Anyone else losing hope?

Anyone else losing hope?

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>losing hope

They haven't revealed it fully yet.

Why would you lose hope, when it's not shown off fully? Only a retard would think like that.

How the fuck can you lose hope? It's not like there's any new information on it. Wait until January 12th at least.
I had barely any hope in the beginning, and that remains the same now.

When will phone posters be banned? Is traffic and ad revenue more important than quality?

Oh yeah I'm really worried about a biased article with unlisted sources.

Why do some posters here really, really want the Switch to fail right out of the gate? It's autistic in it's pushing.

>confirmed to have Nvidia last-gen Maxwell chip instead of Tegra

Source? :^)

Probably because there are still people foolish enough to believe that Nintendo should make a generic high-end console and directly compete with Sony and Microsoft.
Or they want them to fail as "punishment" for how disappointing the Wii U and its library were.

>unreliable rumor

Meanwhile Nvidia's own website says its using pascal.

>trusting from unconfirmed rumors

Nintendo fanboy should all be gassed. No group of fanboys are as zealous and retarded as them!

I didn't have any hope in the first place.

Sorry but until it is confirmed by a reliable source, I have no reason to believe that.

Only retards bought a wii u

>instead of Tegra
It's Tegra either way. Tegra is confirmed.

The GPU on the chip is what isn't confirmed, some are saying it's Pascal, some are saying it's Maxwell. We don't know which and we may not know for sure until it launches and someone takes it apart.

Honestly? It doesn't matter. You're talking about roughly 500 gflops vs 750 gflops. They're both shit for a home console and overkill for a handheld

I haven't heard anything about Social Justice Time in a long time. Did they finally get cancelled?

y-you too

>Nintendo should make a generic high-end console and directly compete with Sony and Microsoft.
You say this as if it isn't already true.

Nintendo competes directly with Sony and MS. They're stupid enough to think it isn't true, but it's never been more true than it's been this generation.

Considering how many devs are shilling it, and how its pretty much a tablet game that has normie game #1 out the gate, its going to sell like hotcakes

to normies, that's who they're catering to this time around

>Make a console catering to "hardcore" gamers
>They're too proud to buy it
>Go back to casuals and making money

The ironing

>catering to hardcore

u wot
wii u was aimed solely at children

There's this game my father taught me years ago

Skyrim didn't sell to the normie crowd, it sold to the gamer crowd. People who buy tablets play candycrush and farmville. They don't give a fuck about Skyrim

Nintendo doesn't understand demographics at all. Skyrim is not something people want to play on a tablet, because it's not something people get a tablet for.

Cave Explorer?

Who the fuck said anything about skyrim?

>Skyrim didn't sell to the normie crowd
Not true. I know a bunch of people who were basically just chavs who played nothing but Fifa and CoD and they were all hooked on the thing.

People I didn't even know played games started playing Skyrim.

Sorry, but it doesn't change the fact, Devs love Scorpio and Scorpio already beats out Nintendo, despite Switch being in development much longer.
Just give in Nintendo defence force, Microsoft is very welcoming, and Xbox Live is the best it has ever been!

>has normie game #1 out the gate

Yeah, ask literally any normie claiming to like vidya what their favorite series is

9 times out of 10 you'll just get "uuuuuhhh zelda??" If it isn't fifa or madden

Why would you have hope in modern Nintendo ever?

>chavs who played nothing but Fifa and CoD and they were all hooked on the thing.
Exactly. People who played games.
Nintendo wants another Wii. The Wii was a success because it targetted people who wanted to play golf in their living room and they were sold that gimmick.

It's not going to happen again with the Switch because the Switch is being targetted at Gamers, and Gamers don't want a fucking tablet.

You're also completely fucking ignoring the point that Skyrim is 5 years old. People who wanted to play it played it. The Wii U had the same problem with year old ports of 3rd party shit everyone had already experienced somewhere else.

I just hope we get SMTV on it. With more glorious Kodaka music.

nice try nigger

A man of top-tier taste.

The PS4 pro is the same power as a 970 (maxwell chip).
Either way, there is no information saying it is a maxwell chip. All we have is nvidia saying it's a custom chip based on the latest architecture.

Not to mention, everything Switch can do, Scorpio can already do. Sure, it's not a tablet, but you can fucking play Xbox ANYWHERE (PC capable!)

>Skyrim on the go

user, people are buying the game for another time because of a remaster. Do you think the opportunity to play it outside will not sell?

>Confirmed to be using a Cyrix 6x86 CPU
I don't know, guys. I'm losing hope.

all your shit threads get deleted faggot. and you still keep making more all day every day, now THAT's autism!

>Nintendo Switch is powered by the performance of the custom Tegra processor. The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world’s top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards.

>think it would be good after the wiiu
>after the fucking wiiu

I'm not buying into it as a Wii U owner. I'm buying into it as a 3DS owner.
Considering it's technically a successor to both, it's bound to be at the very least, average.

>settling for average
Greatness Awaits, over on the PS4

This is a good point. Even if it doesn't live up to home console expectations, you can expect it to be better than the 3DS, which was a damn good console in its own right.

>Greatness Awaits
I bought it out of necessity of some weeb exclusives. The console is very average.

Oh, come on. I was clearly joking. Cyrix hasn't even existed since the late 90s.

It's actually incredibly shitty. We're redifining Greatness to mean shit.

All of you fanboys should be put in a gas chamber. You're proof that there really are inferior human beings that should be purged from the gen pool.

>Do you think the opportunity to play it outside will not sell?
I do.

Regardless of what Sup Forums thinks about Skyrim, it's what the industry would consider a core-gamer experience. It's not Candycrush. It's something you would play on a console or PC, not a tablet, and that's the whole problem. The core gamer demographic is not interested in tablets, and the casual gamer demographic is not interested in Skyrim. These are mutually exclusive.

The Wii U had the same problem. It was marketed towards core gamers and it's ultimately a fucking tablet. Core gamers don't want a tablet, this bears repeating. And the Switch is doing almost exactly the same thing as if Nintendo has learned nothing

>having hope for Nintendo after they showed you what they think about F-Zero and Metroid

the gen pool???????????????????????

I do love the PS4 controller though.

>People who played games

More like people who picked them up for 30 minutes, got bored, put their consoles away and went back to doing normalfag things.

This hasn't been posted yet, and I am pretty sure that there are people here who thought you are not joking.

Im still dumbfounded at how the PS4 succeeded so well despite being a lackluster console overall.

you mean kid things like coloring and napping

The switch is only a tablet when you play it as a handheld. When you have the console docked, you use a standard controller layout without any gimmicks.

Some of the same arguments against this console are the ones I've heard against the Wii roughly 10 years ago. History is repeating itself.

It's still far different than people who spend most of their free time on their tablet posting to Facebook and check out the popular gaming apps on the appstore because they're cheap and popular.

Nintendo fundamentally misunderstands the smart device craze. These people are not gamers and they did not buy their tablets and phones to play games. They play games *incidentally*. The last thing they will ever buy is a dedicated gaming device. The only reason they bought a Wii is because it was not sold as one.

it has CoD and FIFA and was cheaper than xbone
looks like you don't even need quality games to be successful anymore

>he didn't already lose all hope with the wii u

This is a Sony falseflagger

And it's as powerful as a 7th gen console when you do.

It's objectively the best place to play multiplats that aren't on PC. It's the console I bought Destiny and FFXV on for that reason, but as a console itself, Sony could've done so much better.

Somehow puts the One in it's place and the competition in general is lackluster.

Also, I have to admit the PS4 UI is miles ahead of the One's. What the fuck happened with MS and their UI? How did they go so far from the greatness of the blades?

I want one.

We know absolutely nothing about the console's power. But a 7th gen console power in a handheld is bloody amazing.



you literally don't know what any of those words mean

it was sold as a dedicated gaming device retard. people bought it to play wii sports, NSMB, mario kart. you don't know anything. you would have a point if you weren't so dumb and retarded and if you didn't say the wrongest stupidest shit all the time.
you must be thinking of the PS3 which was sold as a bluray player

Can we finally get a console MH again? Fucking hate playing it on the 3DS.

>But a 7th gen console power in a handheld is bloody amazing.
Until you connect it to a 1080p or higher TV

Wonder if it's the same fag that does it to 'bait mods' and keeps making /qa/ threads

Microsoft basically started out with a great UI for the 360 and then spent the next decade making it slowly worse, I guess for fun.

The current rumor is "maxwell" right? PS4 pro is the same power as a 970, which is a maxwell card.
How the hell does the only rumor about its power equal 7th gen?

The thing is, it's not being marketed solely as a tablet. The idea behind it is that it's a handheld like its predecessors, and a console at the same time. The success is most likely going to come from Nintendo merging their handheld and console divisions, which most people have been clamoring for. This is perhaps their best move in decades, it makes it so people no longer have to bought two platforms to get these types of titles that only come to handhelds. It's why I'm pretty optimistic about it. I see this as a move that should have been made a long time ago.

If they did what you're probably thinking they should do, they would just lose a lot of money, sinking into a powerhouse that no one will buy over PS4/Xbone because they already have the exact same console twice over.

does he keep making them? i thought he only made one lmao jesus

That's pretty pathetic. And I thought my life was tragic.

The Wii was sold as a novelty device. The main attraction was not the console, it was the Wiimote. It was like a magic wand that let you do things like play golf, bowl, baseball, conduct music, shoot a gun.. Watch the ads again. Most of them don't *even have game footage*

This was a video game device that was NOT sold as one, which is why so many normies bought it. They bought a fleeting and cheap novelty that would let them play sports inside.

The Switch doesn't have this appeal whatsoever

Nintendo has completely missed the bus on who the thing is supposed to appeal to because it doesn't fit the market of anything. It's not a console because it's a tablet. It's not a tablet because it'll be locked down and you won't be able to install apps on it. It's not for casuals because it has dinky as fuck controllers on it. It's not for core because it's not a console. And we're full circle.

PS4 Pro is closer to AMD's 490 which is stronger than the 970 by a fair amount.

So... probably going to end up performing like an underclocked One, seeing how Skyrim runs on it.

I'm cautiously optimistic because I'm not a falseflagging doomsayer that wants everything to fail also monster hunter that is a mainline serie that I can also play on a tv

life is tough when the ps4 has no games

All they need is 3rd party support, a strong release lineup, and a good marketing strategy to not flop like the Wii U, that's it, nothing else, no way they'll fuck up twice in a row.

It's sad that the PS1, PS2 and PS3 (the latter years) were more worthwhile than the PS4. I can name a top 10 of great games you can only play on each system but can't even count on a single hand how many great games are on the PS4 currently that I can't get anywhere else.

you talk so much stupid shit that less and less people are falling for it


Of course not.

Didn't have any in the first place.

>How the hell does the only rumor about its power equal 7th gen?
Because a Tegra is an SoC with a GPU built into a single chip and far, far less CUDA cores. Yes, the architecture is Maxwell, but that's like saying the Xbone is an X86 so why isn't it as powerful as my $3k PC. You can't compare a standalone GPU to a SoC built for mobile devices and ask why the latter is like several 10s of times less powerful

Sounds like you're just growing old and wearing the nostalgia goggles

So what you're saying is, Nintendo should release another console like Wii, another gimmick-based console to be successful. What do you have in mind?

That footage of skyrim was 100% post production and not actually running on the switch. None of the games in that video were played on the switch.

Wii u bombed, Xbox One was a complete mess at launch and all those negative signals sent before launch didn't help. Ps4 was the default go to console.

>Game device that was not sold as one
I don't have an image to convey the level of retard one must be to believe this. The wii might have reached to the most casual of audiences, but it was still being sold as a device to play video games. As where competitors were all promoting playing DVDs or having TV streaming, etc.

Sounds like the PS4 has no games

>promotional video to show off a console
>actually playing a game

Wow, it's like you've never seen this done before.

Yes, but Skyrim will ultimately run on the console.

I guess it could end up being a glorified 360, but that seems unlikely with Nvidia trying to get back to consoles (AMD is actually winning somewhere!)

Am I fag for wanting a trophy/achievement thing on Switch?
