Why are there so many retarded people who play video games nowadays? It was never full of total geniuses or anything...

Why are there so many retarded people who play video games nowadays? It was never full of total geniuses or anything, but generally you wouldn't meet a bunch of people who supported Donald Trump and thought climate change is a hoax or that vaccines give you autism.

What the fuck happened? I used to play video games online to get away from retards like this IRL.


Are you sure you're not the retard here OP?

Either that or falseflagging

I'm a retard for believing climate change is real and that vaccines don't give you autism?

You're a retard for not ignoring the dumbasses in the chat or kiddies with dumb profiles. Play with your friends or choose an actually challenging genre of games. If you're playing MOBAs or arena shooters you won't get that.

They are in every online game I play and if you don't agree with their views they kick you out of their server/guild/etc

>They are in every online game I play
Which ones?

>and if you don't agree with their views they kick you out of their server/guild/etc
Play with IRL friends or play alone.

I don't have any IRL friends by choice

WoW, LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO, etc

The only game I've played recently that didn't have people like this was Overwatch honestly

The more you whine, pule, cry, and whimper about how buttsore you are hearing even a smidgeon of a world outside your little echo bubble, the more people come rushing to invade it because your simpering is fucking funny.

The internet's just made it possible for a much larger range of people to come threaten simpletons like you than ever before. If it helps, I'm sure they're getting good laughs out of it.

>WoW, LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO, etc
There's your problem.

Get better taste.

Man made climate change is not real tho

I don't even respond to people like that, I just put them on ignore or leave. So it's not like they're trolls and I'm getting upset or whatever you think. They 100% genuinely believe these things.

Give me suggestions then

Have you ever had a vaccine, OP? Cause if so that's all the proof I need.

Yes it is.

Any RTS game, or even better, just play singleplayer games and discuss them in communities online. It's your fault for choosing games with cancerous communities.

And yet here you are crying like a little bitch. If you're whining here, where you're crystal guaranteed to get shit on, also guaranteed you're whining elsewhere too, whatever you say.

Get over yourself nancy.

I don't feel like I'm "crying", I just think it's weird that video game communities used to be all about science and logic and shit and now it's just


it's pretty fucking weird

what the hell happened?

Thinly veiled (You) thread, here's a couple extra.

Harsh reality here, but most people are pretty dumb in general.

I get that, trust me dude I work retail

But it always seemed like there were less stupid people online in video games than IRL

Did you ever feel the same?

_____ __ ____ ____ __ ____ ______ ____ ___ __ ___ _____ _______.

Your point holds some merit if you ignore that you're obviously baiting with the libtard rhetoric.

It's because politics is extreme on both ends and fucking infests everything, an extreme example but my guild recently split in half once Trump got elected

You got blind, deaf, and dumb enough to think it was ever something more than it was.

IE: you're the one who devolved.

I'm not baiting I'd be 100% fine with Trump if he believed things like climate change is real and that vaccines do not cause autism and such

I've always tried to stay neutral in terms of politics but people who genuinely believe things like that are just too far for me, they're just actual retards not just people with differing political opinions

I also heard of tons of other guilds splitting apart after the election, too, hence why I made this thread