Tfw you're good with everyone except for Widowmaker

>Tfw you're good with everyone except for Widowmaker

Why is life suffering, lads?

>good with Ana
>but not Widow


It must be a mental block

If I was as accurate with Widowmaker as I am with Ana then I'd be happy

Widowmaker is complete garbage because Blizzard is too afraid of the "AWP Syndrome".

Her abilities are complete jokes. She only can one-shot any non-tank classes but tanks have barriers/abilities that negate those headshots.

A competent Genji and Winston rape your sorry fat ass.

Mccree and S76 are better sharpshooter classes even fucking Hanzo (technically is a defensive shooter)

I know that feel.
For some reason I can snipe with Ana but whenever I hit with Widow I just hit for shit damage.
Cant land a headshot to save my life.

I find Hanzo to be a better version of her in general

>tfw I'm good enough at Widowmaker to where people get asspained and swap to try to beat me in duels

>grappling hook to encourage moving after getting a kill from a good spot
>It's on a fucking 12 second cooldown
>A mine that is useless for everything other than an alarm for a flanker and when used that way encourages staying in the same spot that everyone saw you shoot from
The only good thing about her is that you can have wallhacks up for you and your team quite a long time and she can punch a hole really quickly in a team that isn't prepared and she's honestly much better on attack because she can fire from multiple unpredictable locations and the team can't deal with you without crippling their defense

Same, I don't even play her outside of quickplay where I have 2 hours on her. Used to main TF2 sniper so I'm comfortable with snipers that reward headshots.

Why do people have a 1v1 mentality anyways? All I want to do is play the objective as Widow, not to have some enemy Widow thirsty as fuck to get an angle on me instead of helping her team.

Being killed by a Widow damages their ego.

Lower cooldowns, make the trap actually do something. I still have no idea what kind of damage it does but it has to be trash.

I still like playing her in quickmeme though. I always wanted to be a decent sniper ever since railguns in Quake 3

>tfw you're only good with junkrat and pharah

who /arena shooter here/

>tfw good enough at pharah force people to pick widowmaker/mccree/76 to counter me

Leave me alone you fucks.

>tfw only lucio zen and mccree are my good heroes

help me get better Sup Forums

Get good with a tank and you'll be a balanced player.

How is killing a dangerous enemy widow not helpful to the team? Unless you were bad, someone swapping to deal with you is not a detriment

Not him but it'd be better to just swap to Winston. If you have a Zenyatta, have him throw an orb on her and tickle her to death in three seconds.

>tfw only good with tanks and support

who /team player/ here

People still play this shit game?

Every time i play widowmaker i get one of them to swap to her and then they chase me around the map. To the point where ill wait for them to take a shot at my other teammates so i can see where she is and they never do but as soon as i walk out they shoot at me.

My issue isn't people trying to counter me, my issue is people trying to counter me with Widow and failing at it until they get a kill on me to repair their ego. If they really wanted to counter me and still be a team player they could've switched to Winston, D.Va or Genji.

I'm good at pharah but for some reason when they get pissy and try to counter me they choose Pharah themselves

like I don't get it

My least-bad Widowmaker performances have all involved being very aggressive about switching out of sniper mode and getting into the thick of it, before grappling out of there

>>A mine that is useless for everything other than an alarm for a flanker and when used that way encourages staying in the same spot that everyone saw you shoot from

You have to use it offensively not defensively you fucking mong. No shit its useless if its just sitting there

>tfw you suck with everything except widow
>tfw 83 hours on widow

I like being Ana

Should I just spam her in Comp? I usually do a good amount of healing with her

I have this too, its an ego though, nothing wrong with that, just be prepared for a comment that they will make after you body them

could be as empty as 'ok' 'yup' 'right'

they just want to complain and voice their opinions

She is one of those mandatory picks.

I know that, but when I play Comp I end up with 3 other people who choose fuckers like Junkrat/Hanzo/Bastion. I just feel like it's a waste. I guess that's sub 1500 life

Provided it doesn't get destroyed immediately it does very little damage and really just feeds ultimate. It is not a good ability

maybe they like Junkrat/Hanzo/Bastion for the same reason you like being ana

How do I get out of Elo Hell?

She's only really worth it with 2-3 tanks. 1 if it's a hog.

She's does have wicked good duel potential. But she's just slow and grandmalike.

>Swap to Winston
>Leap onto the enemy widow literally all game

Nothing is more satisfying

is the aiming floaty or is it just me?

At that level play whoever you want since not many have the game sense for it to matter but I think a lot of Ana's value is wasted when your team isn't capitalizing on it. Like when you have a composition with zero good nano targets or no other hero that can heal to benefit from your grenade or your team just isn't killing people you've grenaded.

play a class you can carry the team more with

How do you people still play this game Jesus. I bought into the meme and was bored in less than a few days. It's the same shit over and over again. I'd do good when I played and even then it just wasn't fun.

Get good with roadhog. Or just play s76 slightly better than the other teams s76


Cool story bro

Uninstalled when they did the patch that fucked with her scope.

Did they ever revert it?

>uninstalling a game over a .7 second change in ads.

How does it feel to be a lil' bitch boy?

I can do thaf with Zarya, but then my team only has one healer or no attackers

If I pick Roadie I end up being the only tank
If I try S76 then my team has no healers or no tanks

This also doesn't take into account how literally every match- and I'm not exaggerating EVERY MATCH - I've been in, some dickhead on my team is Junkrat

why the fuck is 76 so strong, he didn't need a buff
also I don't like the rps system in this game, but considering blizzard puts it in all of their games I shouldn't be surprised.

>Willingly contracting AIDS.

the best mindset to have is "how can I best carry this team" in regards to climbing the ladder. composition is important, but it only becomes "very" important in the higher leagues, not in the lower leagues. so if your team composition isn't perfect in the lower leagues, that's fine. what matters is that you can do your best to help carry the team to the win.

you cannot however carry a team to a win if you're playing a mercy. 9/10 if you're playing a mercy with shitty team mates, you're going to lose regardless of how good you may be at mercy. zen on the other hand will do serious damage. ana can too, but only if you're really good at her.

climbing is about mastering 4 to 6 really good "carry" characters, with at least one of each category that carries the hardest.

>Did they ever revert it?

They also made her shots charge faster.

Well at least there's that.

Yeah, it's almost like trying to be accurate with ANY hitscan weapon in a game with a 20hz tickrate is a complete waste of time.

they upped the tickrate to 60 a long time ago buddy.

shhh it's just excuse i don't want to be think i'm a shitter

In Custom Games, yeah.

Everything else is still 20.8hz, and yet you blizzdrones will still try to pretend your game is anything other than "baby's first team shooter."

No (You) for (You)

I don't mind if you hate the game, but that's not true about the tick rate. they actually increased the rate to 60 in all games.

Stop. Just stop.

They nerfed Widowmaker for the PC players, without realising that it makes her useless for console players. There's no shame in not being good with Widowmaker on console. She is extremely underpowered.



Wait, so mobile gifs work now?

Thank you for not being a retard then user, I honestly don't know if I've ever been on a team that actually knew to pick a real sniper counter instead of trying to counter snipe and be useless to the rest of the team

>boosting gf to diamond
>if i dont solo their entire team as 76 we lose
>get killed because some epic retard doesnt stop shooting a reflecting a genji just because hes not the one being reflected at
>we lose
how do these shitters even enjoy the game

You're the one bringing your estrogen diving weights.

>Everything else is still 20.8hz
fuck (You)

i know cunt shes literally bronze
but that doesnt excuse these plat shitters
i make up for her shitiness 2fold
its just shit like staggering, shit picks, WOW A BASTION/SYMMETRA/TORBJORN WHAT DO WE DO????
its just the fucking worst

There is so much triggering me about what you said right now. Pls stop and delete this.

haha have a good one famm

>practicing with her on qp
>"wtf dude switch or i report you"

You're a better person than I thought you were.

Good luck friendo.

>get people to accuse me of hacking as Hanzo
>can't even hit anyone as Widow
Shouldn't she be easier?

I have a similar
I can't play Widow to save my life, but I'm a pretty decent Hanzo

What's your comp routine lads?
>Pick rein in first round
>Stay rein if team if synergizing
>Pick junkrat and go aggressive if no one gives a fuck about winning
>Go mercy sometimes and heal everyone to get that sweet rez
>Encourage everyone to jump into point, then wait until they all die and rez.
This is how I managed to climb up from super low bronze to high plat. I may lose one or two matches for every 10

I have a similar problem*

>lost 7/10 placement matches
>had 4 due to leavers
>placed high gold


What do the stars under people's levels mean?
And does your level reset at some point or something? Or how can a level 8 have a bunch of stars?

Scope causes tunnel vision, plus it's easier to hit hanzo arrows due to their hitbox.

star=100 levels
Someone with four stars and the number 8 is level 408. Not hard to get if you play 6 stack for hours.

>tfw good with Roadhog
>decent with lucio, junkrat and pharah
>burning desires to be good with someone like Mcree or Widowmaker

How the fuck do I get good? I want to play a hero that takes more skill but it's pretty tough going.

Should I just fuck that shit all off and play Mei and annoy the piss out of people?

I don't know about Widowmaker, but get a big mouse pad for McCree


Cant explain but I am a godsend with Bastion. Just a point and click adventure.

Trying to get good with Sombra. They will buff her and when they do I will be sitting nicely on top.

Pharah has no counter until she does. And when she does, she's instantly useless. And when every match has 76 in it now, Pharah is always useless.

>genji charges at me, deflection up
>throw concussion mine in his face
>rein charges at me
>throw concussion mine in his path and send him flying to space
>mcree kills me
>genji dashes past where I died
>dies to dropped bombs
Junkrat is the most fun.

My nigga. I don't even play Overwatch, but if I did, I have a feeling I'd only be playing Big B and Zarya.

that's like boasting about people swapping to genji when you play bastion

>try playing Pharah
>Enemy Pharah is trying to shoot me out of the air
Get a fucking life, leave me alone and help your team, god damn

Is it just me or does Sniping feel real floaty in this game? I think it's the varying tickrate but I can't snipe for shit in this game.

>Mcree hands down my favorite character
>but can't aim for dick

>mccree main
>have good aim too

should i just pick up hog? or is widow actually good again? i used to play her in S1

>throw concussion mine in his face
user if he has deflect up then the mine will bounce back and automatically trigger in your face, at which point all the genji needs to do is look in your general direction and press shift.

how does it feel to be both gold AND wrong about pharah?

That's what you get for playing the worse hero.
Even her ult is trash.
I suck with her aswell.

Running around as Junkrat is one of the few things that gives me the old familiar feeling of Quake with friends.

Also beartraps and bombs are fun.

>People swap to counterpick.
>Every Widow thinks this is some challenge and that the player is mad.

Why are Widows so narcissistic? Swapping to counter is the fundamental principle of the game.

From what I've experienced from playing with SombreroWoman, she is designed to disable Reinhartd's wall and counter Lucio's ultimate. I guess she can safely escape any encounter with a properly placed translocation, but every other hero is far too useful right now. Waiting on them buffs too.

I need to watch a video on what targets I have to prioritize to hack and succeed with this chick.

Hack a Tracer. Just do it. It's fucking hilarious how they react.

>sneak up on lone Genji
>hack him
>watch Spaghetti exploded from his pockets

3 rps vs 30 rps.

>those desperate jumps.

I always love that, because if they weren't good enough to take me down on whatever hero they were already playing, what makes them think they'll be able to do it with a character they're not used to?

>There is always a group of 2 or more on the team who suck dick at the game and don't join team chat
This update made the game an even bigger headache for console players.