How come the "Witcher 3 is GOTY!" Sup Forums meme didn't save it

>Current vanilla Skyrim players:

>Current Skyrim Special Edition players:

>Current Witcher 3 players:

>People would still rather be playing Skyrim than Witcher 3

According to Sup Forums, a bad game like Skyrim should have lost its appeal a long time ago. How come that isn't actually the case, and can someone explain this phenomenon? But more importantly, how come Witcher 3 doesn't have as good mod tools as Skyrim?

Oh and the "Skyrim is old and Witcher 3 has better graphics!" opinion doesn't fly because of Skyrim Special Edition

I liked it

Bethesda half asses their games on purpose since they know that modders will add thousands of hours of gameplay for free for them

Why does it matter? If you like the game play it. Numbers don't mean shit.

Christ what a sad fucking thread

>buying Witcher 3 on Steam

I dont know whats more pathethic that Im on here every day to see it posted constantly or that someone is this mad over a video game.

This. Do something important with your life, OP.

No one said Skyrim would lose its appeal. Everyone knew porn mods would keep it going for years.

With all the blatant Witcher 3 dicksucking we see on Sup Forums, its nice to see a good counterbalance

mods make skyrim great and is what keeps people playing
witcher 3 doesn't need em

Because Skyrim is replayable, lighthearted, and fun.
Witcher has better lore, but it doesn't equate to something I would casually play for months on end. I'm usually not in the mood to pay attention to that bullshit.

Witcher 3 is objectively the best video game ever made.

Skyrim is objectively the best shit I have ever taken in the toilet.

Prove me wrong.


Only cucks and faggots bought The Witcher 3 on Steam, everybody else got it on GoG, without DRM and spyware.

I found witcher 3 boring and everyone on here hypes it up so much that when I finally played it it was so disappointing.


which jojo episode is this?

the fact you take the time to validate your purchase continuously on this forum disproves your points and shows your low self-esteem and buyer's remorse.

Didn't save it from what? It's sold many more copies than Skyrim and won over 800 awards.

Half those people playing skyrim are likely degenerates fappan to their le waifu.

>play witcher 3 on console
>later get it on PC
>MFW I did not even know sidestepping was a thing until I moved to pc
>MFW I modded the game to fix the shit store prices.

Ironic because the same logic applies to OP's shitpost too.
You're all retards.

>Oh and the "Skyrim is old and Witcher 3 has better graphics!" opinion doesn't fly because of Skyrim Special Edition

OP is retarded, nothing to see here folks. Skyrim vanilla with mods looks way better than SE and SE by itself looks worse than Witcher 3.

you're correct, it is a statement of fact.

Witcher 3 is also available on GOG. I don't know anyone personally who bought it on steam.

Also skyrim has massive replayability with mods and community made quest lines. Witcher 3 doesn't. Mgs5 is suffering from the same thing. There are more people playing w3 than mgs5.

OP's intent is debatable, he wasn't blatantly saying Witcher 3 sucks.

I wish there were serious modding tools for MGSV, Infinite Heaven got boring really fast and it's a shame the Fox Engine is getting wasted like that.

Most people play Witcher on gog or offline.

It's not like people are playing Skyrim theyre modding it.

How did the ultimate version of Skyrim lose the GOTY to a DLC of the piece of garbage The Witcher 3?

Skyrim is the best user, you've proven it, but it got robbed! FUCKING ROBBED!

Because the amount of people eating shit is indicative of the shit tasting good.

I bet 50% of those skyrim players are just them installing mods and then crashing anyhoo. Or installing appearance mods one at a time to make their perfect ingame waifu even though porn is a thing.

More people are actually playing the original Skyrim than the Special Edition, funnily enough.


Probably due to mod support. I bet that 90%+ of people who still play skyrim are people who have atleast like 20 mods which would make your save incompatible with skyrimSE. I had to go though like 30 different saves before I finally found one which worked with the special edition. I had to then remove all the scripts from that save so it wouldn't be all glitchy in the special edition because of missing resources. Most people are probably waiting for their favorite mods to be ported over.

oh look it's this thread again.

>Didn't save it

The games been out for two years, long since had irs last dlc update, and has won goty awards since its release. It never needed saving, It lapped Skyrim three times and then retired

>this tired meme

>Witcher 2m steam owners
>Skyrim collectively 16m.

Skyrim SHOULD have x8 the amount of active players. More actually, because of mods and replayability.

Yet for some reason, it only has about x4 people.

You're right user, Skyrim is great, but lets talk about games that are better than both Skyrim and The Witcher 3:

Garry's Mod
Tom Clancy's The Division
Football Manager 2017

Which mental illness is this?

Pretending to be retarded, which as we all know is a medically recognised symptom of retardation. Only retards would want people to think they're retarded after all.

There is no treatment unfortunately, they will continue to think they're merely pretending no matter what you do or say.


Is this even any good? I haven't played any fm game since 15 and haven't played it in ages since I got bored after winning the treble 3 seasons in a row with arsenal and a full English team (lol).

Did they fix the shitty match simulation yet?

You being a cuckold

We need fucking IDs. This guy samefags his own threads to stay relevant


I'm surprised there's still a number of people who get baited by this thread.

This is a fucking daily counterbalance though.


Holy shit.


autism, i am not memeing, see barneyfag

>Owning Witcher 3 on Steam and not GOG.


It's a pretty story driven game, I imagine people won't like it if they can't get into the lore. The combat from what I hear is pretty simplistic.

>The combat from what I hear is pretty simplistic.

Not really, but when you have a very good understanding of it, it can be easily abused and trivialized.

For the most part you've got to go out of your way to do that, and god forbid, actually learn about it.

and barneyfag done similar thing for years.