If Dancer is a new job in 4.0 would you play it? FFXIV thread

If Dancer is a new job in 4.0 would you play it? FFXIV thread.

If faggot was a new job in 4.0 would you play it? Oh wait, you already are.

SAM will be the new DRG/NIN because of faggots who will want to unsheathe their katana.

Starting the thread with a retarded question I see.

I try my best :^)

Fuck you erp faggot, you belong in vg

>wowfugees don't exi-

290k subs lad.

after going from FFXIV back to WoW after a 3 year hiatus, there are two glaring differences:

1: WoW is a lot faster paced, but much more forgiving
2: i never realized how important the music was to a fight

How the fuck does erp even work? Does one person just moan or something?

You write smut with another person, and it usually involves futa catgirls.

I just hope its an OT to compete with WAR
and i want to listen to MGR:R while i play it

RP is just writing a story with another person, with each of you taking turns.

ERP is the same thing. only lewd. and a disproportionate amount of penises

One person pretends to be a female and chats lewdly with you while you masturbate, or vice versa. Actually they pretend to be whatever you want, it's just online sexual roleplaying but you have some people pretend to be furry futa crap or any other degenerate fetish people have.

Basically like this

I wanna see how they fuck up Red Mage. And everything else.

So when this goes F2P?

>Playing a mailman simulator
>Playing a game where you mindlessly spam the same skill rotation for hours on end on trash mobs

We'll probably get an OT and a healer, but I have no clue how they'll do the last class. We've got 3 melee, 2 supports, and 2 casters. In melee you've got a spike, a ramp, and a utility. In support you have TP/MP management and defense debuffer. In caster you have your nuker and your dot. What other roles are there to slot in?

RDM is my favorite class but where do you put it as to be its own thing? It shouldn't be a healer. Being a tank would be weird. So what kind of DPS role does it fill with both white and black magic? In FFXI it was the buffs and debuffs class, but those are already kind of filled, and you do have to be DPS focused to be useful in a DPS role.

Best I can think of right now is RDM being a caster, since I feel like the game needs another one of those atm. If they want to break the current formula for support being physical rdps then I would say RDM would fill in both as a caster and a support, since it would make most sense in order to use both white and black magic.

>Trying to clear Sophia EX
>Tanks dont swap
>One of the tanks cant even do shadow mechanics
>Healers cant keep up with Cintamani somehow
>people falling left and right
>Dont even stack for the bombs

God fucking damnit this isnt even a hard fight, why is the average MMO player so fucking retarded

>People's excuse for Level jump potions is that the majority of randoms are bad anyway, doesn't matter if new players don't know what they're doing at 60, neither do most.

Seriously, average skill level is somewhere between a stick and a stiff breeze.

At around 250 ilvl, how big should my wild fires be on training dummies?

>another caster
>with whm, blm, sch, smn, arc, brd, and mch

Like 10-11k, I believe

i'll be forced to stay nin if sam is a tank, since tanking is boring as shit.

should i just switch to GLD for MQS so I don't have to deal with wait time for dungeons?

Both tanks work.