Why areN'T YOU PLAyiNG tHe bESt halo MultIpLayeR SiNcE HaLo 2?
Why areN'T YOU PLAyiNG tHe bESt halo MultIpLayeR SiNcE HaLo 2?
Because the sound design is trash.
I did. It was called Halo 3.
Halo 3 is on my shelf, my man
There's no split screen.
Every other halo has had better multiplayer
People still play halo 3?
No BabBIES aLlOwEd
I am though. Best game
I am
nice dynamic timers you fucking pleb
I want it on PC so fucking bad
At least I don't bend over for microtransactions, bitch.
i think hes butthurt about weapon respawn timers
No fuck face, they removed split screen, ignored btb, gave us terrible maps, ruined the aim system, kept sprint, added ads, fucked grenade jumping, added microtransactions, focused heavily on esports. That's why Halo 3 mp is better than Halo 5's.
What did this post have to do with reply?
Your retard ass think I dislike the respawn timers, something I'm happy they brought back when the main reason Halo 5 mp is not my favorite is because of the other shit it does listed here
You are the re'tard.
And you're a faggot
Nothing wrong wit that.
Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 4 > Halo 5
Halo 1 = Halo 2 = Halo 3 > Halo 5 > Halo 4
Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4
It's boring tryhard shit. All you do is headshot with pistol because the power weapons have no ammo for "le esports balance"
Fuck, they got rid of btb? Now I'm definitely not gonna get it
Then go suck some dick and lick some ball sacks, faggot.
They didn't get rid of it they just last minute made forge maps and called it btb.
Jeez you must be pretty bad.
Sounds disappointing.
Like most of Halo 5.
Fuck 343 and that cunt who's sinking the ship
Halo 3's population dwindled and my buds are busy at the moment. That's why.
Why is it always the woman's fault with you losers?
Nah, if I want to play an actual esports FPS i would just play counter strike, hell anything that isn't a console shooter really