Moments in Vidya you couldnt get past/got stuck

I couldn't get past this part after hours of trying so I just returned the game

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>hours of trying
took that long

Is that the first time you enter there?
Because all you have do is run away.

This part was pretty hard too


You're fucking with me right


good joke thread

in star fox adventure, there's some rail shooter section surrounding this red spire and you have to shoot at these bat things that come out of it or something. I gave up

also got to the last miniboss in persona 4's real final dungeon, beat it, thought of the next four floors or so and the time investment it would take to keep going and beat the game, and gave up

I think you can even use a Ferrystone to fast travel back to Gran Soren and that's good enough

It took me. TWO. YEARS. To git gud, Sup Forums

After I beat her, I never picked the game up again.

Yeah you fucked up. Missed out on a great game because you're a dumbass...

Nah, just run back the way you came and then a short cut scene of you running away plays.

Last boss in GUN

Got too spooked.

the first level of back to the future 3 on the genesis. i had to get my dad to beat it for me every time.


Your party even tells you "RUN AWAY", fucking idiot.

this still pisses me off

i beat her when i was 12 years old

hard as fuck though.

The dragon in Bravely Default
I don't think I like video games anymore

I was 11 or 12 when I first started, regularly quit and picked up the fight every few months, finally sat myself down when I was probably around 14 and finally beat it.

Not sure why I didn't continue, but I've lost the copy by now. Shame.

Meme or not, but that stupid barrel in sonic 3 carnival level

>Meme or not

Never had a problem with this, but that damn "keep the bar within the line" shit during one of the 4th spirits test i think. The scene always broke my concentration.

got through Ocarina of Time all the way to Ganondorf and didn't even fight him because I thought I would lose. I had already watched my older brother beat the game. didn't beat it myself until over a decade later on pj64

That fucking part, dude. A friend and I had been hanging out, playing it together and actually having fun. Then this comes up and we stall for three days. We tried every fucking trick we could think of and NOTHING worked. Finally my dad hears us yelling, asks why we're being shits and I whine that we're gettin' mad at vidya. He asks what to do, we pass him the controller, bam. Its over. Took him twelve seconds.

I got triggered by that boss fight because I never had a dad to play catch and throw with

lmao. funny enough, I had a similar problem in dragon ball z budokai 1, an extra mission where you have to mash the button. My older cousin was over and he beat it instantly, I would have asked him to beat this shit if I hadn't already forsaken that POS game for the button mashing bullshit before hand.

Return to the Haunted Cathedral in Thief: Gold

I'm really considering just following a walkthrough for the level or atleast consulting one for some help, since I can't fucking fight 2 haunts

I never found out the gimmick to that immortal boss in alrunda 2.

See that goat?
That was the first enemy I ever had to beat in a videogame, I was about 6 years old and I was scared as fuck just to think that I had to interact with it to continue with the game.
I would replay, over and over, the first segment of the map, which is just some boxes but every day I tried to pass that goat I would chicken out almost in tears and turn off the console. I didn't even know where to start.
Then the day I figured out how to get past it I would feel an inmense fear with every new type of enemy, I remember the frog, and then the fucking mage. The horrible things that mage can do to you, that scared me a lot.
So in the end it took me about a month to beat this level, which is just the first one, and then I would hide my head in fear everytime a cutscene of a boss talking started.

I was such a massive pussy, I have fond memories of that level now. I replayed it endless times.

that level is pure patience, you cant cheese it in anyway.

Its also WAY fucking harder if you level skip to it(I have before because my save was gone but ended at that mission) and you have 0 money to buy shit before hand.

Its a legit hard level, probably the hardest in all Thief 1,2,3.

This fucking bullshit as a kid. First gay ass encounter, just reload until you get goddamn lucky.

Interestingly I can't remember getting stuck in anything for a long time, like 5 years. It can't be just about new games being easier, as I play older and newer stuff on almost equal ratio.

Ornstein and Smough probably got the closest of being a true obstacle, but even they went down in under 10 tries, alone. That Wily Dragon in Mega Man 9 was also mean, but still wasn't bad enough to waste all my lives on it.

But then again, I almost never go past the hard difficulty, I'm sure that many games would become downright painful on the hardest settings. Also, I really should try replaying some of those games that gave me hard time as kid to see if I were just shit back then, or did I actually happen upon seriously hard stuff.

I thankfully havn't levelskipped to it, but I feel like I need to go a few saves back, because those haunts fuck me up. I'm trying to listen to the friendly ghost and those fucks just keep laughing and rattling their chains

Their laugh is so terrifying

Actually scratch that, now I remember how I gave up on Master Control in N+. What a terrible level.

Megaman Legends 2
Nino Ruins

disc was scratched, hung on door to the first big pit room

i severely underestimated the cost of not treating discs with care. thank fuck i never touched floppy disks

this isnt a big spoiler but.

Its also one of the biggest levels in Thief 1, its all a facade at first.

The Reverend boss fight before gave me way more shit.

Joker doing the same thing made me jump more than Manbat.

I wonder how many people actually completed all levels in N+, it must be a fleetingly small percentage of all those who played it. It gets just insane later on.

I've gotten stuck and lost not knowing what step is next in A Link to the Past.

Haven't beaten it yet, but I'm trying again on my Gameboy Advance SP. With a walkthrough when needed, I just want to beat the goddamn game at this point.

>Joker doing the same thing made me jump more than Manbat
Fucking Rocksteady and their fear theme. If I wanted to play Resident Evil, I'd play Resident Evil.

>playing Lunar: Eternal Blue Complete years ago
>Blue Dragon fight
>sweeping party attacks on every turn, gets to heal 3000 HP for free after each attack
>my max output for damage each turn is ~2500 HP if everyone attacks and nobody heals
>choice is between spending who knows how long to grind to a competitive level, or switch to MGS2, which I had also gotten for Christmas

Never looked back.

That one fucking part in Jak 2 with the turret and having to survive waves of flying guards. You can't even change the controls from inverted.

there's so many parts from Jak 2 that I almost gave up on

that early timed delivery from the fat guy's bar to the race colosseum got me for over a year before I came back to it and beat the game

Snake Charmer boss fight in Red Ninja on hard mode. Just fucking gave up. Couldn't do it. Shit was impossible. The fight is so fucking broken it's basically pure luck. Even exploiting the AI and doing combo cancels for max damage still isn't fucking enough because of the time limit. That whole fucking game though man.

what game?

I beat her when I was eleven after 600 attempts.
>mfw I got my ass repeatedly kicked by the random enemies after the encounter and gave up completely
I'd really like to try to beat that game now. I'm sure my retarded kid self missed tons of essential shit for upgrades

this bitch was impossible without cheesing

whats this game called again? i havent played it since the tits got cut out of it

I'm playing dogma for the first time and literally just beat that place. Get gud, bitch

Protip: It's less about how fast you can press the button. It's an endurance test, you have to start at a certain rhythm and then keep the rhythm you went with. If you start fast out the gate, you have to KEEP going that fast, or you lose.

please? also did they put back in the prawn or do i have to play it without vampire tittys

I remember having a hard time with the level in Star Fox 64 where you have to save Skippy from that Monster. For some reason as a kid I was never able to beat that boss. But I came back to it an adult and kicked his shit in first try. Also Star Wolf was impossible for me since I was unable to do the manuever tricks when I was a kid.

is there a mod to fix the shit controls for this game? I really wanna do a playthrough but god damn