Fallout 4 > worms > dirt > Planned Parenthood > Witcher 3

Fallout 4 > worms > dirt > Planned Parenthood > Witcher 3

This bait is mine and this is now a Witcher thread



>tfw fallout 4 is actually more red-pilled than the witcher 3

He's just a solid snake rip off

he's just a snake plissken ripoff


He's just a Horatio Nelson rip off.

You got me. I had to Google it.

i'm with you my man

I literally just beat the FO4 main quest.

It's shit. Really really fucking lazy. Awesome game world with awesome shooting combat ruined by terrible writing and motherfucking annoying radiant quests.

What makes FO4 better is that Witcher 3 was near unplayable due to it's shitty combat

>Even though the game aspects are great, the story/writing makes it bad

Retarded frogposter

It's a story focused game you retarded piece of shit.

I bet you like the transformers movie because even though the story, directing and editing are complete and utter trash the visual effects and action scenes are amazing.

Kill yourself.

>open world
>story focused

You are so dumb it's just sad

Damn right, kiddo. Fallout 4 is the best RPG of this generation. And I don't mean console generation, I mean generation of people.

>Fallout game
>Not driven by good writing

I bet your first Fallout was 3, you gigantic oxygen wasting faggot.


Worms, dirt, and Planned Parenthood are pretty important. If anything, they should be ahead of Fallout 4.

>game of the year
>doesnt have gameplay
how does this work out

I liked all those games desu
Why has 2016 been such a disappointment compared to last year?