Why did DeathNote get no videogame? Casuals can't handle playing the ultimate version of Hitman?
Closest videogame to DeathNote?
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It had a DS game IIRC
There were 3 iirc
Fuck off OP, you might meme a telltale game adaptation into existence.
Doesn't seem like you can kill npcs in them though. What's the point of having the DeathNote then?
It would be hard as fuck to program a world where killing any random person in the populace affects all the other characters in an intelligent way.
Imagine GTA3 with a DeathNote.
>ultimate version of Hitman
More like the casual version, if you ask me.
Just imagine:
>Hello, 47. You're target today is the man in this photograph. His name is Mr. So And So.
>*scribble* *scribble*
>BREAKING NEWS: Mr. So And So has died.
That's how it works, right? I haven't watched Death Note in years.
Light is a fucking idiot, he could've been so much more if not for taking L's bait.
There's actual Death Note vidya, but none of them are very good.
The best you're going to get is Hotel Dusk. Ghost Trick if you're appeasable..
>have the power of God at your fingertips
>can literally (LITERALLY) commit the perfect crime and get away with it without even fucking trying, not leaving any evidence whatsoever
>you literally just have to wish that your target is dead and it happens without a trace
>still fucking get caught
Only in Japanese """""writing,""""" everyone.
The first person you kill triggers NSA style crackdown in Japan. Progressive missions become harder. In Hitman you don't have to worry about cameras, cops, undercover agents, nosey gf, and your folks.
The game starts in Japan, but the post-game would be eventually be an RTS of Japan vs the world. Light establishes Japan as #1 threat to world order and is forced to fight off the other countries to avoid being captured for eventual war crimes.
Can you write something better, Mr. Reddit?
>have the power of God at your fingertips
>can literally (LITERALLY) commit the perfect crime and get away with it without even fucking trying, not leaving any evidence whatsoever
>you literally just have to wish that your target is dead and it happens without a trace
>don't fucking get caught
There, wrote something better.
the best anime/manga stuff from Japan always gets a bad videogame or none. where is my battle royale videogame?
The perfect crime be definition can't exist. You would have to be free from breaking any laws for the perfect crime to exist. It's an oxymoron.
Drifters video game when?
Let's try something different.
I'll give you the ending and you have to write what happens before it.
Oh come on its magic and untraceable its fucking perfect. Literally died from something completely unrelated to light. Light just made an extreemly obvious pattern over it and started wanting to fuck with the investigators. In fact had he discovered different death methods right away everything would have seen completely natural compared to mass heart attacks.
The perfect crime means a crime that you can't be caught for, you dip.
The power of the Death Note is the power of the perfect crime. You can just strike someone down, you can control the entire WORLD for the immediate moments prior to the death, you can make it so perfect that nobody would even think it's murder.
how should the game play?
actually the notebook is very traceable. also the game would have witchhunts where innocent people are taken capture because of your actions. people that if you don't kill to rescue will die.
How is it traceable?
>write name in Death Note
>rub name out
You don't even need the Death Note either, just a page of it. Writing someone's name on a piece of paper isn't traceable.
The notebook, at best, could be circumstantial.
All you write is
user Ymous
Hit by a bus at 10:30am
Preemptively attempted to cross the road
There's no way the police could ever connect this to the murder, they have no record of when the passage was written. Even looking at past names, there's no way to know that the notebook had any part to play in the deaths of these people.
For all the police know, you might just have some weird hobby for cataloging deaths.
you can only control the actions of the person dying I'm pretty sure
You can also rip out pages in the book, burn the pages, or rub the off the content. They can't catch you.
seriously. The only reason Light got caught was because he used a fucking police databse on his dads computer like a complete retard
if he just killed people doing his own research he would have been god of the world.
>Power of God
You literally can only control their most realistic ability to do something.
Like you can have them ram into a car eventually, or decide to die in a delayed moment, but you can't magically Final Destination everything.
Besides you're both retarded anyway, because Light's goal is a undetectable might of Justice, not a crime.
Therre should be a strategy game based off on Death Note kinda like Plague Inc.
>Light knew that Near would fuck with the notebook and baited him into doing something with it
>Didn't just tell his lacky to tear off a piece of the notebook, put it in his pocket, let Near do his thing, and then come to the warehouse with the ripped paper.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but that would've taken the risk factor down to pretty much zero. Not that it wasn't bullshit that a person was able to copy every single name down perfectly by hand into a fake Death Note in less than a day.
Being able to ripout, burn, or otherwise tamper with the evidence that is the book would be easy mode in the DeathNote videogame. That's just shitty plot no one wants to watch.
>you can only control their most realistic ability to do something
you can literally make them eat a bucket of fried chicken and then die of a heart attack
Tell me how you legitimately catch somebody using a death note without explicit knowledge of the fact that a death note exists
It depends how many people they kill, if they don't go full Kira and just kill a few random people every now and then, nobody would ever know
He could've got caught any number of ways, but the only reason he even fell suspect was because he had a moment of incredible arrogance and killed a guy he didn't know was a criminal because HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE GOD.
If he hadn't spilled his spaghetti that one fucking time, it's possible they might've never narrowed him down beyond "he's probably japanese with a student-like day schedule." L might've been biting his toenails off wondering if he was some fucking chuuni in osaka yelling about his left arm.
>What do we do now with the franchise?
>What if there were a BUNCH of Death Notes?
>Light is setting himself for failure by his overzealous ambition to solve everything in one quick stroke. With Ryuk calling him out on him wanting an actual reputation.
>Oh mai gawd, Japanese writing amirite? Hurhurhur, I would plan everything out and make zero fuck ups.
Man, Sup Forums not only shouldn't be developers, they shouldn't be writers either.
there were a bunch of death notes in the original, did you even watch it
I totally forgot about this. Never watched it, how is it?
Also the whole deal with the Death Note is that they're the tool of shinigami, they all have one
Considering your poor grammar, I'm not sure we'll agree on a definition of "a bunch". Most people wouldn't say two is a bunch, especially compared to the 6 or so in the new movie.
How to never get caught using the Death Note:
>rip off a tiny portion of the Death Note
>write someone's name then immediately cross it out
>eat the paper
what happens when you run out of paper?
You don't since it has infinite pages.
>the number of pages of the Death Note should never run out
AKA you probably get a new book
There were a minimum of 3 active ones - the one Ryuk dropped, the one Rem gave Misa, and Rem's own after she kacked off.
If you count the little side-story that happens right after, there was a fourth given to that mentally unstable kira-wannabe who an hero'd out.
What would happen if two people wrote the name of someone in the death note at the same time each with different realistic ways of them dying?
How could they ever catch anyone with a book that kills people in any way you want? The only reason Light got caught is because he was a cocky retard and joined up with the police as well.
If he was more careful he would've never been cast under suspicion, let alone get caught.
The first one happens,even if there are milliseconds of difference.
What if they're both scheduled for the same time?
Does the Death Note have to be handwritten?
What if they used a device to stamp the entry into both notes at precisely the same time?
That's retardedly OP. Why didn't Light just grab a piece of the paper, go to the public toilet, write down a bunch of names to die (at different times) and then wipe his ass with the paper and flush. Undetectable.
Worth watching/Will I like it as a normalfag? At what season does it become shit and need to be dropped?
Well,the writer has to think of the person's face while writing it,so it might have to be handwritten though I don't remember any specific rules about that.
closest you can get
Death Note is one of the most surface-level anime around, even the normiest normie can dig it.
I don't think there are really seasons. It's not terribly long. A lot of people will tell you it gets shit after a certain time, but I think it's good the whole way through.
because light is stupid
You're asking a question like a person who plays Resident Evil by refusing to leave the mansion lobby.
How about that one bad ending that doesn't game over you right away and then hits you like a ton of bricks? Intensify that by 3 and that's how Kira's bad ending would feel to the player.
I know people hate on it for being popular, but yes.
It does have some retarded plot developments here and there, but it's mostly very intriguing. It's also among the few anime I like because it has (almost) no moeshit, kawaii girls, tsunderes and other typical tropes/cliches from anime.
The rule is if the cause of death isn't written within 40 seconds of the name, they'll just die of a heart attack.
You can write the cause of death and no name, but they can only do conceivable things. If you write something like, "Courtney Cox sucks my dick and then gets hit my a train," it won't happen because she doesn't know you. Invariably, if you met Courtney Cox, and then wrote her name in it, she'd do exactly what the notebook said, insofar as she's capable; meaning, she'd have to try and find a subway first. So if you wanted to make it untraceable, you would eventually need to be a suspect, to remove suspicion since everyone who dies is going to have some motive or reason for death.
It's because a heart attack is too wild and random. People get heart attacks, but the national population doesn't drop from heart attacks, nor do many people conveniently die of heart attacks, so eventually, in order to make it "perfect," you would need to be under suspicion, if only by a small margin.
They should've made him canonically dumber. He's some super genius in their universe instead of some random smuck.
Persona 4
That's weird, people just miraculously die at random and Light flushes the toilet.
Wouldn't that just make detectives think that the deaths were related, even if they can't trace it back to the source, it's still criminology 101.
What if you used the Death Note to make a girl have sex with you before she kills herself?
He can write when they die, the situation of thier death, the location of thier death, ect. They can die 21 days after his poop by being run over by a bus.
Yeah but it's still basic criminology. If I have a puzzle, and you have a puzzle, I'm going to ask you how you pieced yours together. There's no way cops are going to be like, "oh well, I guess all these deaths are just unrelated then!" when people in a very immediate circle of class, financial status and status are dying.
I don't mind some moeshit. I liked the first six episodes of Haruhi and some of the others. I don't hate slice of life but too often nothing happens. Just because episodes are self contained doesn't mean they don't need a story. Fucking do something.
Even them it would still be impossible for it to be linked to you if you varied the causes and times of death.
Even if they find out a pattern and realise there is some mysterious force killing people off, there is no way they can trace it back to you. What are they going to do, bust into the public toilet and ask about your 281767th shit?
a. police find out her sexual history and trace it back to you.
b. someone outside the force suspects you
c. std
this isn't gta3. killing randoms have real consequences.
But the Note itself is not proof of murder. It simply cannot be accepted as such in a court of law.
He became blinded by his hubris. Really, he did act on emotion every time he slipped.
Even without variation. How did mass heart attacks come back to him? If he never told anyone and never actually met the people he would never be a suspect.
you should read up on Japan's criminal justice system.
but why would it be your fault
what if you wrote that she had sex with you and then 2 hours later she walked into incoming traffic and died
sure they will probably link it back to you and question you but there's no way you could be held responsible if you weren't dumb
Congratulations, you can't use the death note again because you're a suspect.
You're only thinking from the victims perspective.
Think about it as if you were actually going to die at any moment to some seemingly random and unsuspecting event. You immediately start piecing together information that is intangibly and invariably minuscule and stupid. It will sound crazy to other people, but you will eventually do that.
Now imagine you're a cop. Your job isn't to go to God with the right answer, it's to make the killings stop. So even if the deaths are unrelated, any average joe in the department can just come up with a hair brained theory that still, in any degree, makes you a suspect.
Even in the show, Light says that it's impossible for people to trace it back to him once he kills L. He knew that was a lie. The Death Note doesn't just kill people, it kills them before their time to die. That leaves people asking questions, and creates all sorts of pop culture phenomenons (also talked about in the show), from chain letters, to urban myths to down right pornography.
It can't be so different that the details of someone's death can be proof of murder.
Yes, but HOW DO THEY TRACE IT BACK? I'm writing on a piece of paper in the toilet and flushing it.
i'ts out of Light's character to do what you've described. the strain of conveying the right emotions to police when questioned about her death and keeping your story straight would damage his sanity gauge.
A cops job isn't to trace it back. It's to make the killing stop. When you watch police drama, they nail all sorts of baddies without evidence, cops can be just as dirty as the murderers, but the ends justify their means as well.
In the show, they didn't need to trace Light's method of killing. They only knew that the killings stopped once he was under suspicion, or at least died down a bit. Now think in terms of a government, it's like not hard for the media to make a huge campaign to figure out what the shit is going on with random as fuck deaths. Especially if people from all sorts of social classes are dying.
You don't even have to flush it. You're never a suspect in the first place so they'd never find the book.
Goddamnit,this thread is reminding me of the times when I was a DeathNotefag
so write in the death note that she would go on a holiday on the other side of the earth and then die from a stroke
speak on it, son.
That just means she met you before the flight and you'll attend her funeral.
I watched the first three seasons of bleach and even talked in the chat room on the side of some garbage hosting site. That was ten years ago and pretty lucky I didn't turn into a weeb. Didn't watch any anime for ten years after that. Now I'll try it though.
>When you watch police drama
You know that's not how real policework is done, right?
Crooked cops who do anything to catch the perp don't keep their jobs for very long.
In dramas, they get evidence illegally all the time. That isn't permissible in a court of law, but it's fine in drama.
In the real world, with real world cops and real world law, Kira could never be caught.
Real world police work is bullshit sometimes because those laws that protect the innocent tend to protect the guilty more often than not.
That's why it's not the perfect crime. We're arguing about it being perfect or not. Any tom dick and harry can just say, "oh yeah, he's killing them by using some sort of code," and as long as there even the smallest amount of corroboration on his theory, it'll get sanctioned.
If there is a perfect crime, the Death Note isn't the key to it.
If Kira wasn't an idiot, they would suspect him in the first place and he would never be stopped.
Kira graduated the police academy with straight A+'s and laureates. He was by all intents and purposes a criminal genius. Light's fault wasn't his intelligence, it was his inability to doubt himself. Where L was full of doubt, Light never once gave himself into doubt, and when you never do that, people become accustomed to it, without ever knowing that you are like that.
Death Note is criminally overrated
>We're arguing about it being perfect or not.
Only you are idiot, the thread doesn't revolve around you tripfag. Look at the comments you responded to again.
If you can't get caught, i.e. you can't be convicted, it is the perfect crime.
On the planet Earth in the year 2016 there is no court that will convict a man of murder because he wrote down the details of a death in his notebook.
That makes no sense. Why would you need to be a suspect to be untraceable? Just to throw suspicion off because "you totally can't be doing it"? Really, if the police have gotten close enough where you are under suspicion for random people dying you are doing something super wrong.
I've read your post so many times and I can't understand why you think you need to be a suspect in order for it to be a perfect crime. Just because if you have random people dying it's technically, to the eyes of justice, not anyone commiting a crime? Are you being that pendatic about it? If I wanted you dead and wrote on a death note right now that you broke your window, grabbed a shard of glass and cut yourself to death, it'd be ruled as a suicide and nobody would ever catch me (well, except for this post, but I'm giving an example). How is that not an example of a successful murder? A "perfect" untraceable crime even?
That's not fair, you shouldn't be a dipshit just because the argument steered out of your favor.
>write name, they die
>ultimate version of Hitman
>Was not their real name
>Nothing happens
>Crooked cops who do anything to catch the perp don't keep their jobs for very long.
What did he mean by this
Because people go to jail all the time for shit they didn't do. Why do you think they need to believe the book itself is killing people. That's the deus ex machina of the plot, the visible god in the story, if Light just had a super power that psychically allowed him to murder people, he would have still been suspect to many of the murders.
Just because you have privacy doesn't mean other people magically don't. Privacy and secrets don't work that way. The reason the Death Note seems untraceable is because the act of writing a name in a book is harmless, but that doesn't make other people's boundaries and privacy less significant because they can't trace the murder of their best friend to you. They'll still think you did it!