Why does this place want everything to fail?

Why does this place want everything to fail?

Misery loves company.

"If I can't succeed nothing should!" - average Sup Forums poster

I genuinely want the video game market to crash so AAA titles die

Who dat bitch

Everyone here mistakes blind anger and dislike for things as taste.

We want things that are bad to fail so that people make good things instead. Unfortunately if bad things fail, they just make them worse.

blame the tortanic

>implying Sup Forums would want God Hand 2 to fail

Nobody here actually plays and enjoys video games, we merely dabble in the nostalgia of it all.
You can't have nostalgia for something you see for the first time.

Tortanic was the last high point of Sup Forums.

>I ironically spend all my time on Sup Forums

It's not about wanting things to fail, it's about recognizing that they will.

If the first thing you say about your game is diversity I normally wont buy it.

most of Sup Forums is mad at video games and their life so they vent on Sup Forums

God Hand 2 will never happen, that's failure right there.

Sup Forums was right about mafia 3.

>implying I'm not an average Sup Forums poster
Keep projecting.

Cause our dads condom failed and ever since we've been trying to get back at the world

Too big to fall at this point. You think EA or ubisoft will just change business models or go out of business?

Their entire infrastructure is set up for AAA gaming. At worst, they'll simply go mobile, but to think they'll just stop making games is foolish. They've invested too much.

Please more of this cute girl(male)

Pretty sure I implies you were an average Sup Forumsirgin. Just look at all the replies that are exactly the same as yours bro.

We don't want everything to fail
We are just sick of being cast aside for the lowest common denominator.

I wanted Titanfall 2 to do well. ;_;

Because games have become the most vapid, soulless, pandering, unartistic, pretentious, meaningless medium of them all and it's about time the industry crashes and burns so the medium either dies altogether or we can go back to the golden age of cheap games made by loving developers of extremely high quality like the 90s.

just like Sup Forums, Sup Forums's cynicism has not once been proven wrong

because this place is the perfect example of the vidya industry and fanboys

PC gamers want consoles to fail
Console gamers want PC to fail
Nintendo hates Playstation
Sony hates Xbox
Xbox hates Playstation
PC hates Playstation

But deep down nintendo and pc know that if Sony was to die and be replaced by xbox the gaming industry would be a million times worse.

Because Sony are a big company full of assholes, Nintendo are a big company full of assholes, PC is a huge industry full of assholes.

However Microsoft is a big company full of wannabe hitlers hellbent on destroying all other companies and industries so they can control all and drive it into the ground and drive up prices.

Look into your heart, ignore your hatred of sonyggers and realise that Microsoft as a company holding all the cards would be the worst thing ever.

Mobile is the future of gaming anyways. Micro transactions are extremely effective in mobile gaming.

It sure is a good thing that things that are "too big to fail" totally never actually fail.

Because the piece of shit games that are coming out deserve to fail but instead get supported and people praise developers who only want to fuck you over and voicing your negative opinion makes you entitled and I'm in the minority so I can only bitch on Sup Forums instead of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, or else I'll get doxxed and crucified.

I don't trust Sony any more than I trust Microsoft. I've seen what they did to this industry.

>2017 -few days
>huge majority of \V\ still believe to this very day, in an unironical kind of way TORtanic ended up a failure
>they also think they were "part of it"
that last part is more cringy than Sup Forums believing they made trump president 2bh

Look what Sony has done to movies kek. Sony dying would be great.

The immense feeling of satisfaction of watching companies that turned their backs on you for the sake of a bigger audience get their shit wrecked. This doesn't apply just to videogames, I greatly enjoying Wizards of the Coast scramble as their current Magic design is causing the game to implode and causing people to quit. So good.

Clinton lost, get over it cry baby

Tortanic was a failure in every way, both sales and quality wise, and Donald Trump is going to be the next US president. Neither of these things has anything to do with Sup Forums and Sup Forums but you can't stay in denial forever.

well i want source

Rola. She's now married to a richfag

Her name is Alyssa Hiroshika. She's a cam whore. Just Google her.

>first image is Obama

Thanks obama

>being the strongest swimmer

This makes me insanely angry. Fuck me dude.


>half poo in loo

well I'll be

It would want it to fail, because people who didn't like it wouldn't want another one like it, and the people who actually did like the first would have to fear it getting casualized to hell for the lowest common denominator.


>strongest swimmer

one eyed man is king among the blind

blame your dad

>not wanting a hypothetical God Hand 2 to fail
>Neo-Capcom owns the IP

They don't retard. Hollywood isn't ever going out of business and Banks get propped back up by the government.

>blame your dad's one eyed man ;-)

>Banks get propped back up by the government.
Yeah, when they're failing.

No government is going to bail out the fucking AAA gaming industry.

your average Sup Forums faggot thinks that exaggerated cynicism makes you sound like a witty and discerning critic while the only image it evokes is that of a miserable neckbeard dripping with resentment

Wrong Rola. You want Rola Takizawa.