ITT: games that destroy your fingers.
ITT: games that destroy your fingers
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fingering your mom game
Fingering the guy whose fingering your mom while hes fingering her
Stepmania no contest.
Anything on my psp go.
Fingering the guys who's fingering the guy whose fingering your mom while hes fingering her
did you get laid yet
Totally worth it.
Holy shit, I thought other fighting games made it hard on my fingers
Rhythm Heaven. It shouldn't, but for some reason when there's a timed press after a long pause (like in Exhibition Match) I press the button way too hard and hurt my thumb.
Literally Melee.
Your mom's box.
Oh my God I just LOVE reddit! :)
haha lol
This and it's sequel gave me blisters on my fingers.
lol! upvoted!
Cave Story on a normal 3DS. I don't recommend it. I nearly broke my hands in trying to do the true ending.
Gunz The Duel K-Style is the ultimate example of pain bringing perfection
warframe fucks up my pinky from constantly using ctrl to slide. I should re-bind it but probably never will.
tekken when you are fighting Jinpachi
>have to roll thumb along square while meleeing to summon swords while playing as Vergil
>need to use swords to keep style up
I didn't even make it to mission 5 before I started feeling the burn.
O&A party rock
"Oh hey user, I heard you enjoyed not having carpal tunnel"
I was going to post this.
I had a friend who's N64 controller broke while he was doing one of those and it actually punctured his palm. There was a good amount of blood.
Shit was so cash.
Kid Icarus Uprising
monhun on the 3ds. not as bad as it was on the psp but fucks sake just let me play it on a system with a controller.
Diablo 3 after I played Demon Hunter for a while.
MMOs where you need lots of keybinds that you have to hit often.
FFXIV is actually giving me the warning signs of carpal tunnel syndrome and if it gets worse in the next expansion I may have to stop playing, for my health.
Fucking Kid Icarus: Uprising for 3DS. Shit destroyed my hands after playing it a bit. I swear, it was meant for people with 3 hands.
Fucking budokai tenkaichi 3 beam struggles where the best when playing with feiends. We used to have tournaments, that shit got intense back in the day.
That boycunt looks overly abused.
Take leather belt and hang yourself on the nearest door, you sack of shit.
triggered? dont worry user, cute boys excite me too :)
what are professional wrestling games circa 2004-2010?
it has the most hardest songs beside Guitar Hero II and warriors of rock every con and tourney i go they chose that one
what are you , faggot?
skull girls
mario party; it will break you
of course not user
Ace Combat on the psp
>Any gen 4 fighting game. Mortal Kombat, in particular.
>Megaman X final boss
>Panzer Dragoon, during any of the boss fights where shooting is more effective than locking on
dat neck to kek
I really wonder how much better the psp would have sold if they had just given it a second thumbstick
>mfw i never ended a megaman game
Personally, I only ever finished X1 because I've had that since childhood. Picking up any of the further ones gets me lost.
i cant event finished x1 and the originals
I was indeed thinking the same thing, my good sir! XD
Here is a Up(you) for you, my strapping young fellow *Nyuck nyuck* 3 ;
Set a few mouse traps and roll a dice. Whatever it lands on is the amount you have to trigger with your finger. If you roll a six, your turn is skipped.
Good game to play with friends.
How has Kingdom Hearts not come up yet?