Post video games women will NEVER understand

Post video games women will NEVER understand.

I let my girlfriend play demons souls when it came out she got scared and threw my controller within the first 30 minuites. She broke it and I told her she had to buy me a new one
she did

I got my lil sis to try out dark souls but she quit after not being able to beat the asylum demon, although she got close (just needed one more hit). Women just aren't persistent/autistic enough to feel good about doing something difficult with no tangible benefit.



where is that pasta about women not understanding video games/tabletop stuff

I was able to play ds1 and 2 alone. I tried this for three and I reset my PC when I was fighting a guy and he randomly exploded into an abomination. Haven't touched it since.

Full stop.

i was going to say this thread is bullshit, but you know, this game singe-handedly validates it.

nobody can understand that game

>Gift game to Sister since she's also a pc fag
>Set her up, etc
>I leave her to it for a couple days while I go into the game at my own pace since i'm slow
>Check in on her
>She's in Lost Izalith while I'm still in Anal Rodeo
>Ask if she co-oped
>"I can never find signs, but I did have Solaire for a couple fights!"

I know my sister is more of a shut-in than I am, but have you considered your SO's and Sisters may not be the vidya type?


Most women will never understand most games. Why? Because most women don't play videogames. Not the same way men do. They very much enjoy watching someone they like play games or play easy games or mobile games. Not matter what feministfrequenciers say, women just don't do anything even nearing how men might play for hours a day.

And due to this, women don't understand games any better than old people understand games. Even if someone who doesn't play games "accepts" games as a narrative/time-killing medium, they will never _understand_ it. Just like someone who has never ever watched a movie will not understand what makes films great.

And yes, there are exceptions to these rules. But I'm generalizing.

I can't find an image of every game ever made.


Not true, i have 2 sisters who put over 100hr into that

Most guys who play video games are also the sort of people who play CoD, the flashy new stuff, and will turn their nose up at anything older.

Women aren't really social to begin with, and when you slap Sup Forums tier autism on them, they become further shut ins, which is considered acceptable since 'Women shouldn't leave the house' or whatever.

So you DO have lots of women playing vidya, but they're worse at socializing than we are.

My sister is that type. Has her own circle which is the most estrogen filled friends list i've ever seen, but i've seen her, in public settings, play 100% dumb to avoid having a vidya conversation with a near-stranger.

Are they single? How old?

Pretty much every fighting game. Women don't really have competitive drive.

>tfw you love video games
>Pretty shit at video games if they're anything more fast paced than Morrowind, Thief, or Dark Souls
>Can't have any conversations about Vidya mechanics and design with most dudes who play vidya, since I only usually find people who play quicker shooters.

Having slow reflexes is suffering

Nigga are you serious? This is the easiest way for normie bitches to get in on vidya to try to act like "one of the guys" because getting their ass kicked doesn't take any time.

single and ready to mingle ;)

Yeah, I know people like that too and I still say most women don't play games. Actually, even most of the girls who do play simply don't play at the same scale as almost all of the guys who do. Don't know why, maybe cultural reasons.

And it's a good point that many men also just play games like cod or fifa or whatnot. So many men don't understand games any better. But even they tend to understand the fun-element of gaming.

Please find attached an image of a woman that plays Dwarf Fort.

23 and 29, one with a boyfriend one married.

It takes a certain kind of autism to be able to get into Dorf Fort

If it counts, my Sister often did silly Cosplay/pvp host events with Dark Souls 1 and 2, and usually played Dark Wraith.

She gets incredibly salty if you mention the Monastery Scimitar to her. She hated that thing, and never used it.

People have different tastes. I can't really explain the reasoning why most women go for other media to entertain themselves, but for me personally, I just haven't been able to enjoy recent Vidya lately.

I'm also pretty bumbed I can't play local Co-op with most games these days, I used to love doing that shit with my older brother, but local Co-op and multiplayer is getting shoved aside in favor of online stuff on consoles. Hence why I dropped buying consoles, since that was one of the few reasons I even wanted consoles - easy to thow together and host co-op/multiplayer stuff without needing to be finicky and setting up accounts for everyone.

Kirby's Airride was the best party game. City Trial was dope

I feel sorry for women

having such inferior brains must suck

>tfw programmed to just groom yourself and annoy people with socializing


>not FIFA or NBA 2K

get fucking good kiddo

>Don't know why, maybe cultural reasons.
It's because most women are brought up only knowing socialising and having 'fun' with their mothers and friends, so all they do is pretty themselves up or talk about shit. They get the mental attitude that the only things that matter to them is /feeling/ happy, and being secure, leaving them to enjoy nothing other than talking to people or comparing people.
Men on the other hand, are brought up doing shit together to get shit done, even if it's just a dumb game with an end goal. This has them grow up with the idea that the important things are to get shit done, then to enjoy it. Security can come with this and that's why men tend to find a lifelong hobby from teenage life or young adulthood, because if we can turn our goal to get shit done into security AND enjoy it, we are living the dream.

The reason this comes back to video games is, men play games to get their mental goals done and enjoy the ride.
SOME women play games because it's something to talk about, or it compliments their personality. This is why most women will have maybe 3-5 games they will own at a time where as men tend to have spent their entire bank account on games for the past however many years.

dwarf fortress
any of the ps4 freeware foot worship games

He's still correct


My Girlfriend introduced me to Dark Souls though.

I've been buying and playing games for 23 years now.
The only girl I know with an interest in games is a sociology doctor and it's because she doesn't understand why other people like them.
Maybe I should tell her about this post


>she doesn't understand why other people like them

Why can't she? It's literally because it's either fun, engaging, immersive, has a good story, or for escapism. Just like any other recreational activity.

At least pick a hard game

Had my gf play DaS3. I was impressed when she beat Gundyr on her first try despite her first time playing the game. But then the swordmaster raped her ass so much she wouldnt touch the game anymore.

>tfw gay so you'll never be this autistic about the opposite sex
Feels good

Someone post the Tekken girl


Literally any single-player game with some decent skill ceiling, in multiplayers they sometimes try to git gut for "muh girl power" or for attention