Take original game someone else made

>take original game someone else made
>copy it competely
>change the name

Why are indies so popular despite being so derivative?

>They're cheap
>They're a refined version of the game they're coping
>Sometimes they're better than the game they're coping.

That's it.

Welcome to creative media

AAA devs are to busy pumping out cinematic experience garbage so there's a gap in the market for retro inspired games for indies to fill

This. I'm not paying 60 dollars for nintendo's garbage platformers when Shovel Knight delivers a better experience for 1/4th the price.


Shovel Knight takes elements from a lot of games besides Ducktales, though, and it's leagues better than any of them.

Devs have even said the biggest inspirations were castlevania and zelda 2. People just really like to attribute the downstab to ducktales.

well no shit.

a lot of the gaming industry as a whole is 'derivative'. indies are no more guilty of this than AAA titles, they just fill different niches.

because they understand that you don't have to fucking reinvent the wheel every time you get a new car

some shit just works


>what is a homage

Sure thing bub. Wayforward was making the Ducktales remake, and low and behold, some Wayforward devs leave and end up making a retro style platformer built around down stabs. Totaly a coincidence bro ;)


Way too fast paced for Castlevania.

If fans want more games of a series but the company holding the property isn't doing anything with it, why not make a clones you can enjoy those games? The problem is majority of the developers making these 'likes' fuck it up.

Sure I'd like something new and different but I'll be damned if I wouldn't play something like a Zone of the Enders clone.

whats the bottom right and middle left games?

Bottom right is Gigantic Army. It's a spritual successor to Assault Suits Valken.

Weren't half of these outright marketed as successors made by some of the original devs?

They say to create what you know.

Just bloodstained and MN9 and they were only producers anyways.

Mah nigga! that's the exact kind of game I want to make

Gigantic Army reminds me more of Leynos than anything.

So basically what you're saying is that almost every single game on here was explicitly designed and marketed as a continuation or an expansion pack for another franchise?

>is good
>made by the same guy
>gook shovelware
>made by the same guy and is gook shovelware
>furry fangame

>2 out of 6 games = majority

Alright, point out the other games and explain how they aren't.

That's why I dislike the Metroid fanbase so much: they get Metroid clones (and even good ones) all the fucking time and still they don't stop bitching.

i was really disappointed that freedom planet wasnt basically a sonic game like people said

it has sonic maps, but the enemies are too tanky for the maps and you pretty much play as rocket knight, zero from mmz if he did barely any damage or some gimmicky dog. none of them play like sonic and there's no damn near instant speed gaining move like the spindash that isnt attached to a meter or powerup

>they get Metroid clones (and even good ones)

That's a lie though.

Well it's a good thing it doesn't play like Sonic. People know Sonic, and Sonic is easily accessible. If people want Sonic they'll play a Sonic game, not a "Sonic-like" game

No it isn't. Fuck, even Bloodstained is more a Metroid than a Castlevania.

As much as I love ducktales Shovel Knight is basically just a better game. Shovel Knight doesn't have the moon theme though, I'll give it that.

it's a metroid-vania.

But there's a glut of shitty indie "metroid-vanias" but they're terrible.