How does Sup Forums justify piracy?

how does Sup Forums justify piracy?

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Fucking idiotic fantasies won't see the light of day and I will not have a good time for the first time in the series worth it is not the intended to help me with the new year and I am not a big fan and the other day I will not have a great time in a few weeks and months of age and the other day I will not have a great time in a few weeks and months of age and the other day I will not have a great time in a few

I dont, I know it's bad. I don't care. Do it or don't do. No skin off my back

I'm a poorfag, I rarely pirate modern shit though, most of the games I download are from long gone dev teams that no longer gain money from said games anyways.

It's wrong, but it's necessary.

Just like music piracy was necessary to give services like spotify a place in its industry, video game piracy it's useful so devs can understand that arbitrary ways of protecting games in the end hurt the customer.

Steam was a step in the right direction, let's hope something else that is better takes its place in the future.


how can piracy be real if games aren't real?

this, if i don't think about it i don't feel bad

The files are already there. My copying them means nothing.

Also, I just don't care.

if publishers can justify cutting out content to charge extra for later I can justify piracy

i can do it with no consequences and i don't make much money so i try to save it in places that i can

I want to get caught so I have to go to jail, and have no other option but to kill myself.

I honestly prefer pirates who downright admit being too cheap to pay for stuff instead of trying to whitewash it as some positive moral action.

Actually by not opposing it your are allowing it, which equals partaking in it.


When Paradox is selling their 9th expansion pack at $15 for a $40 game from 2012 and then also selling $5 of additional content aside that like they have for all the past expansions
I bought everything up to Rajas, so I've put in my share

I don't justify it, I do it because it's not like they're going to arrest me for illegally downloading chink cartoons and decade old vidya.

i don't think you'll go to jail for downloading shit

only if you run one of the websites i think

i could be wrong though

There is no justification. Anyone who tries is a faggot. I'm cheap, get ogre it.

I do it and don't justify it
there you go

wii u + 3ds because Nintendo costs lots and I don't have a job
vita because it's dead in the west and I can't afford importing
I buy games on steam at sales

i'm too poor to buy games ;-;

Why pay if you can get it for free? Surely you're not a consumercuck right OP?

Is it considered piracy if I download it and it just sits in my Games folder and never played? I probably got more amusement downloading it because I like collecting things. The game itself wasn't a source of entertainment.

I do what I want
However, if the game is in dire status localization wise, I buy
>All of my PS3 games - Pirate
>All 3DS games - Pirate
>DQ 7/8 and SMT4/A - Buy and Support

I would never justify piracy; looting vessels at sea is wrong.

If not buying something is a crime, then we're all breaking the law every second of every day

I just don't give a shit. Suck my dick.

I haven't pirated a game in almost ten years but I still understand the reasons for it.

Anecdotal evidence and all but a lot of the games I pirated back then I ended up buying for real more recently.

The only harm it does is by taking a "potential sale" which doesn't apply if you couldn't afford to buy it anyway. Usually I pirate first to make sure I think the game's worth buying and then I get it on a steam or gog sale later.

>collecting free downloads
I mean whatever floats your boat dude

>want to get forza
>3 editions of the game with cars cut out and you have to pay more for the actual full game
>say fuck it and buy the ultimate edition to get everything including future content
>expansion comes out
>not included with ultimate edition that was supposed to include everything
>this game ends up costing over $200 CDN just to get everything
fucking ridiculous. wish I had pirated it instead

source/name, please?

Everything I pirate I wouldnt have bought if there wasnt a torrent so the devs arent losing any money.

First of all. Nice strawman.

Second of all. You must let the money flow. By not spending money you are clogging the capitalist machine.
Bad goy. You have to spend the money. Don't have any more? No problem! We will lend you some.
Buy! Buy! BUY!


Well spooked

The same way companies justify price gouging. It's better for my bottom line.

I look out for myself, and any advantage I can get in that with minimal risk to myself I'll do it. This is not to say that I don't buy games too, I just use different criteria than just wanting to try something to justify the purchase, such as deciding I want to support the growth of certain products, this is all based on my personal feelings and thus is very wishy washy.

>Why spend money when you don't have to?

I wanted it, but I couldn't be assed to track it down and buy it.



>mixing anime, cartoons and live action in the same folder
Holy shit.

>First of all. Nice strawman.
You don't know what a strawman is

The argument I see used all the time is that piracy deprives developers of money, and yet we all deprive people of money every second of every day by deciding to simply not buy things, whether they are video games, clothes, food, etc. If all you're looking at is the potential of a sale lost, then potential is literally everywhere. The world is full of lost sales happening all the time.

The crime of piracy is copyright infringement. Legally. You have made a copy of an artwork that you were not authorized to copy.

Like this picture for instance. I saved this picture to my hard drive without the copyright owner's consent. The reason why I do not care is because I know the copyright owner likely doesn't care, and even if he did, he couldn't do anything about it anyway.

Your average person infringes on someone else's copyright on a daily basis, usually without even realizing it. And the thing about it is, as long as you're not facilitating or profiting off of it (which is beyond the scope of this post), it's all a violation of the same law and thus the same crime.

That's right. By posting this image right here, I have committed the same crime as I would if I downloaded a pirated game.

I should be shot.

how do you justify shilling for corporations for free? You get nothing from it, you aren't harmed in any way by pirating, and you've conveniently not read because it doesn't fit your MAFIIA fed """""research""""" narrative that illegal copying hurts the industry.

>warez-bb got taken down again

fucking americans at it again

That's quite the interesting selection

tell me about it. I already miss it ;______________;

I hope tehparadox doesn't get shot down next :(

I only pirate old games because they sometimes work better than the steam version or full retail games that I buy a year later when all the dlc is out and it's cheaper.

Not buying is not making illegal copies of it.

That's not an argument.

>Intellectual property hold by a corporation

>how does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Jews have enough money as it is. They don't need more.

Maybe publishers should step up their game so all of the money doesn't come just from selling the game.

People support indie games that are actually good and the devs get some actual money out of it, just look at japan they can sell less than 500,000 and that's a hit.

The problem is that modern AAA games have to sell CoD numbers to get any profit, so MAYBE the problem isn't people buying the games, the problem are that the devs themselves are wasting too much money on them, so sales themselves aren't enough to drive profit anymore.

Gaming becoming hollywood in such a short time was a mistake.

There is no justification. It literally hurts the game industry because some anons are autistic and think they're fighting the system. These devs have a family to feed and can't bum off their parents in their basement like you guys.

I'm poor

I pirate if there's no demo available

since there's so much shit these days I've saved a lot of money from pirating and then uninstalling after a day of shit gameplay

>Not buying is not making illegal copies of it.
I'm saying they are distinct.

John pirates the game and Dave simply decides not to buy it.

Both of them decided not to buy it, which is not the crime. The crime John committed is not depriving someone of money, but of committing copyright infringement.

>video murdered radio
>home recording killed movies
>fuck, even torrenting killed movies
>where are all the movies now?
>torrenting killed music
>torrenting killed the multi-billion dollar game industry.
What do we do now that movies, music, radio, and videogames have been killed off by illegal copying? I can't believe I've been so blind!

Sometimes if I'm on sure about a game I'll pirate it as a "demo". Usually if I like it I will end up buying it.

Not buying is not buying. To say that a person who pirates, was going to buy that product is completely illogical.

I'm not going to say that piracy doesn't mean lost sales, because sometimes it does, but at the same time it kind of balances out as free marketing. If a game is good, you can almost guarantee a pirate is going to buy the game later due to convenience.



If it's readily available and at a price I am okay with, I will buy it.

Ease of steam refunds have made me likely to pull the trigger on smaller buys that I might not end up liking.
>Ex: That 3rd person necropolis game

If not, I will torrent it if the drawbacks are small enough to warrant putting up with a pirated copy.
Ex: Witcher 3

But most of the time, the games I pirate kinda sit there, forgotten.

Usually I'll pirate old games for Nintendo/Playstation that I never got to finish due to our home being broken into shortly after Hurricane Katrina (thx niglets) or ones we could never afford growing up.

But if we're talking about a hot, new AAA game locked behind 7 DRMs with plans for multiple season pass DLCs...
Well, damn. I guess I didn't want to play it badly enough anyways...

I pirate games which are no longer available, never been released outside of Japan, or has a shit localization.

I don't need to justify it, publishers are garbage and developers are treated like slaves who don't make shit if a game sells well. Ubisoft and all the rest can suck my fat cock, I don't even play most of the shit I pirate, I just do it out of spite.

I don't.

I want things, and I can take them for free.

>I pirate games which are no longer available, never been released outside of Japan, or has a shit localization.
Best answer.

Also, maybe companies should stop blowing half to three quarters of their budget on marketing and they'll save themselves a huge chunk of money that could be better spent on polishing the sub-standards of today's video games.

>tfw I torrented 40,000 copies of Fallout 4 and Bethesda had to let go of a few developers just to stay in business.

You can buy and steal the same thing and have two.

Or in this case copy. FUCKING RACISTS STEAL GAMES!

I'm a poorfag with a 3-year-old gaming laptop that was given to me as a gift
not like I'm gonna spend money on games anyway
