People on Sup Forums actually bought this

>People on Sup Forums actually bought this


*breathes in*


I hope there is a secret mod coup and pro-shitposting mods are instituted.

It's actually funny you say that because they added Magicka 2 today which I've been meaning to buy

>*breathes in*
Since nobody over the age of 15 types like that, I'm calling underage.


When I saw Guilty Gear on there I thought I might get it if there was anything else interesting added. Hasn't happened.

At least post the new unlocks, faggot

Way to confirm what he was saying

>Charity to some weird LGBT foundation
Fuck no, these sickos are getting shit

Has there ever been a worse bundle?

Any humble bundle that isn't related to steam, so literally all the mobile ones, origin ones, books ones, music ones, specially the mobile ones and fuck the "no weekly humble bundle" one

Aren't Magicka and Psychonauta good?

Why would anyone in their right mind buy it before all the games have been revealed? Also you can't really even judge it yet because if there are going to be good games in there they're going to be added on Christmas or the last few days.

the origin ones were great tho

until origin decided I didn't need to be able to access my account anymore

>Charity to some weird LGBT foundation
Oh, shit. I didn't know. I'm going to donate extra.

It's not "Traps for Neets United" so there's no point.

What a good daily thread
I guess someone is really mad

I'm actually thinking of getting this one.


I ended up getting into plants vs zombies garden warfare because of that EA bundle

Magicka 2 sucks huge fucking nigger cock compared to the first one. They literally nerfed everything to shit, no arena mode, removed some spells because they are no fun allowed cunts, short campaign.

What a disappointment.

Some guy was shilling it hard because it was limited.

People say Christmas and New Year's Eve are going to be good, but there is so much trash I really doubt it.

>New Year's Eve
>it's their game they ran off with kickstarter coins

25th: Fallout 3 + Fallout: New Vegas
31st: Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
You should buy this bundle before they run out of stock

shit i already have? oh boy

Plus Gunpoint and Runner 2. But that's about all the worthwhile stuff.

I just started up robocraft. They give everyone the 3 day premium, extra chests if you validate an

shut the fuck up kevin or else im telling my mom not to give me $20 to give you for your birthday you dumb bitch

At least two games here are fun.

>King Arthur's gold
Game had a lot of potential before Minecwaft autists and third worlders ruined it 2bh

>people post like that non-ironically now because too many retards did it 'ironically'
Feels bad man
This board needs some nuking

>team fortress 2 badges

Yeah, but who: the idiots who parroted ironic posts seriously, or the idiots who thought ironic retardation was funny in the first place?

The latter
The former are ignorant newfriends who think it's the common board culture and should lurk more, but the latter are actively working on pushing the board even deeper into the shitter and clearly don't care about the quality of posting
Of course you also have to be a quite special retard to think of copying that in the first place, so both sides are to blame and should go to hell