He doesn't main Bruce

>he doesn't main Bruce
how does it feel to be a total pleb?

Other urls found in this thread:


>e-celeb thread




Who's the faggot on top?

>Sup Forums approved something

>Elyse ended up being one of the best members

Fucking how?

She learned from the best.


That's the joke

Nice meme retard

I would jerk off on the floor and rub Benson's nose in it

>gta video
>gta video
>sponsored video
>some shit game
>lawrence game
>demo disk


thank you for the list of videos on the funhaus youtube, guy I don't know.

Don't forget the >podcast

anyone remember the yogscast

What happened? I remember that the guys on FH used to be on Inside Gaming, why did they leave Machinima?

Because Machinima is possibly the most poorly managed and shitty company of all time.

They lucked out a ton, should not have gotten as far as they did.

I know this is the classic "old X was better, new X is shit" post but damn if it isn't true for FH

they've become the "GTA plus sponsored content" channel So fucking sad since I like them all individually but they caved to the RT cock

the editing is better but they really need to cut GTA off, i guess they enjoy it but it is like a 3 year game i can't stand anymore

Gosh, I like Jacob, I think he's a really swell guy. I sure would like it if they put him in more videos.

about to say literally all I know about these guys is elyse went there not long before GT bit the dust

are they any good? I hope so if it's what Don's been doing whenever he's not at an EZA group stream or whatever.

it' such a dilemma because they were at their best when they were poor fucks crammed in a tiny room playing bad games.
And now they want to do polished corporate shit because it gets more views and because RT wants it and it gets them more money. Totally get it but their content is just mostly bland crap as a result

>That webm.

In the future, everything will be unified, In the future, everything will become streamlined.

In the future, you will not know where the neckbeard ends, and the aimbot begins.

user you can't post that here, this is a blue board.

Podcast is good background noise.

As for the rest of their content, if you're looking for comedy using gameplay as a framing device, give them a shot. If you want let's plays, stay the fuck away.

I forgot to add, they also have videos where they do nothing but answer questions or respond to commenters. Again, something to consider if you're looking to avoid that sort of thing.

>wah she hates Jews, what a bad goy

yeah it is fun but Don is just editing stuff, he occasionally appears once in a while

>it's a lawrence video
>it's a podcast with lawrence

stop posting this you will hurt Lawrence feelings since he is the only that browses Sup Forums

>autist at the top
>still E celeb trash with garbage opinions and shit quality content

>Being a cry baby faggot
End your life

Elyse > /\ > Adam > Bruce > Lawrence > James

>e celeb shit is fine as long as its trash that i like

>Not at the bottom
Stop this meme

>Sellout Teeth shit

whens gus gonna kill himself

does anyone have good elyse lewds?

tons on gametrailers archives, get digging

If I see a thread where the OP has absolutely nothing to do with videogames, and the posts underneath it also have nothing to do with videogames, then I can conclude that the thread has nothing to do with videogames, and therefore shouldn't be on a board dedicated to videogames.

>the podcasts are just them talking about current topic
>lawrence is super autistic about this and won't allow general discussion
>it can essentially be described as a news show

I love FH, but they have the worst podcast ever.

>calling someone else a crybaby
Lawrence, thats a little ironic, you're the biggest crybaby on funhaus. You whine and bitch the second you start to lose in a game, and get all pissy.
Though, I guess I'd act the same way if I had a fat girlfriend, and all my friends were banging hotties.

Adam has said on countless occasions that he browses Sup Forums.
be is probably in this thread right now

James and elyse also browse
But James is a Sup Forumsfag


Just another reason to love James

Yes :(

James is bluepilled as fuck.

Proof? That doesn't look like James at all.

You have to go back
I don't remember the video sorry

>James is a Sup Forumsfag
He's actually the biggest SJW in the group. Never seen the time he spoke about being Latino and used it to virtue signal about how race isn't skin color or some shit? Sup Forums would make him have an aneurysm.

That anniversary podcast gave me cancer
>We do ultra casual shit and we suck RT cock because maybe YouTube shuts down tomorrow or they don't want our type of content
Well fuck dude how about you all become carpenters and electricians, maybe the Internet will shut down soon.

I don't know what mockery is

James is actually the most SJW of them all, like when Trump won he tweeted some really salty shit

You very clearly don't. If you want an example of what mockery is, it'd look something like what James does whenever he talks about right-wing stuff because he thinks it's "edgy" and "audacious."

If you're willing to look for the proof it was on one of the reading your comments videos.
Someone mentioned Sup Forums in comments and everyone started talking about it

but let's forget all the racist jokes he has made(just like all of them)

>elyse is a leaf
>and a woman
>is actually funny

Sup Forums btfo


>e celeb thread
>it's shitty normiebait e celebs

wow embarrassing

But she isn't funny, she is just a fucking autistic woman that virgins feel they have a chance with because she is on MUH GAYMEN CHANNEL.

Adam's casually suggested Sup Forums as a resource for a lot of things, and in one of the older Dude Soups, Lawrence was live-reading the Dead or Alive threads during that controversy.

So if it's a comment in relation to a question, it's a complete mockery/satire but if it's said in the video where they're intended to deliver comedy, it's absolutely sincere?

I'm a pol fag and the #1 rule is don't reveal your power level. Especially if you're a (((YouTube))) personality. But a brother can tell another brother even if they try to hide it.

Puerto Ricans are never going to be white, James, get over it.

epic post

I dont think any virgins think they have a chance with a married woman

Autismo or not, Elyse is funny.


>This is a joke but the actual jokes he says to be edgy are completely honest

The only ones who have a chance to be Sup Forumsfags are Lawrence and Adam - Lawrence because he most likely wants a beta uprising due to having a shitty social life, and Adam because he's the only one who tries to keep quiet whenever political topics arise.

They don't think they really have a chance, but in all their little pathetic waifu fantasies they can pretend they do, CUZ SHE VIDYA GAEM TOO

No, its because she's cute.

faggot, she isn't. you just see a woman and your beta mind thinks everything she does it great

his laugh makes my day.

what a character.

in all fairness Sup Forums would make any level headed, well rounded human being have an aneurysm after witnessing how hilariously delusional that entire echo chamber is


>anime poster being retarded

weebfag, fuck off, she is a manjaw autistic bitch. the only reason anyone likes her is because she has a vagina

>H-he's just hiding his power level!

Not going to Reddit mate. I judge what kind of person someone is by their personal life. I don't think sir larr is pol because he has a tumblrina grill. And Adam has a cat. And any one who owns a cat is either a liberal or has liberal tendencies. Also, /\ is definitely pol and fit.

This, james is a bluepilled faglord


no u

You weebs are honestly sad, i really feel sorry for you.

>fh_James 19 points 8 months ago
>I'm Latino, too. Diversity is a weird thing, especially if the only way someone sees it is when they look at the shade of someone else's skin.
He's one of the biggest spouters of the "THERE'S ONLY ONE RACE THE HUMAN RACE" rhetoric leftwingers love.

Larr is definitely Sup Forums though. Fucker's actually legit gone through divorce. That will make you develop /r9k/-tier anger at anything. And if you check Adam's own YouTube channel, he does imply he's one of the more rightwing individuals in the group.

>tfw the AH overwatch vs video
>tfw they hired ringers
>AH's ringer was Geoff's 11 year old daughter
>she actually cares about the game when literally nobody else does
>she and her team get shitstomped for a whole hour
feels sad


It was payback for when they did it to FH during SMITE. It's petty, but I thought it was kinda funny. Pretty sure they were all in on it as well.

Adam browses Sup Forums

Jesus fuck, how autistic are you. I know James isn't deus vulting around. Like I said, he's a (((YT))) personality. He has to put on airs to keep his job. He's fit, has a blonde wife, a dog and has top knotch wants. I promise you no matter how differently he says he's pol. Also,

Yeah I know what it was for. AH at least got some random shmucks from their office instead of a legitimate esports team. Guess they got them because the last time they got a ringer they got blown out of the water in Dead by Daylight
And yeah I thought it was funny too for like the first half of the video

If he were redpilled, he wouldn't be a racemixer.

Top knotch bantz
Mobile fag

I though he only browses /wg/

>"Named after my uncle Jaime"
That's the joke

Prove it

>e-celeb trash
If you feel you need to discuss this crap you can go and do that literally anywhere else

Here's the real situation:

Partially redpilled, doesn't really care enough to state his views on it unsolicited because he knows he won't have influence on anyone who doesn't wanna listen. Obviously jaded enough to help concrete it. Has referenced using various Sup Forums boards, ranging from /wg/ to Sup Forums to /vg/.
If he's not Sup Forums redpilled, he's /r9k/ "redpilled" and has sunk down to the point the only things that can satisfy him are alcohol, banging a tumblrina, and glorious 2D. Runs on autism. Was browsing Sup Forums live pm several DudeSoups.
Doesn't give the slightest fuck, but his own views put him in redpilled territory. Mild autism as well.
Canadian, so it doesn't matter. Minor leftwing tendencies, but so is pretty much any Canadian woman. Most likely looks at Tumblr for muppet stuff alongside Reddit.
Bluepilled spic who racemixes and married a Canadian woman. Twitter, Reddit (Primarily his own subreddit), and Youtube primarily.
Awkwardly doesn't care about any of that shit, just wants to make fart jokes and play video games. Reddit and Rooster Teeth forums.
He's Jewish, do I need to say more?
A precious angel immune to politics

Bruce is the annoying friend nobody wants to kick out of the group

Hey settle down, ok?

Hmmm. I'll agree. Seems right but I still think James is redpilled.

Do you have anything to back it up? not trying to diss you, i am honestly curious

He tries to use rightwing rhetoric as "comedy" because he knows it's edgy enough for JewTube get shock laughter. He doesn't make those kind of jokes as soon as anyone who isn't white comes on board - like with the Rahul video - because he doesn't want to offend them.