Defends literal garbage like Gone Homo and Dear Esther

>Defends literal garbage like Gone Homo and Dear Esther

Why do people defend this puppetfag?

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Cuz he says nice things about Nintendo games and Sup Forums loves Nintendo.

>i don't like the term walking sim

why do faggots like this exist

Honestly he comes off as a bit of an idiot.
I'm not even saying this to be mean.

Contrarian hiding behind a puppet facade.

yeah we fucking do, bitch.

I like the name walking simulators, and I also like to "play" them sometimes. They're generally overpriced and don't really scratch the itch, but occasionally they're enjoyable, especially on lazy gaming days. Well, thanks for reading my blog, be sure to like and subscribe. Cheers.

lets get this over with.

people who LIKE walking simulators still call them that, it's the perfect fucking description

Firewatch was good.

>Got more than half its content cut because of SJWs like Anita.


Dear Esther was beautiful and relaxing. I enjoyed it for what it was

How did Cookie monster lose so much weight?

Gone home was probably the worst, most infuriating "video game'" I've ever experienced. I got it free on ps4 after never hearing of it before, played it to the end hoping something would actually happen and then immediately deleted it once I realized how I was basically tricked into wasting my time on that trash with the implication it was one of my free "games" of the month. Fucking ham fisted lesbian literal shit

I played DE back when it was an HL2 mod and it's complete trash that you should feel ashamed for liking outside of its piano music

My god, you autists can't go one thread without "B-B-BUT NINTENDO"

Serena was the only walking simulator I actually enjoyed.

I don't mind them, but they're not games. Calling them games blurs the line between the two, which is partially to blame for most AAA games these days being those kind of interactive experiences but with added mindless button mashing.

Yeah well maybe I'll shit in your mouth you hipster cunt


I don't get it. What is the appeal of them?

>likes walking simulators
>calls others hipster cunts

loving every laugh


I find Arlo enjoyable and you can't stop me user

>didn't even list Life is Tumblr
Come on man

is this guy popular now?
i remember him shilling his channel here a couple years ago or something

>Cookie Monster here to tell you about why Nintendo is god, Color Splash is actually good, and you're a bigot for not liking Gone Home!
Have literally never clicked on one of this faggot's videos. If you are guilty of doing so you must immediately end your life.

Do people take this faggot serious?

Not even memeing.

So how can you tl:dr his videos when you haven't even clicked on them, something seems sketchy.

What was cut and why

>Color Splash is actually good
nigga did you even see the video

> shat all over color splash and star fox 64 wiiu edition
> defends

I get all I need to know from his faggy titles and thumbnails.

The guy barely shits on anything.
He gets mildly upset because if he swears he won't get those jewtube bucks.

Well, you were wrong about your claim

yes, I am spoonfeeding you


Sesame street plays video games? I am getting so fucking old...

Holy shit Sup Forums is literally full of 5 year olds

>ugoo baba me want funnee puppet to review muh faboritt bideo game!!!


Dear Esther and Gone Home are both very successful at what they aim to accomplish. Gone Home is a picture-perfect slice of 90s dysfunction and Dear Esther is gorgeous, relaxing, and interesting.

Speaking of Sesame Street, have you seen it recently?

It's changed a lot. Cookie Monster sometimes does parodies.

>Oh my gosh, those controls!
Wow. He's really ripping Nintendo a new one.

Just kidding. Really miss the gold age of youtube where people just made videos for fun. But whatever pays your bills Arlo. Just saying Michelangelo made the statue of David for the sake of artistic expression, not to get some cash. The only true artist I see on youtube anymore is Mowtendoo. You're just another fad hopper.

wait what do you mean

He doesn't sound angry at all. He sounds like a child pretending to be mad.
Like I don't expect him to be AVGN-tier, but it just doesn't sound genuine to me.

>64 WiiU edition

Are you high? Even a fucking carbon copy of 64 with literally no improvements would have been better than Zero.

Nintendo is completely (COMPLETELY) out of touch with the Starfox Fanbase, and released a bad game because of it. No one wants motion controls. We wanted a slick rail shooter with good music and branching paths. That's it.

That's what SNES was, that's what N64 was, that's what the GC games should have been, that's what the DS version TRIED, and that's what the Wii U version should have been.

Assault was a good game.

Literally Nothing.

The controls are fine once you get used to them.

The problem is by the time you get used to them the game is 75% done and since the only way to unlock stuff is to "pick a level from the map a second time" and the game is slow as shit sometimes it doesn't have 64's replayability.

I don't think that's what user was saying

No it really wasn't. Saying it's a good game is being a compromising git. It was a bad game that stuck by its bad design choices, and it showed.

They had a very simple and great formula and fucked with it. Pokemon hasn't fucked with its formula for 20(ish) and it still breaks records with every new release.

If I wanted to play NOT Starfox, there are literally thousands of other games for me to play. I come to starfox for starfox.

At least he's not Haedox.

Never even heard of this guy.

Assault was a natural progression of Star Fox. Whether it was done well is debatable though.

>Try to make walking simulator with some gameplay or just story based game in general
>Result is that HL2 mod based on korsakoff's syndrome
>Outside of the story it's fucking shit
Don't take me wrong, I liked the story of it, the gameplay was just fucking arse and should be perfect example why games should be games and retain some form of actual gameplay instead of just doing tedious repetitive task over and over again.

I'd argue that the "natural progression" would be to introduce more types of vehicles to pilot.
Which, ironically enough, is what Zero did, but the presentation ruined it for everyone.

Assault took the ideas from Starfox 2 that NOBODY LIKED and put it into a 3D world. It was not a good look. Natural progression my ass.

If anything Starfox for the DS took all the GOOD ideas from Starfox 2 and turned it into a game that nobody "played". Personally, that game felt much better than either of the gamecube titles, and no one fucking agrees with me.

I've settled on Sup Forums having either no taste or no idea what they're talking about when it comes to starfox.

A respectable opinion.

Thats funny, I enjoyed Starfox Command for what it is but I keep seeing people just shit on it like it was some sort of unholy abomination or something. Its a shame it didn't get a sequel.

Literally who?

Command was garbage. It wishes it was as good as Star Fox 2.

>That final boss where James Mccloud shows up out of fucking nowhere and he has the best ship in the game

Granted some of the endings are fanfiction tier and the storytelling was lackluster, and it still kept the fucking gamecube games in-canon so there's a lot of "Literally who's" running around, but it was a legitimately good- and HARD game. The only downside is that it was all range mode all the time. I would have enjoyed some rail levels.

literally who?
I've never seen this fag posted anywhere and suddenly everyone here knows about him?
>watch his video to be caught up on all the hottest memes
>it's just another nasally american kid except he's using a puppet to spew his poorly articulated opinions
why does this thread even exist?

Puppets are the lowest form of humour.

>puppets are the lowest form of humour
excuse me

I've never even heard of this guy until now and only noticed this thread cause I thought it was Grover at first.

This muppet only has one hand.
Now why is that????

there are very few 'walking sims' that are good

only one is great

When did the muppets do game reviews?

They really want to take the kids back from youtube

For what it was worth, The Stanley Parable was very enjoyable.
Very nice humor and searching for the easter eggs before they got released was fun.

0 fucking replayability once you found everything since the jokes work only once most of the time.

Stanley Parable is p good too