Which Zelda game features your favorite rendition of the title princess?
Which Zelda game features your favorite rendition of the title princess?
Probably Skyward Sword
also why do 90% of tumblr """"artists"""" have the exact same style
Africa did have some Elevn tier weapons.
Spirit Tracks in terms of personality, Twilight Princess in terms of appearance.
I thought Zelda was a dude...
that tumblr nose tho
Because they're unique which is why they all look the same.
at least they can draw, this is the best that I can do to this date
That's pretty fuckin coo
Tetra/Toon Zelda instantly won me over. I didn't think it could get better until Spirit Tracks came along. Amazing.
Draw with paper first
skyward sword nigga
>no tumblr nose
Zelda's a girl, retard
Super Smash Bros Melee
Also OP image is gross, delete it please.
Skyward Sword
Twilight Princess had both the best title and the best princess from said title
Twilight Princess Zelda and Hyrule Warriors Zelda are best Zeldas.
good idea, I think I would feel more comfortable that way
t-thanks Jackie chan
Orc too
Fist of the North Star
the blush makes he look wasted
post koalas
What compels one to create such monstrosities?
ugly tumblr vidya art thread?
read the filename
drunk zelda would be more fun to hang around with desu
This ain't too bad if you have a nail polish fetish
Suddenly MOJ seems like good art.
>ignoring the sasquatch legs
hairy women are also my fetish
Well, that takes care of that then.
I'm so sorry
>nail polish fetish
Fucking WHAT?
If it is conceivable, it's someone's fetish. Never forget floor tiles.
It's just lipstick for foot/handfags.
How is this surprising? There are loads of other nuttier fetishes.
Don't you get even just a little bit of chub when you see a cute girl with some sexy polish on her phalanges?
African weapons are JRPG tier
I'm fine with nail polish but long nails are horrible and I've never met a guy that liked them. Disgusting
Nail polish was and long claw like nails were a mistake
It's just so... harmless. I think I'm just used to every motherfucker on Sup Forums being into quadruple amputees and futas and shit.
It's also completely non-sexual. I mean I guess the same can be said for feet and the like but it's literally some paint on nails. I don't get it.
Whatever though. You do you, nail polish user, wherever you are.
What's your favorite brand or color of polish? Do you get aroused at the acetone smell of nail polish remover? I need to fucking know now.
What would Tetra look like as an adult?
I will be your first, user.
They're great for urethral play
Yeah long nails are awful. I talked to my gf about nails once out of nowhere and she legitimately thought men liked long nails or nail polish on women. She looked so confused when I told her we didn't even fucking notice them nine times out of ten.
did she get punched in the nose and lips?
You are going to make a girl very happy one day.
Hey, if you like it, good for you. Personally I can't stand how they feel and if I was a chick I'd be constantly worried they'd get caught on something and snap off
Why does link look like a nigger?
They don't have to be THAT long, and hey scratching can feel real good in the right places. Some people got some strong ass nails.
White guilt.
Yeah I got this nail and hand moisturiser from supermarket once 'cause it was really cheap and it made my nails super hard, would be even better if I was a chick.
Feels good man
What is it with white kids on Tumblr being obsessed with ethnically ambiguous brown characters?
Yeah but if whites feel guilty why not make absurdly gorgeous non white characters instead of horrific ones that barely resemble humans?
I could see the appeal
Because being politically correct is the new "in" thing for them. Apparently their version of being politically correct involves drawing every "person of color" as the same shade of kinda-brown with the same kind of facial features across all of them.
SJWs are more racist than anyone you'll ever meet, but they're so stupid that they legitimately think they're doing good by being like this.
How much of a newfag are you that you think a nail polish fetish is that weird
That sounds vanilla as hell
TP Zelda, best Zelda.
>was ready to get triggered over that image for the hundredth time
>then I started reading...
In the land of the pervert, the normal is weird.
Why the bandages? How did she hurt both her eye and vagina?
>transfat, panfried
top kek
Americans, literally just stop.
She fell down some stairs.
>Mad Dummy - mad, dummy
Sonic was put in charge of her wardrobe.
>change the god awful drawfman nose
>get rid of the rouge shit that makes it look like she's been smacked around by her drunk baby daddy for the third time today
Then she might actually be kinda kawaii desu ne.
I think that looks good user.
This is cutest Zelda, but I've never played the DS games.
People who like SS Zelda just like her because ooooh, muh manic pixie dream girl. She has no actual character. They just changed her archetype.
Honestly, Zelda is always the least interesting thing about Zelda.
thank you
this is the first thing i thought of when i saw that pic op posted. i knew it had to be the same artist
>draw established character
>change it's color for no reason
Wait a minute
>This is cutest Zelda, but I've never played the DS games.
>Honestly, Zelda is always the least interesting thing about Zelda.
Ironically, you posted the one rendition of Zelda that is actually interesting.
lul. This is the ghost Zelda, right? From what I had seen of her, she did look pretty funny.
Keep drawing bro. It's a fun hobby.
Yep. She's got a sense of humor and actually assists you in the tower dungeon sections by possessing phantoms. She's pretty legit.
Yea they do :/ I remember there was one post on there that said "draw women with big noses you cowards" or something like that and it got really popular
bad art thread?
Face reminds me of smutbunny but the thicc isn't at his level. You should adjust it immediately.
Skyward Sword