Name a status effect more poorly implemented than Frenzy. Go ahead. I'll wait

Name a status effect more poorly implemented than Frenzy. Go ahead. I'll wait.

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Beasthood. You barely remember its there.

Muh Lovecraft an excuse.

I can't be bothered to watch this but frenzy is the shittiest way of representing Lovecraft madness I can think of.

Beasthood basically feels like cut content.

Frenzy and Beasthood were supposed to be actual mechanics but they were put on the back burner because money was tight. Happens to every game, really


Frezny in it's current should have just been cut altogether. Winter Lanterns are the worst shit ever in a From game.


>Hunter Axe it til it is dead
They are annoying and have to be taken on in a very certain way or you are gonna get fucked hard.
but i never have much problems with them. it is always the god damn brain suckers/shark giants for me

>Walk up
>Bait a grab
>Frenzy never touches you because muh cinematic deathblows

What is that expression supposed to mean? Why is it attractive in a very weird way?

But she has to service you anyway so that's why it's hot

Wrong game son.

>get a Kirkhammer
>spam R1
>winter lantern stunlocked to death

There, that was easy.

how do i beat orphan of kos on an arcane build?

rip him to pieces with your firesaw
you do have a fully enchanted Fire-gemmed Saw Spear, right?


>they're fine if you use exploits

No. This is not the way souls games should be played.

fully upgraded*

Good thing its Bloodborne

fully bloodgemmed*

lol not bad b8 but will probably get few bites. 2 bad.

Beasthood occupies a weird place in being completely overpowered and incredibly lame.

While we're complaining about things, Insight is also really disappointing. There are no interesting effects.


>What is that expression supposed to mean?

"How disgusting."


hmm on second thought i'm just going to cheese him with Augur backstabs

woah, I kinda like that. Literally forget she's a "doll" sometimes. Yeah I know you just wrote it too, friendo


>Insight is also really disappointing. There are no interesting effects.
Open your eyes and git gud

>hitting the monster with a weapon is an exploit

let me guess you are one of those people who just runs past everything?

Augur is so OP. Arcane is ridiculously powerful. Augur trivializes every NPC Hunter encounter. Not that a fire gemmed saw spear doesn't spread them into charred bits fast enough.

frozen in gen 1 pokemon

You frenzy more and one beginner enemy changes. Oh wow.

Also the stuff that happens in during the blood moon happens earlier. Shock and awe.

Eldritch knowledge is literally only good as secondary currency to buy rocks. That is garbage.

Stop in Crisis Core


It was pretty cool from a lore perspective that we could see the amygdala early if we had the insight, but insight should have been something better.

Having eyes is a huge part of bloodbornes lore, and all we get is a baby crying, 1 enemy change, and amygdala.

Bloodborne is my favorite game, no doubt, but its pretty obvious the game was rushed.

>just play like a barbarian and mash to fight
Baiting and countering are legitimate strategies, user. Not all of us swing around a giant sword and run into enemies' faces.

parry riposte is in BB though

>get to 99 insight
>nothing happens
disappointment of the century

Dot in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. It turns the target into a cute 8-bit sprite and only allows them to use standard attacks.

Only enemies it works on are the random encounters (which you can just steamroll through anyways) and some bosses have a special attack where they deal damage and inflict Dot on your entire party with a 100% success rate. And they will spam the move ad nauseum.

You can't get more poorly implemented than Focus Energy in the original pokemon games, at least most shitty status effects work or clearly do nothing. Focus Energy is a debuff disguised as a buff, 100% broken.

Jesus, didn't this exact same thing happen in that PS1 Digimon game?

What's wrong with Focus Engery? It raises critical hit rate, how is that a debuff?

It was bugged in the first games. Instead of doubling your critical rate, it halved it.

How do you fuck that up

Pokerus? I've gone like, 15+years of playing Pokemon without ever seeing it. If it wasn't for the internet, never would of even heard of i.

have you seen the chart of all the shit that they fucked up in gen 1?

I might of. Is it that baity one that proves one gen was better than another or something, or something like "Fucking genwunners look at how much your shit sucks"? Might of skimmed it if so.

this one.

First few games had some weird fuckery going on. Another example is the Love Ball in Gen II. Instead of giving an 8x catch rate to opposite gendered Pokemon, it gave 8x to the same species and gender as your Pokemon. Early years Game Freak weren't so good with the programming.

I've heard Gehrman gets additional dialogue.

>>I've heard Gehrman gets additional dialogue.
wish I knew this before I fought him on new game plus and spent all my insight.

Probably too young to ever realise any of this shit, I don't recall any of these things except the box switching one

I just realized some jackass censored this.

I never even found out what beasthood was until I beat the game and looked at the wiki

I really thought i was gonna have to manage by beast stat in BB but it never came up til i got the claws+rune for beast mode.

>Early years Game Freak weren't so good with the programming.
They really still aren't great programmers.
It took them until gen 3 to really get a hold of their game mechanics and gen 4 threw a wrench in the works by going partial 3D and making everything run like shit, which they didn't perfect until gen 5. And they still can't make full 3D games run well. 3 and 5 are really the only gens that don't have some horrible issues in some way from a programming aspect


Are you one of those fags that scream 'weapon upgrades are cheating'?

Isn't the beast form DLC only?

SuMo running at shit framerate during any battle with more than 2 pokemon blows my mind. The models are hyper detailed and niether is the environment

What about the special stat? All I remember is move types like fire/water/psychic/etc used it instead of attack.

Fuck off, Micky. You're a fucking mummy. No one cares how you pronounce shit.

I'm amazed how many people disagree with this guy, you're doing whats clearly not designed to avoid damage.

if this was a mechanic, avoiding damage in parry or whatever they would try and teach you this shit.


Special was a fucked stat that's basically Sp. Atk and Sp. Def in a single stat. You know how Amnesia boosts Sp. Def by two stages? In Gen I, it buffed Special by two. You can see where this is going.

Yeah, but it's not required to benefit from beasthood. Beasthood just increases the damage you do and take with every hit you deal. The transformation just gives a bonus to it.

yeah but they should have had wolfman be a base game thing.

Honestly when you saw the beast pellet what were you thinking.
How dissapointed were you.

I never even used them because I didn't know what beasthood did.

there were a bunch of things that were supposed to be in the game but didnt make it
just like all the other souls games

shut the FUCK up no one called it kosm but you micolash

yeah i thought BB was going to have a soul/hollowing mechanics similar to the old games

but instead you could get infected and slowly turn into a beastman or something. too bad that never really became a thing (unless you count the beast claw transformation )

>If it isn't spoonfed to me it's not a game mechanic!

Holy shit you're pathetic.

Play my first run of old hunters right now.
I just beat ludwig easily, probably the first giant boss where i actually had fun, any tips on when i should take on laurence?

>implying Amelia isn't the best souls waifu

>he doesnt call it kosm
0 insight detected

What weapon is that anyway?

dont get hit lol xd

She isn't, Fool's Idol is.

I beat him as soon as i got the skull.
he is a fun fight like the rest of the old hunter DLC

she's the idol of fools

if im a fool for idolizing her I dont want to be intelligent


He's not too tough, just has tons of HP for whatever reason.

Curse (DaS1)

>Kosmfags still won't shut the fuck up even after they got BTFO by the DLC

what's that bread loaf she's holding, anyway

MLGS charged, untransformed R2 into side/ass or transformed L2 anywhere until dead

Damn, I lost a source of imgur post with all the photoes and gifs...

>Muh lovecraft is racism
Fucking hell, nu-males need to die out already

I finished Bloodborne and the dlc and I still don't know what the fuck frenzy or beasthood actually are/do.

Strength damage

good bait but people actually do think like this, Souls/Bloodborne fanbase is so autistic about what they consider the right way to play

did you not get the bloodrock in mensis?

You're a fucking idiot.

>roll willpower

Doesn't Insight represent Lovecraft madness?

Fucking this. It's such a hurdle when you first get hit with that shit as a low level exploring.