Yoshi's actually a pretty based character. If we could just get past that unfunny haha meme
Yoshi's actually a pretty based character. If we could just get past that unfunny haha meme
Can someone post his feet please?
You guys are what's ruining Sup Forums. All you wanna do is spam your shitty meme, for what? You can't honestly tell me that after all this time you still find this shit funny.
OP speaks the truth.
You know what else is funny? Yoshi, haha
that's acutally the first time i've posted the meme, but there wasn't much to discuss in this thread anyway so nothing of value is lost.
Is this your first day on Sup Forums?
The only discussion and agreement you'll get without memes is that Yoshi used to be based until they made him stand more upright
haha i wonder how many dicks OP sucked haaha just wondering guys im not gay :D
the worst part is that they don't even find it funny, it's just furfags being unfunny as usual.
See there you go again. It's like you're doing this just to do it, like your life is so pitifully horrid that all you can do to escape the morbid depression and piss jugs is to repeat the same joke over and over again until someone finally laughs at it. You're worthless. You're disgusting. You're an absolute waste of oxygen
This desu, it's a forced as fuck meme that's not even funny. In fact I'm pretty sure the people posting it are closet furfags.
Someone get this hothead out of here
Great post haha. Keep it up haha
came here to tell you all yoshi is for faggots and the stupid "haha" or feet memes isn't why
it's because he sounds and looks like he's fucking retarded
i thought this when i was fucking eleven; how the fuck anyone thinks he's "based" as an adult likely has autism
could this be the most autistic thread on Sup Forums?
I am pretending to be a retard to make people hate retarded people even more
here's a hint though: it's not because of the people going haha
OP baited them to reply with memes by complaining about it, you retarded fuck.
i think it's hilarious because yoshi fans are fucking tasteless retards and it makes them assblasted
You could have choosen to open up an actual thread about Yoshi this time but you chose to open up the thread by acknowledging the haha meme
you validated it's by acknowledging it
don't call it a grave this is the future you chose
you littllerly posted him squating like hes making a poo
I think you may just be retarded.
says the one defending a retarded dinosaur for children lol
Mario Wold:
>gives free rides
>gives extra jump
>infinite health while riding
Mario 64:
>100 1-ups
>invincibility triple jump
Yoshi's Island
Look, that's just from 3 games
what the fuck are you talking about haha
Fucking hell, can we have some actual discussion on Yoshi?
no you fucking faggot, get some taste
>crutch for players who can't get good
>100 free lives at a point where they're irrelevant
>THE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE no but yoshi's island was fun for maybe one playthrough
just shut the fuck up and admit you're a vorefag who likes eggs and tongues, jesus christ. it's like putting a special olympics winner on the cover of vogue
and in everything else he's a gurgling, unintelligible fuckwit who shakes his ass
what's your point
What's there even to say about him? Besides memes and his design change, you can't say much
What fucking discussion is there to have
Sure OP. What's your favorite Yoshi doujin?
He was good in Smash
you're the kid everyone makes fun of when they leave the room
Not really
He's slightly above average in every game that matters, so basically no one cares about him as a high level threat, but no one cares about him as a fun / silly pick
This is OP
no u
Goddamn Yoshi's Story forever ruined the character by making him a baby. They even used those baby sound effects int he GBA port of Yoshi's Island.
OG Yoshi is smug as fuck.
You deserve whatever fucking happens to you.
>dude MEMES LMAO XD am i and 4channer yet?
don't have a cow
Know what is funny? This 4
Anyone remember yoshiart?
>even ironically saying this
k spotted the underage
It's been done. Jokes get ran into the ground all the time.
>unironically likes yoshi
>complains about memes on Sup Forums
holy shit i hate you
fuck off
>takes party games seriously for some odd reason
>likes and defend a gay dinosaur
>cool dinosaur bro
>gay furfaggot
i blame that shitty yoshi story 64
that is a le epic meme image you have dere my fellow 4chanian. it is fanny because the car is all red XD.. so fanny!!!
I don't think it's funny, I just want to jerk off to Yoshi before my wife gets home.
>when user can't stop being epic