what's the best FE?
What's the best FE?
anyone but the new ones
ooooh i get it, say which is the best, then show the worst non-3ds one, good job OP
obviously it's path of radiance.
The one with Hector
Considering all merits of a game, my favorite is PoR.
However, from a purely gameplay perspective, Conquest or RD would definitely win out. PoR is just too easy.
FE5 > Conquest > PoR
>mfw gbababbies will try to dispute this
RD was poorly balanced
2 of them 3 teams were heavily under leveled
Yeah, I'm planning to do another run since I don't know if my feelings on it are skewed. Haven't played it properly in a while, and I've gotten more critical of gameplay over the years.
Also got to get around to FE4. Anons have said the gameplay in that is top-notch.
Hi, gigger.
finally unbanned.
thread tomorrow.
what'd they pinch you for Nigger?
Any of the following:
Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
Blazing Sword
Path of Radiance
Fates: Conquest
posted a pic of myself in the thread
not for the first time, but apparently the samefags in the thread lost their shit enough I got banned over it.
Still, I caught up on hardmode to where I was, so I'll be moving forward on hardmode.
I had interest in playing Fates but after what I heard about the localization, I thought it would be better to steer clear. Is it actually worth playing despite the localization being mediocre?
>you'll never be so shit at FE that you get banned
Did you make a collage of the level ups for hard mode?
Depends on how much you really care about face-petting and voice acting and such, but my motto for Fates is that NoA didn't ruin anything much more than IS already did themselves.
Just steer clear of Revelation. It's awful in every aspect.
Alright, will look into it. Thanks.
>those Ericka stats
best girl. Besides Fiona
best girl is from best game.
Ephraim has a good taste in women
too bad he gets cucked from his own sister by Seth
>Implying Seth can cuck his King
Dont make me laugh
Good taste user
Yeah, I didn't think that was a good idea with the number of shitposters who were sperging out at the time.
Awakening by far.
rekka no ken if you a busta
genealogy of the holy war if you a real nigga
FE 4
Arguably 9 strikes the best balance overall. My favorite is the one you posted though. 8 doesn't get the love it should.
Shit, you're playing 8 now Nigger? What'd I miss? I lost track of your threads when you were playing SN.
just up to chapter 3 now. you didn't miss much.
I beat soul nomad and demon route.
>posted a pic of myself in the thread
this isn't /soc/ you attention seeking faggot. ban well deserved
I have special edition pirated
I know the spoilers and all but outside some features I don't know much about what they changed
pic related literally a minute ago
>Just steer clear of Revelation. It's awful in every aspect.
i like how like 3 autists spammed this so much it became Sup Forums hivemind
outside the more detailed deaths
what is bad about the localizations
>have to grind the Nohrians half of the cast to be usable because IS can't do proper unit balancing in relation to their join times
>the early game is try to make shitty Hoshidan units catch up because Corrin, Felicia/Jacob and Azura are all you have for the first three maps of the route
>the Valla arc is just a mess of poor gimmicks
>the plot is arguably as bad as Conquest's
4, in spite of some of its clunkiness I feel like it captures this grand feeling that none of the others can really match
4, 5, 9 and 12 are my favorites.
12 is only on there because I love lunatic reverse
FE7 or 8; 8 has more polish and features, with a better story and cast, but is also shorter and way easier to break. Unless you restrict yourself by not grinding or using Seth, or some other challenge, its very easy.
But for me. a longer Sacred Stones would be the best.
I'd like to make clear that, just because you didn't spend money on Revelation, you shouldn't spend your time on it either. Shitposting is more productive and fulfilling.
You might be speaking to one of those autists.
I had such a regretful experience with Revelation that I have damned myself to warning all those who will listen. I'll never be able to get those hours of my life back, but maybe I can help other anons save theirs.
am I a dingus for always trying to use Thieves whenever possible? I just love their cheerful demeanors and dodge rates
FE 4 or 9
4 is better at difficulty and feeling more like an all out war, Children mechanics work extremely well, and trying different pairings make multiple playthroughs worth it. Only real issues are how overpowered mounted units are, wind magic being better than any other magic, and basic functions like crits and doubling being locked behind skills.
9 is probably the perfection of the GBA era, there's plenty of customization with skills, and weapon masteries and feels like the most balanced FE at times. Not very hard compared to other titles and weaknesses are almost useless.
Overall it comes down to personal preference. I lean towards FE4.
what should be fixed mechanics-wise for FE15?
you're acting like you were held at gunpoint and forced to play through it. i won't deny the unit balancing and valla gimmick maps are pure shit, but revelations has some genuinely good moments in it that make it worth playing at least once. particularly the three pre-valla chapters involving ryouma and xander. the final chapter also requires you to use more than 4 units, which is something rare in FE games.
>story can't ruin a ga-
I think Conquest reaches "so bad it's good" with the plot holes, nonsensical characters, and Zombie Takumi
is revelation and conquest that bad?
I still wish it was somehow revealed that Azura was actually the big villain behind everything in the game. It'd probably end up making more sense than what we got even.
Unbelievably terrible for Conquest, Revelations is also pants on head retarded.
Do the conquest games have the same map / overworld system as awakening?
when story is a key part of a game, damn right it can.
shit, look at bayonetta. nobody cares about the story and how mediocre it is, but it's one of the best games ever because of its gameplay.
>you're acting like you were held at gunpoint and forced to play through it
No, that's the worst part. I made myself play it, in the vain hope that it would get better. It did not.
>but revelations has some genuinely good moments in it that make it worth playing at least once. particularly the three pre-valla chapters involving ryouma and xander
You're going to have to specify what said genuinely good moments and what three pre-valla chapters you're talking about.
>the final chapter also requires you to use more than 4 units, which is something rare in FE games
Again, don't see what you mean here. Take yourself, your support, Xander, and Ryoma and you are set for endgame.
Conquest doesn't have a map system, but Birthright and Revelations have a menu you scroll through to available levels. Technically CQ does as well, but you're only ever going to have
>Story Mission
>Dragon's Gate
Available, with no grinding or whatever.
>tfw nintendrones keep giving us fe fans a bad rep
I did excuse conquest because at release it was a flawed yet neat game
but after revelations ....
the sad part is this sold well in initial release to have Nintendo consider more two versions releases
God save us
Sorry, I fucked up, I meant fates.
I kinda like mindlessly grinding maps with my B-team sometimes (Nobody I use in main missions because grinding = cheating in these)
Yes. Meanwhile, Birthright is outright boring as fuck with the occasional full retard moment (Leo's teleport spell)
that's what that expression means you autist.
i did specify the chapters i was talking about you facetious faggot. there's only three pre-valla chapters that involve xander and ryouma. chs 13, 16 and 17.
if you take no one else you'll get swarmed by the reinforcements coming from the east and west of the map
Hey, no need to be a cunt.
And I asked because thinking that "box moving: the chapter" and "two chapters of getting shitty units and the two broken ones" qualify as genuinely good moments seems ludicrous. At best, 13 is tedious and 16/17 are annoying, because of the aforementioned shitty units.
>if you take no one else you'll get swarmed by the reinforcements coming from the east and west of the map
Yeah, that's what Ryoma and Xander are for. Hell, if my memory is correct, you can just run up the middle and kill the boss, as long as you don't care about the chests.
Answer what? There's nothing that hasn't been said before. There's no grinding in Conquest unless you shell out/pirate the DLC for it.