>tfw can't buy my weeb games in brick & mortar shops and porch pirates steal everything that is ever delivered
even NEETs aren't safe anymore
President Triumph needs to exterminate the minorities ASAP. This is shit is unacceptable.
>tfw can't buy my weeb games in brick & mortar shops and porch pirates steal everything that is ever delivered
even NEETs aren't safe anymore
President Triumph needs to exterminate the minorities ASAP. This is shit is unacceptable.
Do they really just leave things on your doorstep over there?
Isn't there a postal office or something?
>living in the ghetto
So what's stopping you from just bringing the package inside as soon as it gets delivered? Apparently you don't have anywhere else to be.
Packages that don't fit in your mailbox just get left there.
>public services
I wasn't home, but my sisters were. These niggers follow the mail driver and just steal every package as soon as its delivered, before you even have a chance to retrieve it. It's a fucking national crime wave.
It's not their fault they can't afford Vita dungeon crawlers and cast-off anime figures. Check your privilege.
>tfw gated community
>tfw package left on my doorstep all weekend was fine
>there's some dumb nigger/spic trash hot gluing on a stolen pvc anime doll RIGHT NOW.
>Take a shit in a bag but dont light on fire
>duct tape it so no one can see whats inside
>leave it outside on doorstep
>That outfit
Why's he dressed like he just walked off the set of City Guys or Hang Time?
Ups user here, If you want your weeb shit or expensive mustard devices answer the door when i ring/knock. I don't even have to its not my job but I do it out of courtesy.
You live on a hill or you have a gate/fence I'm not opening or walking up it, I'm chucking your shit on the lawn. goes the same for you fucking neets who live in an apartment complexes.
>MFW order large boxes from amazon
>someone steals them
>find that its a package of confidry 24/7
Do keep in mind a doorstep burglar knows where you live. So, unless you want your house vandalized or live in a city with lenient enough property defense laws that you can reasonably bait them into coming back so you can shoot them dead, retaliation is probably a poor idea.
Or how about be observant and report if you are being cased.
>Can't even be bothered to do the job he's being paid for
Not my job, Once it reaches the customers doorstep its out of my hands.
>mailmen leaving shit on your doorsteps
america is literally a third world country
so walk up the fucking hill and put it on my doorstep you lazy sack of shit.
You think he should actually try and put effort into his job? Damn entitled millennials.
Shit pay and terrible hours. Don't care if your new ebin tech gets stolen or damaged. I have 265 stops to do during the holidays each day.
>delivery service leaving delivery at your doorstep
fucking 3rd world shithole. even in my country a receive receipt is needed.
do you live in china
we HAVE to, unless your fucking home
Still better than your shithole :^]
>UPS: We Don't Care If Your Package Is Stolen
Try getting a better job then, or is the only marketable skills you have driving a car and being able to pick up a box
Haha loser
over here they ring your doorbell, and if you're not at home they come back later, instead of just leaving shit outside