Here's your female lizard race, bro

>here's your female lizard race, bro

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>i need to want to put my dick in everything


what game?

Divinity Original Sin 2

Is it almost finished for release yet?

Looks like Divinity

Wish the orc race was playable, but this will do

divinity original sin 2
they are doing more races than just humans
might be missing something


first time I'm hearing about this game but I hope it's good. that screen reminds me of Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms.

How the fuck are orcs not included? Big negative
skellingtons are cool

>undead STILL not playable

Yeah! Skeletons are cool!

also the elves are weird, they got this plant motif, are tall as hell and are cannibals



fuck orcs needs more shellfish

that's upsetting but i guess that the cannibalism is a nuance

is it bad that this popped up in my head when I saw this?

no the eating people thing is a central game mechanic for them, its one of their racial powers

if you find body parts your elves can eat them to regain a lot of health and steal memories from the dead people they eat

its occasionally a way to gain quest clues

>no breasts

all they need to say is "cloaca" and its dropped

As long as i can play as my spooky skelenington, as a necromancer, summoning past friends and enemies to do my current afterlifes bidding




thats ok i guess im used to disappointment from western devs
i have plenty of other games to play

>i want all my female monsters to look like human females, except a different color

fuck off faggot

not yet


>all they need to say is cloaca
If you stop reading here you're right

>Female skeleton

does this game have that annoying system where you can only play as characters in your friends games? Or is it a true multiplayer like Diablo

The former


>Female skeleton
>Wide childbearing pelvis.

>are cannibals
tell me more, are they like Bosmer(wood elf) from Elder Scrolls?

As in do they worship trees? Not sure

They do relive memories of people they eat tho, and I believe they're immortal unless killed

>pick up game yesterday
>finally sit down and play it today
>choose the crazy necro elf
>kill every lizard I come across
>find out the Red lizard is a prince or some shit on top of being one of the few party members I can recruit
>Also gutted the human dude when he told me he was an ex-member of the group that sold me into slavery
>her face when

This bitch is one dimensional and dark as fuck and I love it.

>Playing as non-human scum
>Having non-humans in your party


Getting high from cannibalism. Best race confirmed.

Can you fuck your other characters in this one?


>Immortal unless killed
So, mortal then. Or at least just ageless.


Can you play as a skeleton with an afro?

That's what immortality is. Invincibility would be both not dying from natural causes and being incapable of being harmed.

Dorfs are honorary humans, right?

No that's just eternal youth. Immortality makes you incapable of dying from any means.

What about disease and illness? Does that fall under immortal? Shit like suffocation or bloodloss?

I dunno man nobody want to fuck this.
At least give it human face, the day of """""realistic""""" beast race has ended

nah the other faces make it look way better into 'would marry' tier

Actually immortality is the opposite of mortality, as the state of being subject to death. So by definition an immortal cannot die

>"We have a lizard race!"
>It's just a female human with some scales and a tail
>People will defend this

Manlets aren't even human pal.


Anything that is the result of external trauma/agent can still kill a biologically immortal creature. They are only safe from organ failure caused by aging.
>Mortality is the state of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality.

If you think
looks human, you may have undiagnosed brain problems

Wasn't referring to the design in OP, just how people tend to do beast people.

It's worse in japan, where they're literally just human girls with a couple beast parts pasted on.

Yes? Someone who is not immortal is susceptible to dying naturally.

yo what game is this senpai

Susceptible to death period

But something that is biologically immortal is susceptible to unnatural causes of death, such as physical trauma. By that train of thought, an immortal would be mortal.