Would you play a Rogue One game?
Would you play a Rogue One game?
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If I wanted to play as a strong independent female with minority companions I would just play a Bioware game.
It would be like Hatred, except the protagonist is Nadine Impor'Tina and you hunt down fucking white males on the Death Star.
I haven't seen Rogue One yet, but nice to see them using Asian actors. Be cool if there was an Asian jedi master, kind get a whole samurai motif to it.
I like the two guys on the right, they're given me this monk/samurai vibe.
Yes because the movie was fucking great
Such a relief considering how much of a letdown TFA was
The closest we'll get is a Lego game
Actually, closer than that.
>movie was fantastic
>on top of that it triggers Sup Forumsack faggots
>being a fucking weeb
In the movie it's not just monk vibes, he IS a warrior monk.
The slasher from Last Action Hero has got some sweet dance moves there.
>Giving EA your money
Asian dude isn't a Jedi but he does some really neat shit regardless.
I really felt for Krennic when I watched Rogue One, must feel like shit to pull through massive project like that and then have some faggoty moff take it all away from your hands.
>I'm in charge here!
>Do you feel in charge?
He's referring to CGI-rendered Tarkin.
I though this was a TV series at first. Still looks like a TV series cast, also the lighting in that pic makes her look older and completely different than what she actually looks like.
This honestly looks dope but I won't be spending a dime on battlefront.
When I saw him talking first time, I though that they would just show his back and a bit of reflection of front, but the absolute madmen actually showed him fully. Even more suprising, he was *almost* convincing considering that it was done full CGI.
is that the fucking guy from narcos
be real with me Sup Forums
is it any good or is it all preachy and shitty? I don't give a fuck about minority characters as long as the movie's actually decent.
I'm a sucker for Jedi/Sith/Force Shenanigans, so a game without any of that would hold little appeal for me.
Movie was pretty good, dealt more with war than jedi magic so it was a nice change of pace from the skywalker family drama also vaders scene was dope
>Would you play a Rogue One game?
Not if the TWO-TIME TWO-TIME WORST COMPANY IN AMERICA has anything to do with it.
The asians are practically a gay couple but well made
Blind man is best representation of jedi mindset and religion I've ever seen. How they made him so annoying with his prayers is is fantastic for lore building.
It's really, really OK. I liked the story they were trying to tell here, but characters were all kinda meh and some scenes feel a bit drawn out or oddly paced.
But I liked it how they showed that all rebels aren't 100% pure in their fight against the Empire.
>tfw no open world game
>playing as younger Han pre-ANH
>with Chewie as an unintrusive AI companion
>who's also playable co-op if a friend joins your game
>with multiple cities on multiple planets
>with Rogue Leader-esque space combat missions
>with decent cover fire system dead-eye-like targeting system
I'm not even about open world games but I would play the shit out of that.
I played the better version already
>But I liked it how they showed that all rebels aren't 100% pure in their fight against the Empire.
neat. I might rent it after it's out for home video.
>There are consumerist nu-males who still pay attention to Disney's abortion of Star Wars
It's time to grow up.
It's called Star Wars 1313. But thanks to Disney, you will never see it released
This. Kill yourselves, cucks.
Game still holds up after all these years, too.
don't use "faggot" as a derogatory term
>a Rogue One game?
I already did, decades ago.
Also, who still cares about Star Wars? Star Wars sucks now.
>Be careful not to choke on your ambition, Commander.
This single line was so fucking weird
Was it supposed to be funny or badass I can't tell
also a first person X-wing dogfight simulator would be sweet
quips like that really date the film. disney's take of star wars feel like generic capeshit film for low-iq sheep that just so happen to have a thin star wars veneer on them. these movies will age poorly.
>didn't see R1
I was skeptical but it was actually pretty good
A new SW flight simulator would be boss.
>watching star wars
>paying for disney shit
>funding the horrid wave of sequels and remakes and reboots and dude cgi lmao
Get better taste in film, stop watching these comic book turds.
Comic relief is a staple of Star Wars, and Darth "Apology accepted, Captain Needa" Vader is known to crack wise.
That scene with Vader and Krennic was fucking weird though, and I'm chalking it up to JEJ's age. It felt hammier than it needed to be.
>the dev of Rogue System will never be able to do an X-Wing full sim
It's called Star Wars Battlefront, and you knee-jerk autists hate it for literally no good reason anymore.
is there anything out there that feels like x-wing or tie fighter without having the star wars license? Hell I'd settle for that, I don't care too much about it actually being star wars.
Stat Wars is shit.
Superheroes are also shit.
Fuck this faggy society.
I want out.
If I don't get a torture porn movie in 2017, I'm shooting up a veterinary clinic.
>"LOL! Look at this guy. He's so edgy! Wow. I bet you wear a fedora!"
If it's a game about raping Felicity Jones up the ass for 12 hours, then yes.
Blaming Disney for the downfall of the franchise seems kinda pointless when Lucas already shitted on it so hard with the prequel trilogy. Not saying that Disney movies are necessarily much better, but at least they aren't worse than Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones.
>the "good" guy cast is a ethnically diverse selection of progressive men and women
>the "bad" guys are all white males
Love how Disney/Israel doesn't even pretend to hide it anymore.
The bitch in Rogue 1 wasn't a mary sue so it wasn't that bad
Nothing by big-name devs.
If you can tolerate indie one-man team games, check out Arvoch Conflict/Alliance - came out a few years ago, but it's a mission-based first-person spacefighter gaem.
But didn't Walt Disney hate the jews tho?
Did Donnie Yen's big guy boyfriend even have a name? What an unnecessary character.
it was alright, great action, but man, the dialog writing ranged from mediocre to atrocious, and the movie seemed to be set on ruining it's awesome scenes by ending them with bad or cheesy moments.
>Arvoch Conflict/Alliance
going off a gameplay vid of that, that's exactly what I'm looking for. thanks.
After seeing this movie today, I think I could have made the whole thing in Battlefront as machinima. Take the soundtrack, play it out with avatars from the game, and you can get all the camera panning with spectator mode.
This is not an endorsement of Battlefront nor Rogue One.
Fuck off, faggot nigger kike
you're welcome, user.
Check out Star Wraith for older games by the same guy, 3 and 4 were pretty good like a decade ago.
Maybe chuck some money his way if you really like them, usually I don't give a fuck but it's only one guy and he does good work, same guy that makes the Evochron games (poor man's Elite, essentially).
There was CGI in the original trilogy, find a better argument
Also I'm very disappointed about the Disney takeover but rogue one really wasn't as bad as these faggots said
Don't buy into the memes, fucking form your own opinion
Battlefront and Rogue One should be endorsed by anyone with a functioning brain though.
It's not preachy at all. It's just about the rebels paving the way for their revolution. None of the actors's ethnicities play a factor, despite what Sup Forums wants you to believe.
It's not perfect but it's surprisingly great. Definitely a worthy prequel to A New Hope, and far better than The Force Awakens.
Tell us what movies you like so we can baselessly shit on them
>None of the actors's ethnicities play a factor, despite what Sup Forums wants you to believe
Of fucking course they don't, the places those ethnicities originate from don't even exist in Star Wars. Are people really this fucking stupid?
Rhetorical, I know what board I'm on.
No shit, faggot. Tell that to all the alt-rightists all over the internet shitting on a movie they haven't seen.
Ah yes, that 1977 CGI. Incidentally, one of the first major uses of CGI in film was the Genesis Device (in 1982): youtube.com
Halo Reach is pretty close
yeah man! those damn bigots and racists shitting on ghostbusters without even see it! UPBOAT THIS BRO, BRING LIBERALISM BACK TO Sup Forums