itt: things that make you go WOOOOOOOOW
i'll start - bullshit bosses that are literally impossible
itt: things that make you go WOOOOOOOOW
i'll start - bullshit bosses that are literally impossible
Git gud
Not him but git gud.
1. His first phase can be tanked with a good shield; his second phase cannot so you need to time your dodges.
2. You don't need to do crazy rolls and jumps to avoid his 180° fire sword attack; just walk to his left (your right)
3. Only heal when he's in the middle of an attack animation. If he sees you healing he'll rush like crazy even if you're at the other side of the arena
I beat him first try. Maybe dont suck so much at the game. Also you dont need shields fuck the other poster
fuck off casual scum, fume knight is the best boss in the entire souls series (not including bloodborne)
DSP pls go
I beat him with hexes on the second try.
That poster here. In fact, I discourage to use shields during this fight. It's the only fight in the Souls trilogy where you simply can't tank with a shield.
More ADP, son. And get rid of all of those....healing things? around him.
I could never beat Alonne though, had to summon. And the run back to him was BULL-FUCKING-SHIT
That's cute.
But Alonne is easier. You just need to not be greedy with your hits so he doesn't impale you with his "now I'm supercharged" attack.
And you can easily run past those soldiers.
this boss just proves how bad at video games neo Sup Forums is
It got really grating. Great fight though.
I thought he was a nightmare, and so was the run back to him. I had to pussy out and summon, no real reason to anyway since he was optional.
Beat him on my first try with my bare fists. Try learning to play the damn game.
>Implying bare fists + vanquisher's seal aren't powerful
I wrecked invaders like you have no idea.
A running theme I've established by talking to people and establishing whether or not Rhaime was hard for them:
Shieldfags get rekt by Rhaime.
Good players destroy him in 1-2 attempts.
Fume Knight is fucking baller, beating him on NG+1 with his own weapon is one of my favorite memories with the series. Can you not roll or something?
This is true.
I'm a shieldfag and I lost like 100 times to him until I understood that shield and armor were useless here.
Well, as I said before, you can tank his first phase as long as you time correctly your heals and your shield raising, but the second phase is impossible because one or two blocked hits and all of your stamina is gone.
Getting stunlocked to death with a rapier in let it die.
If he had rolled instead of being greedy and attacking he wouldn't have died.
so glad I didnt play the DS2 DLC. I couldnt deal with anymore "oh yeah I got hit even though I rolled because I dont have adp".
>so glad I didnt play the DS2 DLC
Missing some of the best content in the series isn't a good thing though.
First phase: roll back from anything save for his lunge attack, move to the right (his left) and hit him twice.
Second phase: dodge toward him, slightly to the left (his right) and get two hits. When he winds up for the slow as hell 180 move just walk up to him and roll under it.
Took me 12 times to finally get it together but I beat him on ng8 with this strategy. Usually don't even get hit
I hate to be that guy but I managed to dodge him just fine without levelling up ADP; you just need to time your jumps.
And you're missing out the best DLC content in the Souls games (to be fair I haven't touched The Old Hunters yet so my opinion can change).
It's "greedy" to attack when you have an opening because the boss is attacking away from you but the hitbox is shit so you die anyways?
iframes don't make up for bad hitboxes
Maybe you should have leveled your ADP scrub.
why he have one slab and one large sword?
he might do better with just one or the other.
>summoning phantoms
How can you be greedy in Dark Souls 2 where the biggest challenge isn't from the bosses but the game's own mechanics?
What? This guy has 2 phases when I fought him it was only ever 1? What's the second phase like
How does he stab him when he's facing the opposite direction. Shit game
implying Raime isn't the best boss in the series
I call "phase two" when he imbues his sword with fire and starts using fire-based attacks.
Really? What was good about it IYO? Only thing that really stood out was the ivory king battle. Brume tower, ice place were lame. The sanctum city was cool visually but a shit level
You DS2 fags who defend garbage like this need to be shot.
>post example of terrible hitboxes
>dumbass posts same shit with maxed out iFrames
It's supposed to be a crutch, not a necessity
Where you wearing velstadts helmet?
you DS1 cucks who genuinely think it is good
Wrong pic OP. You should've posted Burnt Ivory King
Fuck him, he isn't even hard, but the hundreds of knights you have to fight each attempt is bullshit.
Looks like shit
if you're shit maybe
>The sanctum city was cool visually but a shit level
I've only played DS2 and Bloodborne. Is the consensus that DS2 is the easiest in the series, even with DLC?
The DS2 bosses that are often described as absolutely ridiculous felt just challenging to me, while their Bloodborne counterparts actually felt absolutely ridiculous.
Too true, but it does make them a lot more tolerable
He does that at the start though
Free the other knights so they can help you
If you're using miracles you can heal said knights
Don't kill the last burn knight; stall until your remaining knight ally seals the last portal
I liked the level design on all three locations (minus the snowstorm with rapehorses, fuck that), they were all different in unique ways.
And they had a bunch of really cool bosses.
also gave you a solid ending if you finished them all, talked to dead ass Vendrick got the crown and all that.
>Good players destroy him in 1-2 attempts.
You mean people who watched the boss fight on youtube and then pretend it's their first time?
Had a lot more trouble with the last boss of this dlc than this guy, blue smarter too if you count the run up to him
Idk this guy was really straight forward took me less tries than Atorias the first time I fought hin
Fume Knight was legit fun for me but Sir Alonne is hardest fight for me
Just use a rapier and the red iron twinblade and shit on the game. I'll outcheese it before it can fuck me over
He does it permanently later in the fight, but there are ways to trick him I to never using it I forget how bit maybe you were doing that unintentionally
I'd say the easiest is DaS3, mainly because of your character mechanics.
Also, most people who say the hard BB bosses are ridiculous don't touch the Chalice Dungeons/don't do them at the levels they're supposed to (layer 4-5).
They don't one shot Fume Knight, they just need strangers on the internet to believe they did
It's hard to have an unbiased opinion, since Souls games become much easier once you "get it", and my first was DS1. But I feel that DS3 is probably the easiest, given that most enemies can be stunlocked by R1 spam and Estus is practically unpunishable.
I haven't played BB, but DS2 was probably the hardest of the three, full of bullshit like some of the webms in this thread where you get hit even after clearly visually dodging and a lot of gangbang enemy mobs. Most of the bosses are pitifully easy though, if they're not full of the mob enemies and retarded hitboxes that plague the rest of the game.
I've played 4 of 5 souls games in the following order:
Dark Souls -> Dark Souls 2 -> Dark Souls 2 SOTFS -> Dark Souls 3 -> Bloodborne (vanilla; haven't tried the DLC portion or the majority of the chalice dungeons yet).
In my opinion the hardest is the very first one you play. I found Dark Souls 1 the hardest and Bloodborne the easiest.
If you were wearing I think the Bell-Ringer Knight helmet from that guy in the Catacombs, Fume Knight gets FUCKING PISSED, and will immediately go into the second phase.
The first Souls game you play is likely going to be the hardest. I played DS3 -> DS1 -> DS2 -> BB in that order and DS1 & DS2 (aside from ADP faggotry) were trivial and I probably died to 1-2 boss in each game more than 3 times. BB was the same. The only challenge I felt in BB were the DLC bosses. I guess you could count the retarded garbage in defiled chalice dungeons as hard but that was more tedious and about exploiting retarded AI than it was actually hard.
>Funny moves
>Shit design
>Mediocre scenes
>Universal music
>Bored backstory
Top five hardest bosses. Post yours, full series, DLC included.
1) Pthumerian Descendant
2) Orphan of Kos
3) Fume Knight
4) Loran Darkbeast
5) Ludwig the Accursed
Honorable mentions: Flamelurker, Knight Artorias, Sir Alonne.
Why would you do that to yourself?
I'd say that Scholar is the hardest. That DLC has some real fuckery in it and so does the main game.
2 >1>3>Demon's
BB > 2 > 3 > 1 > DeS
What's so hard about descendant? I don't think he's ever landed a hit on me.
How about hardest DS/BB enemy? I havent played BB yet, but my vote goes to those asshole horses in the Frigid Outskirts, and maybe the knights in the Iron Keep and Iron King Memory
Why do you love niggasouls
Its mediocre game
is that his smegma
1. Ludwig
2. Orphan
3. Pontiff
4. Manus
5. Namless King
No self respecting game designer would make a boss impossible unless you where meant to lose
/r/ing that dark souls meme song that was just a chant going "duhhhhhhhhhh" "duhhhh"
1) Artorias
2) Champion Gundyr
3) Manus and Nameless King kinda same spot
Rest was a grind but definitely doable.
If you havent done CDs yet these asshole will tear you a new one esp. in Defiled(basically Hp is cut in half)
I beat this boss, but not without great difficulty. DS2 and DS3 are the only ones I've beaten.
>attacks you
>does wide 180 so your sword can't hit him
>hits you from behind
>run for a breather and a sip
>teleports behind, nothing personel
I only break out a shield for that irithyll alley where they show up. Fuck dogs
Holy fuck, my heart stopped when it started sprinting.
I was exactly like OP a few hours ago when I faced him
Then i beat him and now think he was really lame
yeah they're pretty spoopy
Wished there were in the main game esp. in upper cathedral ward with all the brain suckers
Oh my god I forgot about that part.
Why was Dark Souls II so fun?
Wasn't that part a joke on Capra Demon?
You can parry them so easily though, but yeah the first encounter is terrifying because you dont expect them to zig zag their way to you and cleave your asshole in half
All the insanely dangerous areas. I love the game for that.
Non-boss enemy?
1) Giant sharks in Fishing Hamlet
2) Cats in Darkroot Garden
3) Winter Lanterns
5) Those enormous executioner guys in the blood lake toward the end of the Hunter's Nightmare
This Stunning Game Has Been Made By Just One Person
JUSTed every time. I hate this entire fucking area and concept.
>run down hallway
>8 knights pop out while you get shot with fireballs
DS2 in a nutshell
I still can't beat him without cheesing
All right, friends. Worst five areas.
1) Iron Passage
2) Frigid Outskirts
3) Nightmare Frontier
4) 3-2
5) Earthen Peak
I can feel the fury seeping through time and space.
I remember having trouble with him because he has invisible hitboxes.
i tried to fight this guy over and over with my Guts character,and i kept losing then one day i decided
>fuck it, ill just wear this dress to fight em
and that was the win
Whenever I breed the 5 IV's I've been looking for on a pokemon.
Outskirts are the word.
Literally DaS2 had the worse areas.
How many bonfires in hallways with enemies before the boss are there again? Like 7?