E3 2017

E3 2017
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at next year's event?

Other urls found in this thread:


I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced


I will post this every day until Persona 5s delay becomes a ruse I will cling to the possibility it comes out before April 2017.

I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.

Lillie is pretty cute, what do you guys think?

>notorious Sup Forums posters unite


I'm at a loss for a single thing to look forward to, 2016? was the disappointing ds3 and suprisinhly good d44m.
What's in 2017? Can't even think of any.


Notorious? How so?



I really REALLY want to fuck Lillie



I think he means this

I will post this everyday until E3.
If any of these things happen, I'll eat my shoe.
Bloody hell I've gotten sick four times in the past month, I think I'm going to die


Elder Scrolls VI and a new era of Toddposting.


I've seen this autistic fanfic before; but what I'm really interested in is hearing him explain his delusional paranoid behavior.

Why does it say i'm dead again? i thought he changed it?

You're going to eat that shoe! Sicc or not.Get better.

Thank you Asuka, I'll try

chill out it's not even 2017 yet don't get ahead of yourselves



One more. I have to look for more pictures.

I cant find the updated pastebin so this one will have to do.

He's Sup Forums self-appointed janitor, its his job to clean Sup Forums of anime threads.

Clearly, he's the hero we need.

hopefully we see more FVII remake stuff

i don't think i've been really EXCITED about anything at e3 in years

i only ever get excited about indie games these days (also disappointed)

I've seen him follow Ace around and spam archive links. It must be hard to provide such an excellent service to the community with such quality posts and insights, truly the autistic dark night. Also, here's the updated revision of his temper tantrum, from the archives if you're interested in giving yourself a brain bleed.


It's time.

Did anyone else download the free weekend for the division?

I will post this every time I see this thread in hopes that Nintendo will not commit suicide before E3 2017.