What's the deal with Halo?
They call it 'Combat Evolved'. What does that mean? How did it evolve anyway? What does combat evolve into? They don't say.
And then later, they make a sequel, and it's just Halo 2! Did the combat devolve for that one?
What's the deal with Halo?
They call it 'Combat Evolved'. What does that mean? How did it evolve anyway? What does combat evolve into? They don't say.
And then later, they make a sequel, and it's just Halo 2! Did the combat devolve for that one?
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And they keep going. 3, 4, Reach, whatever that's about. They keep doing more games, and never again do they evolve the combat!
Frankly, I think they hit a rut. They evolved it once and spent the rest of the time trying to figure out how to do it again! Finally they gave up, they said "you know what, forget it, we don't NEED to evolve it again! It's already evolved!" and there you go. That's the halo games. Evolvin' it once, callin' it quits.
Speaking of evolving, what's the deal with Pokemon? Gotta catch 'em all. What happens if I don't?
I hate you.
These are fucking awful but I want more
Shit taste, I'm laughing my ass off right now
Right. Let's say I settle down my catching. I'm just not into it. I'm not the catcher I once was. What then? Does a guy come out and say, "Hey stupid! You gotta catch 'em all! Didn't ya read the memo?"
Frankly, I don't see the need for it. Do we all really need to catch 'em all? Can't we each just catch a couple and share notes? That would be more manageable.
not bad
Sometimes you're alright, Sup Forums
And also, what's the deal with airline food?
I laughed at it, that's why I hate him. Laughing is for faggots.
>Can't we each just catch a couple and share notes?
Fuck, I giggled like a faggot
How can you not catch 'em all, Jerry? It's in the title! You're crazy, Jerry! Crazy!
But theres 774 now my friend
Blah Blah Blah! Maybe he just doesn't FEEEL like catching 'em all...
Seinfeld is fucking A tier comedy, if you've never watched it you have shit taste. It's still relevant and funny. I still sometimes watch random episodes and every episode usually makes me laugh, probably because I can relate to George and how George is a walking physical representation of Sup Forums and how I picture autistic furry virgin mouth-breathing weebs to act like.
Two sticks was a pretty new thing for consoles.
Microsoft added 'combat evolved', it was never in the game save for the cover art
...774...774?!?!?!??!?!?!?! SINCE WHEN, HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT OF THE LOOP KRAMER!?!?!?!?
I fucking love Seinfeld more than life itself.
t. Kathy Griffin
You know, that's an interesting word, faggot. Or just 'fag' for short. You know it's a very offensive word, very offensive these days. You don't go around saying 'fag' anymore. But it's strange, you go to England, you meet up with a buddy, and first thing he does is ask if you want a fag! All this time we're thinking it's a bad word, a wrong word, and over there it's just a word for a cigarette! It's crazy!
If you're out there in England somewhere, and a guy on the street asks if you want a fag, how do you respond? Does it mean you wanna suck fumes? Or does it mean somebody's gonna suck you? What if it's both?
Moreover, let's say you're a smoker. Suppose you go to England and you want a cigarette. But you want to be hip, be 'with it' on their lingo. What if you DO ask for a fag, and they take you to a gay bar? What do you do then? And if they're smoking at that gay bar, well then that just raises further questions!
I think that the lesson here, everybody, is don't start smoking.
supreme kek
>feeling depressed all day
>see this thread
thanks guys
I'm glad there still are anons who are actually funny
I'm pretty sure I've seen this thread before.
Not that there's anything wrong with being taken to a gay bar.
Let's just make this into a Seinfeld thread, it'll make everyone happier and improve their day.
I just went to see Jerry's standup a couple hours ago AMA
Jerry, don't be a chump! these new touch thing phones are stealing your credit card information
What if Seinfeld aired nowadays? The show was FULL 90's; could it work in the 10's?
Wasn't there a season of curb based on that?
It wasn't great
It's Always Sunny is the Seinfeld of the modern age.
It's called Curb your Enthusiasm and.... Kinda, it's a bit weak.
is his hair really short nowadays?
I dunno, there are some episodes that wouldn't work at all (ie. the one where george is waiting for a phone booth to be open).
"We beat the Elite Four."
6 gens
Always sunny is a goddamn masterpiece
too offensive for current TV. jerry would get pissed and cancel the whole thing.
just like doing stand up at colleges, or in college cities
Was there ANYTHING offensive in Seinfeld? The show was pretty innocent, most of the time.
I was really paying attention to his hair, but i recall thinking it seemed a little more grown out than his regular buzz cut. I could have just caught him before a haircut, though.
was not* fuck
there was that episode where George tried to use black people he knew as fake friends in order to appear open-minded, but I don't imagine anyone would take that one any way but humorously.
it was, and is, but the world has changed.
oh and shit, some folks still care about michael richards going nutso and calling everybody niggers.
Pass the controller user
They also made a joke about going postal, I feel like that might trigger a few people now