Games that are actually garbage/only liked because of nostalgia

Games that are actually garbage/only liked because of nostalgia.


didn't even play it. What was wrong with it?

No really , play it again and see
>level design is awful, linear as shit and makes no sence even in the context of that level
>underwhelming weapons (minus the alien shotgun)
>genosian warrorirs are op as shit and can squad wipe you on their own

Every popular game that I didn't like and is at least 10 years old.

fight me motherfucker

>no pokemon snap Wii U



very lacking in content, especially considering how expensive N64 games were back then. should've been free roaming instead of on rails. needless backtracking.

because pokemon snap is a fundementally bad game, nintendo only made it as a cash grab and you idiots fell for it.

"zooming in" does literally nothing but create black borders.

>that retarded final stage with Mew

Deus ex
System shock
Unreal tournament
Duke nukem
Serious sam
2d zelda
2d rpgs
Street fighter
Double dragon
Crash bandicoo
Super smash bros
Jet set radio
Yoshis island
Half life
Beyond good and evil

nier and dragons dogma

Because Sun and Moon have a Pokemon Snap minigame


The photoprinters were in Blockbuster. Game was BEGGING to be rented.


It may have a fun idea behind it, but the gameplay is as shallow as it gets and it has barely any content.

lol no one likes psychonauts, not even for nostalgia feelings

Stop being dumb

nice post

>Street Fighter
>Yoshi's Island


When you say something not mind numbingly retarded you'll get a better response

another one, nice

Oh god yes they are awful. Fit this thread perfectly.

Only fueled by nostalgia

Stay in school.

I loved it when I was 11.
It was just so cool seeing Pokemon in 3D even though there was only 60 or so of them in the game. I don't know why but I even got the players guide for it...But incredibly short, easy unsatisfying game.

Fuck you. It's the best House of the Dead game ever made.

git good LOL

To all the people saying fuck you instead of an actual counterargument, why is the game good?

I don't think anyone has played Psychonauts.

because its an intellectual tour de force

Every game ever made is a cash grab though.

It's not nearly as good as you'd think from the way people talk about it but I only played it for the first time last year and it's not a bad game. Like it's not any worse than modern third person shooters.
I just wish the levels had more substance to them so you'd progress by making your way thorugh a level instead of just fighting wave after wave of enemies. It reminded me a lot of Binary Domain like that.

t. Nintendo

that wasn't even my question

Even free games?

What and make the game even EASIER

If you mean the originals with the exception of Yoshi's Island I'd be inclined to agree. Yoshi's Island plays fine and is at worst just slightly offensive in the fun department.

>tfw all my friend wanted from WiiU is a Pokemon Snap game while all I wanted was a Fatal Frame game

I still feel bad for him.


Freeware usually has bots or ads on it.

I rented this shit one day from blockbuster when it was new.
It was shit then and its shit now.

>this isn't Pokemon stadium
were my thoughts exactly even if PS wasn't a thing yet

Pic related.

>Yoshi's Island

Hahaha, fuck off.

>Jet Set Radio

That game is so frustrating because it's so damn close to being one of my all-time favorite games. Less wonky physics and better collision detection is all that it needs, it's literally faultless in my eyes otherwise. But no, playing it has to be like pulling teeth.

Why do you morons even reply to posts like that?

You're right. No one has played it.

Zelda OoT
Zelda MM

>less wonky physics and better collision detection

Why not just play this?

I remember being underwhelmed with Pokemon Snap when it came out and I was totally caught in the Pokemon craze.

Because that's a completely different game and has none of the gameplay appeal of the original game.
It's good but it's too different to be a replacement for Jet Set Radio.

If the guy doesnt get enough (YOU)s he dies, it's attention whoring to the extreme.

What's wrong with Psychonauts?
Besides the person who created it

The thing with Pokemon Snap is that it tricks you into thinking its deeper than it really is. Its actually kinda pitiful how shallow it is. There's so much more that could be done with such a concept.

Admitely that felt pretty lazy, it could have been a pretty interesting area for other stuff

You mean 3.

>still no PC version since the JSR port didn't sell too well

So mad.