why are imperials such faggots?
lmao tribes literally kill each other and people get mad cuz it's racist to defend your clay.
No matter which side you choose, the Thalmor lose.
>People getting triggered by fictional in game storylines
I join whatever faction gets me the most loot. It's a fucking game. Like I give a shit.
>Sup Forums
>Ulfric is such a racist
>More non-nords live in his city than anywhere else in Skyrim
>not knowing that Ulfric is a Thalmor sleeper agent just waiting to be utilized
exactly this, according to those notes during that one story mission there is no wrong choice
>they're confined to a ghetto and literally murdered in the streets
>was tricked while held in captivity once
>Thalmor report plainly states that they don't want him to win the civil war because they won't be able to barter with him anymore
Gee whiz I wonder who's behind this post
People don't become racist in homogeneous societies.
>literally murdered in the streets
The butcher only targeted Nord women. Also the dunmer don't give a fuck about the killings and Ulfric is weak for letting those ungrateful faggots stay in Windhelm at all.
They contribute nothing and whine about how hard they have it. He didn't have to give them refuge at all.
I joined the Stormcloaks out of pure spite of the beginning. Start off, about to be beheaded for a crime (if you even committed one) and the cunt imperial list holder is so uncaring. "Who cares, he goes to the block".
The faction opposing the imperials could be literally Hitler and I'd join just for the chance to kill the scumbags who would kill me and a petty hose thief without a second thought.
It's why I installed the alternate start mod though.
>useful as a destabilising force.
>the Nords and Empire wouldn't team against the Elves.
Yeah ok buddy.
>implying the Thalmor wouldn't use evidence of his betrayal to blackmail him
>implying Ulfric is smart enough to see through Thalmor machinations
He's compromised, you fucking sperg. You can't meme magic Ulfric into the high kings throne.
but you can kill that bitch with the list then do whatever the fuck you want
>You can't meme magic Ulfric into the high kings throne.
but you can regular magic him to the throne
I like using the unrelenting force shout myself
>Not reading the note all the way to the end where it says a Stormcloak victory fucks them over as well
>the Nords and Empire wouldn't team against the Elves.
That is literally what's being fought over in skyrim, user.
Ulfric isn't going to do a 180 and go help defend the white-gold tower, which is literally the only thing that matters in the long term.
How? That and they force you to choose between storm cloak and imperial right at the beginning. Like fuck that I wouldn't join anyone. I'd be looking to get my hands untied then book it. Fuck everyone.
>Ulfric is such a bitch he challenges a boy-king for his throne, after coming to the capital under the guise of just peacefully talking
>Said boy-king would have happily left the Empire if Ulfric had asked but no, dumbfuck wanted the High King throne for himself
>A seasoned soldier used the Thu'um to murder the kid, didn't even trust his own martial prowess to see him through
I choose Imperial solely because Ulfric is a huge, dumb cunt.
he did try to kill that one high elf bitch didn't he?
you get to pick who you want to untie you, the game generates a short narrative right through the point you get to riverwood. you can pick the stormcloak path, kill that ho ass ho, steal her armor, kill that twisted asshole torturer follow whats his face to riverwood and that's it. you just don't get access to the blacksmith's house, and instead the farmhouse around the corner. you can still join the empire from there if that's what you want
You're missing the point.
Thalmor have dirt on Ulfric that could jeopardize his position. All the Thalmor have to do is make demands that don't outweigh the value of their information. And the Thalmor being the conniving bastards that they are, it's quite possible that they could string along Ulfric for quite some time without him outright refusing.
He's compromised by a foreign power. He's a poor choice for leader.
>A seasoned soldier used the Thu'um to murder the kid, didn't even trust his own martial prowess to see him through
I always saw that as more him going back to tradition. Nords in the early days of the first era always used the Thu'um as their weapon more then anything else.
But yeah, he's a cunt. He doesn't care about Skyrim at all, just the throne.
I went with Stormcloaks because Ulfric is an actual character and Tullius is just cardboard cutout military commander with a good voice actor.
They're not confined to the ghetto, they were given it for free as refugees when it was the most beautiful part of the city
And the one who owns the farm outside the city tells you that most of them are complaining over nothing instead of trying to improve things.
ulfrics a faggot.
>they were given it for free as refugees when it was the most beautiful part of the city
When was this said?
aren't the dunmer refusing to work because farming is actually fucking hard labor in a tundra?
He's compromised how? The Thalmor dossier explicably states that he's an asset only for the chaos he creates in Skyrim. At the end of the Stormcloak rebellion, the Thalmor have lost what little control they had over Skyrim.
Even if the Empire kept control over Skyrim, the Thalmor would still have their foot in the door.
Some npc or book talks about it. They were given the "snow quarter" to stay in, and over time they degraded it into the "gray quarter" as it turned into a ghetto.
The snow quarter was supposed to be the most beautiful and historic part of the city.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
Yes, that's why the Dunmer who actually owns the farm has to employ nords.
The rest hang about in their self-made ghetto being useless and complaining.
The high elf fence also tells you the dunmer are morons.
Which book because I've never heard any npc talk about it.
It's because they were given everything for free and expected the locals to adapt to them and their culture, rather than Riften where they were given nothing and had to earn their keep, thus adapting to the local culture instead.
The whe situation is actually decently written but most fucking retards who play just see the 2 hobos harass a dark elf and go "durrr stormcloaks racist"
>Refuse to work because it's too hard
>Refuse to fight because it's not their war
Dark Elves useless leeches confirmed.
Listen we can argue all day about how dunmer women love scaly/barbed dick and that's the reason why they had so many slaves working there farms, or we can realize how truly wrong both the empire and the stormcloaks are and work towards making existence as a hole better place.
Ulfric has more character, but the more you learn about him the more you realize how insufferable and cowardly he is. That is why killing him is very rewarding.
there are some Dark Elf farms right outside of Windhelm though, the ones inside the walls are just being s'wits. Probably Hlaalufags.
I don't blame him, he's all fucked in the head from the great war and years of thalmor torture
He does give one pretty good speech though
The assassination of Titus Mede II triggered me so fucking hard. Thank fuck Dark Brotherhood isn't canon, they'd be killing a remarkable emperor.
>skyrim predicts the european refugee crisis 100% accurate several years before it happens
just makes you think
He only ever fought in a single battle because his dumb ass got caught immediately afterwards.
I really liked that quest though
The way he calmly accepts his death, its just the sort of dignified response you'd expect from an emperor
Had to kill him obviously, dark brotherhood and all that but also obliged his last request
In fairness, the king ACCEPTED the challenge.
The rules of the duel were clear and ulfric chose to break them when he was losing.
Sounds like Nords have good reason to be racist against Dark Elves.
Just like they have good reason to not want khajiit in their cities. Ri'Saad gives you some sob story about how nords think they're all skooma dealers and criminals and then they sell skooma and are thieves guild fences.
2 drunks harass a dark elf woman
A local young man gets beheaded because he opened the gate for Ulfric
Except he was part of the battles to free Markarth, elf cocksucker.
pretty sure no rule stop him from using hos voice, something every nord should possess to a lower extend.
hell, he says so when you talk to his fucking ghost up in vallhala
Titus Mede II is a little bitch.
no they just find other prejudices to scapegoat.
He fought a bunch of bretons not elves.
Jurgan windcaller says otherwise.
a woman gets killed in the streets and then they send the slayer of Alduin to jail for no reason.
The guy was a traitor who started the civil war.
Only the greybeards follow his rules and they're retarded. The ancient nords who saved the world from alduin didn't follow his rules. The player character doesn't follow his rules (unless you go out of your way to do so)
>The way he calmly accepts his death, its just the sort of dignified response you'd expect from an emperor
>try to pickpocket him and fail
>he loses his shit and starts fighting you barehanded like some random retarded bandit
Ruined it for me.
He wasn't a traitor, literally everyone you talk to who knew him says this. If he didn't open the gate, Ulfric might have killed him as well.
that's high treason
The greybeards are the only ones who can use the voice after he died and ulfric swore an oath to never use it for himself when he became their student.
How is it treason? He beat the king in a legitimate duel according to all Skyrim customs.
Did you not notice the crowd yelling traitor after he showed no remorse for opening the gate?
You can't use the voice in a duel.
you can, everyone agrees he was a dick for doing it but he was acting according to skyrim's laws
sure those laws date back to a time when the voice wasn't an obscure skill but rather an integral part of nord culture and any king unable to use it would be seen as a weakling, unfit for the throne but nobody changed them.
>You can't use the thing the founder of Skyrim/the Empire used
Can the Dragonborn even be any other race besides Nord in lore
Of course Imperial milkdrinkers would say the voice is disqualifed in a duel.
The first emperor was a dragonborn and they get a free pass.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Even if that's true it doesn't change the fact that ulfric is an oathbreaker
Yeah some of them did, the dickhead ones. Everyone else either thought it was a shame or was sad.
They felt pity for his children and wife that he left behind.
Nice try, Mer scum. Get ready for round 2 when Imperials unite Skyrim
Btw what's wrong with boy masturbating?
I was born in a country where we don't have any education about this kind of thing and any talk about it is a no-no, turn out pretty bad.
This. Hell I wish there was a mod so you could join imps, gain her as a love interest and then chain her up and torture fuck her to death.
Fucking 10/10 villian, fuck alduin.
The only right side is one thats ruled and led by the player character.
Unfortunately, that's not any option because Bethesda sucks dick.
purely religious bullshit
Ohh I knew that. Thought you were saying there was a way to kill her right when I got off the horse cart.
Oy vey good goy. Skyrim is for the Nords!
>people bitch about being a special snowflake able to become leader of all guilds
>people bitch about not being special enough of a snowflake to become high king of skyrim or emperor
It leads to being a degenerate.
Like this guy
if you're gonna be a special snowflake might as well go all out.
The thalmor don't want the empire or stormcloaks to win the civil war, both outcomes are very bad for them.
It doesn't matter either way, ES VI is about the player character making a new alliance/empire a few decades after the septim empire finally falls.
yeah, ~, then click her, type kill, and press enter
>>The thalmor don't want the empire or stormcloaks to win the civil war, both outcomes are very bad for them.
True, but if one side has to win its less bad if the Stormcloaks do it.
Humans being divided is a good thing for them.
Nah, because their whole thing is stopping people from worshipping Talos. A completely independent skyrim who can worship openly and freely would undo so much of their plans.
They're trying to unmake reality and rejoin aetherius, and "killing" Talos by stopping worship is a big part of that.
Yes...but if one side has to win its less bad if the Stormcloaks are the winners.
>Humans being divided is a good thing for them.
Didn't Redguards fuck the Thalmor up while being completely independent?
A common enemy is what united the humans in the first place. As long as the Thalmor are going to be an elf supremacist group they are going to be fighting all humans simultaneously. The civil war in Skyrim is just a hiccup, there just happens to be a guy called Ulfric there who's good at stirring up shit at the moment.
>Less bad if Stormcloaks win
Ulfric is literally Emiliano Zapata. Do you think the Thalmor will have trouble with a group of peasants? Everyone loses if Stormcloaks win
They don't even have the support of their own province.
Yep, and a Skyrim/Hammerfell alliance would be enough to push the Dominion out of Cyrodil for good without the corrupt Empire around to fuck everything up.