17 minutes of gameplay
Looks like Dead by Daylight meets State of Decay. Not as jank as DbD but still jank.
17 minutes of gameplay
Looks like Dead by Daylight meets State of Decay. Not as jank as DbD but still jank.
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>you can crouch
Can't wait to teabag the fuck out of jason, and hitting his dick once just before escaping
all they have to do is being more polished than dead by daylight and win.
Wouldn't this game get boring after a few matches though?
Dead by Daylight still going strong. The fun is the rush of killing and chasing people. On the flipside its tense as fuck trying to escape.
there are 3 or 4 maps in this, and the positions of cars, phone, cops, items and buildings are random. are buildings random in dead by daylight?
dbd is a cllusterfuck, but this seems to actually have some mild progression and need for teamwork.
I`ll probably play more bots and the single-player short scenarios than multiplayer (assuming they are released any time soon), but still...
>multiplayer only
nice animations
it's not multiplayer only. google single player
>are buildings random in dead by daylight?
No, but there's only one map in DbD with several buildings.
A cute.
>rehash everything in multiplayer and call it singleplayer
that's not singleplayer for me
It's got until next year, so it should look better.
They're adding a full on singleplayer campaign along with the bots though. It's basically Hitman with Jason.
There's also way more flexibility in F13 in terms of escape and evading Jason.
Yeah the video looks great so far. It looks playable already. Need more games where I can go on a madness filled killing rampage.
The video made it look too easy to escape by calling the police. They seem to have ignored the fact that that option was available simply to extend the video.
Also there were no sound effects whatsoever whenever someone hit Jason. I would have expected stuff like that in alpha, not just beta.
Yeah, I don't get it. But the beta starts this week and I have full access so I guess I'll see how beta it actually is.
i agree jason didn't seem much of threath. he didn't die, but he only killed 3 of 7 players and they dodged him easy. granted this is human jason who can run (zombie jason can't and must be stronger)
What's going to be the difference between this and Dead by Daylight?
He killed 4.
This has better gameplay.
Do you really think they're going to have different stats depending on which Jason skin you use? I never thought about that.
But Dead by Daylight has Michael Myers.
The dev team confirmed they do. How they actually differ is something they haven't revealed, but they all have unique weapons like Part 2 has the pick-axe, part 3 has the axe, part 7 has the machete and part 6 has the spear. All the counselors are different too. The guy was playing the character with terrible stamina and spent the entire game running for some reason.
That's pretty much all it has. The Haddonfield map looks like shit though due to every map needing debris and tall grass everywhere.
The problem with Dead by Daylight is that the Meta evolved to the point where the survivors were not afraid of the killer. They learned how to completely invalidate some killers such as the Hag and how to use the game mechanics to stay incredibly safe.
Once it reached the point that survivors felt in control of the situation the game fell apart. The survivors should NEVER EVER feel like they are in control of the situation. No mater what they do there should always be that creeping dread.
Friday the 13th will only be good if they can keep the survivors from ever feeling safe.
Do they that music to let autists know there is something happening?
>cross-platform multiplayer
Well color me impressed.
That's pretty cool, I thought it was just cosmetic. I hope to to wreck shit with Jason VI then.
>The video made it look too easy to escape by calling the police
Do they actually come in the game? They're usually blocked off or killed in the movies.
DBD is $15. They're doomed.
Where does it say that?
Eh, maybe. There was one point where he grabbed someone, they hit him, he dropped them, and he still managed to kill them a few seconds later anyway.
Steam's store page.
Name recognition.
Madden is the same shit every year, it still sells millions.
Is it really $60? Surely they're not that stupid.
Is it really full price??? HAHAHHAHAHA
Dead by Daylight indeed. Because the sales will be over the first night. Get it??? See what I did?
i'm not watching that trash
The survivors in Dead by Daylight aren't afraid even when they aren't in control. I play Nurse, which means they can't get memey with me I can kill them if they taunt and do stupid aggressive stuff, and they still do it, even as they are dying.
Preorder beta in three days, fuckers.
That's just a placeholder, they haven't confirmed it and I doubt it will be in.
It's only $60 if you want a shiny box. Digitally it's $40, but that's still hefty.
I got it for $40 since I backed it.
Looks brutal as fuck, I genuinely hope there will be an option to turn down the violence some... Fucking christ.
What would Tom Savini do for a video game? Do they motion capture his gore effects or something?
He directed the kills.
You don't even see much violence in that video.
Here's some violence:
Yes, he designs the kills and designed a new Jason skin, and I imagine he has a say in other stuff do. Kane Hodder, one of the Jason actors does the mocap for Jason.
Was that guy playing Jason not killing those isolated people to give them a chance or is Jason just that underpowered and easy to escape from if he grabs you?
I think the more stamina you have the easier it is to escape his grasp.
>that trailer
whoa, i guess the MPAA can't fuck with Tom now
It will all depend on how the meta evolves, how devs deal with balance/frustration and what reward/ranking systems will be implemented to keep people playing.
Xv1 games have always been a nightmare to balance and IMO no one has done it well enough.
Evolve was a fucking mess, even through Stage 2, the game was extremely Monster favored except at the absolute highest level of play (tournament play) where it reached some sort of balance at the end of Stage 2. It died because the game was extremely frustrating most of the time for either side.
DBD's balance is a bit better for pubs but at high levels it's extremely Survivor favored and playing against 4 teamed up Rank 1 survivors is extremely frustrating for any killer.
That's because DbD was never designed with team play in mind. They didn't add a party system until several weeks after it was released.
Friday The 13th 2 Jason skin confirmed. Beyond hyped for the game now.
Who jungle fever here?
ITs sad what has happened to DbD. WAY back in the Beta it was a fucking BLAST. I loved being a killer and a survivor. I was always afraid that the Trapper was right around the corner and took it all slow and steady. It was a thrill when he found me and chased me or I got trapped and I was struggling to get out of it. As a killer it was amazing to watch the survivors fuck up the gen and all scatter when you rushed up on them quickly.
Now I have survivors that will keep working on the gen when you know they see you to until the last moment then just walk calmly to the closest pallet and stare you down knowing that if they drop it they are safe for a while.
I really hope Friday the 13th is good because I want that thrill back.
Fuck this looks like a really good game, but I stand to watch and get the sensation that I might vomit.
The Fuck does Jank mean?
Janky, it means clunky, unpolished, rigid.
Oh ok 30 year old way out of the loop here
Well, at the very least Jason can potentially kill you just by getting near you, no need to hook you 3 times.
DBD has Michael Myers.
It will happen to F13 too. After enough time people are going to figure the game out. And if the survivors are truly hopeless most of the time, you can bet people WILL cry about it.
>1 minute into the match, Jason got lucky, found me first and I died, there was nothing I could do! devs pls fix this is not fun!
This game isn't trying to be competitive, so it might not inspire the same salt.
They could always just let people who died exit and start a new game. Something like World of Tanks lets you do.
See at that point its all about developer integrity. DbD devs gave in in the first WEEK. They did not want a party mode but people whines so they made one. That was the first step to doom because now there were party's with mics coordinating so fucking good killers had little hope.
Players whining and crying is fine so long as the devs dont just give in and ruin the game.
Neither was dead by daylight but there is so much salt in that community itss worse than Sup Forums.
I'm 36 and use "jank" or "janky" all the time. Try leaving the house.
DbD absolutely sees itself as a competitive game. The devs want half the players to escape most matches and there's an aggressive scoring system.
I know, I just hope whatever they do to keep people playing past a couple hours is good enough without some sort of ranking system or else it will die or become a salt mine like DBD.
DBD already does this but it doesn't make it any less frustrating that you got fucked by the RNG of being found and killed first before you could even do anything.
Janky I have heard but never Jank I have not really followed slang since the early 2000s
I don't think the game is going to be all that grindy. They said it's entirely linear and you just unlock as you get exp.
There's going to be salt no matter what. There isn't a multiplayer game that isn't plagued by retards.
I'm conflicted. I really liked Nexuiz, but they also made Sonic Boom.
Yeah when there were like 3 people near Jason they kept either getting out of the hold or just hitting him once and breaking the hold.
Seems to be that if you all mobbed Jason you could stun lock him or just keep him on the ground.
I understand why the nerfed him, apparently in the alpha he was so OP he would just win in minutes.
4v1 was bad enough, queue times are going to be fun if one side gets overly popular for whatever reason.
Weren't they just a contracter on that?
Will it be crossplatform play? I cant see KB+M having an advantage here
I'm pretty concerned with how lobbying is going to go. Let alone if this game can even hold a decent sized community.
You don't get to choose to play as Jason in public matches. You pick your preference and if you pick Jason you may get him or someone else who wants him may get him. I think they said they had a system in place to increase your chances as you play in the same lobby or something.
I can't imagine it will be impossible to get 8 people playing the game at once.
apparently it might be
Dead by Daylight is going through a killer rush right now. Its so bad the devs commented on it and begged killers to play as a survivor for a bit.
The good news is that F13 will have offline and bots so maybe that will help depending on the quality of the AI..
The bad news is the bots aren't coming until summer.
Has there ever been an Xbox game that could cross-platform with Playstation?
That's just because they added a new killer, or perhaps because it's a free weekend. Most of the time the majority of the playerbase is playing survivor.
I believe both sides said they were fine with it. No game that I know of does it though
No idea, I just looked them up on Wikipedia because the name sounded familiar.
Do we have a release date yet?
The counselor and jason interaction looked really weird. He didn't look like a threat and some parts of the video looked odd, not sure if it was a staging thing or just weird mechanics. There were a few points where he was like right by a bunch of them and nothing really happened. He pretty much just grabbed a guy and they hit him till he dropped them. Also the person playing kinda just like looked at Jason a good few seconds occasionally which looked really out of place and not as frantic as a close call like that should be
Also curious on what happened with the police, seemed like escape would have been much easier that way but they looked for the fuel for the sake of a longer video
Looks like it's missing a lot of polish but potentially really fun. Looking forward to seeing how it'll turn out
No, just "early 2017".
What exactly can Jason do? I saw a lot of stuff going on in that video. Are they just powers where he presses a button or does he have to do something like find a power box and smash it?
Hate that shit. I would rather have a pessimistic worst case date than none at all
Its got singleplayer too.
He has powers with a cooldown such as teleportation and Batman Vision based on counselor fear levels. I imagine he'd need to actually interact with something to cut the power.
There's barely any Jason gameplay footage and none that is unscripted. You'll have to wait until Tuesday when the game goes into a beta where people are free to stream.
So it seems like voice chat echos, implying it can be heard by players in the world. Wouldn't that be abused by people using external VoiP?
Can Jason not hear them talk? That's pretty disappointing
I just hope it does well enough to see if DbD's devs pull their heads out of their asses. If not I'll just migrate.
>Preordering gives you three beta codes to give to your friends.
A-anyone on Sup Forums preordered it?
He can hear them all scream when they see him.
It's some sort of proximity chat and getting a walkie talkie lets you talk to anyone who also has one, or something. And yeah, there's nothing they can do about people using Discord or something.
A few months ago they made a post on their forum talking about how they fixed window infinites during testing, so they're clearly paying attention to DbD.
Four, actually. Five if you count the one for yourself.
I think you haven't considered the BM possibilities if Jason could hear the survivors.
Actually, the survivors being able to stun and down Jason already opens up some pretty high-tier teabagging BM.
Me. I'll give them out when I get them.
Which qt will you play?
>The guy was playing the character with terrible stamina and spent the entire game running for some reason.
Whats his bonus if he is a fat ass that cant run good?
Yeah but I mean like their actual dialogue
I did consider BM'ing but I more considered it as an extra oomph for Jason. Being able to sneak around and hear other people's tactics and intel is pretty damn cool. Also it doesn't make a lot of sense for a dude to be hiding under a bid just chatting way Jason's every move when he's in the exact same room as him