday? Probably excited most for group B and D games.

God damn I want Jaedong to come back.

Sea as well, he's just too fucking nice not to go for. Though I doubt he'll be able to get out of his group with Flash and Rain in it.

this was truly the peak of esports advertising

SCII was probably one of the main reasons /vg/ was made. Even though a lot of those fags fucked off to Sup Forums because of their kpop obsession because of SCII.

>TBLS playing in BW tournaments

what year is it?

holy shit

I predict the top 4:


Flash has played very mediocer last few years. He will make top 8 but not top 4.

chinese year of the dong nigga

I don't think Jaedong can make a ro4, not at his state. He's too rusty, he hasn't had enough time to practice since he took up BW again. I'd love to see it but I don't think it can happen. I think a Flash ro4 is way more likely than a dong ro4, but I'm rooting for him anyway.


kill yourself


Rocket League esports are great desu, people are insanely talented

>all this love for dong

..no love for revolutionist of protoss bisu

Out of all the players, I would kiss Bisu.

Dong was more exciting. His rivalry with Flahs produced some of the best matches. And seeing a Zerg dominate with Mutas is more fun that boringtoss.

why is tasteless so handsome

I miss climbing the ladder back in Wings of Liberty.

SK terran was the most fun to watch. Especially when they'd make a squad of firebats, they are my favourite unit. They use tons of vultures now and go mech. But they almost always get out attritioned with darkswarms and ultralisks, I don't understand why they keep using it.

beeg leeps bisu

only 2 zerg managed to actually make it through the ro24 of ASL2. I was hoping effort or soulkey would. Effort would have put on some good damn matches.

and that is just SO MANY BANELINGS

RIP Grack

Gone but not forgotten

>only 2 zerg managed to actually make it through the ro24 of ASL2.

The current meta and maps seem to favor Terran more than anything else. T have gotten VERY good at countering Z with their mech builds and Z have not properly learned how to respond.

They're not really very cost efficient, even under darkswarm. You lose three to lurkers, that's a whole tank. I personally think you're better off relying on Science vessels/sieged tanks catching zerg out of DS


What's he doing now anyways?

I personally think it;s just bad luck/more good t/p returning to BW than zergs. With no Zero, only, effort and jaedong really stood out as the top zerg players atm.


I was so fucking sad when FBH didn't make it through prelims. I'd have loved to see more of this shit

No, the last Boston Major was. Not even OG fanboy.

He really was an asshole but god it was hard not to love the guy
I think he plays heroes of the storm now

>No more tastosis
>No more Grack
>No more John playing yugioh
>No more shilling for western players
>No more SC2 in general
>CombatEx and Deezer wont make your streamers ragequit anymore

I miss SC2, shame Blizzard did everything in their power to kill it. Combatex and deezer 2v2'ing is easily best SC2 video ever though

Losing the gracken was the true tragedy of SC2.

The fact that he was such a salty asshole was what made him so hilarious

Most of the SC2 coreans were emotionless machines, and a lot of the NA faggots were trying to be super "e-sports" friendly. IdrA on the other hand consistently gave us shit to laugh at.

Fuck off kid. Broodwar's back.

I agree with you if you're talking about Blizzard North, yeah everything after Diablo II is shit.

>shitdra crying about others races when zerg was the most broken
glad that shitter is gone


Early SC2 was fucking great


That's just embarrassing, oh god


Sc2 posters please fuck off. Your game is dead for a reason.

Broodware on the other hand never dies.

GSL is still going on though OP. Tastosis are still casting it even. In fact I'm pretty sure they're casting IEM right now