Why was Arkham Origins so buggy and clunky/awkward feeling when Asylum and City were great?

Why was Arkham Origins so buggy and clunky/awkward feeling when Asylum and City were great?

it was made by wb montreal as a cheap stopgap game while pebbleshaky was busy making "a totally original character, totally not gonna be jason todd we swear, no really!" tank simulator

>"a totally original character, totally not gonna be jason todd we swear, no really!"
Jason Todd wasn't even mentioned in Asylum and City. They just pulled that out of their asses.

Origins was literally City, but better

Not him, I never played Origins.What exactly makes it better?

>Getting mad at a bug like that.

I can understand if its something gamebreaking or detrimental.

Funny bugs are one of the best things about videogames.

Naw man, the basic punching and blocking was tweaked, the amount of suckerpunches in Origin was out of control.

It's story is at least coherent.

Because Asylum and City were made by a different developer.

What's sad is it has the best boss fights in the series. Excluding Freeze in City.

they actually attempted to make some decent boss fights. the rest of the game is the same shit and what molecule of difficulty there was is killed by the shock gloves. then you have that gigantic bridge in the middle of map for no reason that you get so utterly sick of crossing every time

That was just one example among several dozen I had during my playthrough of the game losings its shit.

Also every 5th-6th fight or so ended with a character either freezing in a standing position when knocked out, or flying into outer space... and then plummeting back down ~10 seconds later if it's a Riddler informant or something.

>grappling hook gimped to hell, arbitrarily not allowed to grapple to anything higher than a street light
>no Line Launcher, combined with the above makes Batman's mobility feel crippled compared to the previous games
>changing the combat sound effects to be more samey for no reason, making it unclear when you KO a mook by punching them (as opposed to using a takedown)
>retarded skill tree system forces you to waste your initial level ups on boring useless health upgrades, in previous games you just left those for last
>retarded skill tree system also gates core upgrades like Critical Strikes or Disarm and Destroy into mid-lategame and ties them to fucking sidequests
>no plot, just a handpicked set of villains from Batman's rogues gallery all doing their own thing, even less solid than City's plot was
>bringing back the "Attack of the Bane clones" phenomenon that made Asylum's boss/miniboss encounters shit
>final boss is a shameless ripoff of Mr. Freeze from Arkham City, except worse in every possible way
>speaking of which, you fight Bane THREE times

Y-yeah, better...!

Like with many franchises last gen, I really enjoyed the first game and then quickly got sick of the franchise with the second game.

City was better than Asylum though. But they should've stopped there.

They were made by a different developer and in an attempt to make the combat harder to appease the "hurr durr just mash x!" faggots they ended up making the combat extremely rigid and normal mooks extremely fast because they couldn't possibly think up more ways to vary up the combat and make you use more of your moves. In the end, yeah, its "harder", but it sacrificed how fun it was to get there.

Yeah, that's what everyone says about all of those series.

Assasins Creed, batman, uncharted, gears of war, Bioshock etc

I enjoyed the first game of all of those franchises a lot but was bored by the second game. Everyone says the second games were "better" and that might be true but I got more enjoyment from the 1st games because they were novel experiences.

He's full of shit. Origins was City + bugs. A lazy, rushed cashgrab trying desperately to recreate the best moments of the previous two, far better games.

>Asylum Intro
>Barman is delivering Joker to the Prison. Great atmospheric sequence with tons of character and introduction to the story and setting
>City Intro
>Wayne is put in prison, great interrogation sequence, walk of shame, getting beat up and ending with an awesome break out and kicking Penguin's ass
>Batman looks at the bat computer then flies to some place in his awesum batplane!

You could tell the decrease in quality 5 minutes in...

>BamHam Origins
>good bossfights

Nah. Lmao3Bane was already shitty boss design direction back in Arkham Asylum, and Origins throws in Killer Croc as a tutorial boss and another Bane clone. And a few non-bosses like Electrocutioner and Shiva, plus Death"reused assets from Ra's Al Ghul"stroke just thrown in way too early in the game to have impact.

The only cool bossfight was webm related, and that's only due to the visual design, the gameplay in the fight was ass, typical linear "do exactly what the devs intended for a cinematic experience" crap.

Origins also had like fucking five hallucination sequences because dude Scarecrow/Mad Hatter lmao

Also fun were corrupting saves on 360. Lost 8 hours of playtime. Still havent started again.

>you don't even get to pilot the Batwing
>it's just a pre-rendered clip for fast travel masking a load screen

>mfw I actually liked Origins and bought it at launch

Well, at the end of the day, its still more Bam Ham, so if the bugs didn't ruin your experience, then chances are you enjoyed it.

City was the last good Arkham game.

Prove me wrong.

That's not saying much though. Arkham's boss fights are garbage.

I only had the vent bug which everyone had on that mission where the vent was broken and you couldn't go in. There was away around it with some dodgy pipe glitch mechanics to launch you over the whole building.

Funnily enough in my playthrough I didn't have many of the other horrible bugs I saw others have.

I thought Origins was a solid 8/10, city still being better of course.

I didn't even touch Arkham Knight, is the PC port still botched?

Knight's non tank gameplay is still the best in the series, the problem is that the tank gameplay is the majority of it. The Batmobile APC chases were fun though, you could catch up to the vehicles and use the dodge to ram them to the side and its like you were playing Burnout all along.

Arkham Origins' biggest sin is missable challenges/achievements. Neither Asylum nor City did this.

Hope you didn't want Sonic Shock Batarang before NG+ unless you read a guide.

Same, I see the arkham games more as a package deal. I don't know if that's a bad thing because of how samey they are but in the end I liked the package I received.

Cautiously excited for the Batman Beyond sequel.

>Batman Beyond sequel
We're going to get Damian Wayne first

Knight's gameplay without the tank was better, but the fact they were extremely long and the setting didn't feel near as interesting as the previous games killed it for me.

The major sidequest to the game is hunting down all of the assassins hired to kill you, with some gating on who you fight. One guy required for you to enter interrogation mode by killing some specific thug last. Game shits and giggles at that moment, interrogation bugs out and batman breaks his skull. Can't complete sidequest til new game

Do new game, get to Penguin's boat, open entry door, game bugs out by falling down an endless pit

There's a slew of bugs from dumb to game breaking that will never, ever be fixed at this point

Remind me, could you complete those in the "training" missions?

>The major sidequest to the game is hunting down all of the assassins hired to kill you
You know it didn't feel like they were side quests, it seemed like you HAD to take down all of the assassins.

Pretty sure Shiva was optional. But who the hell wouldn't get Critical Strikes ASAP?

I don't remember, it felt like you were forcibly strung along from one assassin to the next, before I played the game I heard you could just take out Bane and Joker and that's it

>Playing Asylum
>Leave a thug hanging off a balcony on a rope attached to one of his feet
>Look at him in detective mode

why is Batman so delusional

> tfw they removed the ability to throw thugs off high places to kill them.
> tfw can't throw thugs off buildings in Arkham City


>batman snaps a guy's leg
>dude passes out from the pain
>leave him on the roof of a 40 story building in -20 degree night

Never kills my ass.

You can still do ledge takedowns though. City even added long-range versions where you shoot them with the grappling hook to pull them closer to the ledge before tossing them off, and it also added double ledge takedowns where you toss two guys at once.

he was mentioned in both

Joker talks about killing a robin in asylum and in city joker makes a joke when you play as time in a challenge mission saying something like "didn't I kill you?"

>Get into a fight with a guy on rooftop
>Punch him in the dick so hard he blacks out
>His basically lifeless corpse falls over the edge and he lands head first on the sidewalk

Most players apparently disliked the Deathstroke fight. I thought it was the best boss fight in the series.

>I thought it was the best boss fight in the series.
Wouldn't that mean you think Ra's al Ghul is the best boss fight in the series? It blatantly reuses the same animations, even.

you somehow managed to avoid the gamebreaking bugs that ruins your game hours in. congratulations. buy some lotto tickets.

I barely remember the game, wasn't it just QTE?

>jump kick a dude in the face so hard he slides 40 feet and gets wedged under a burning van
I'm sure he'll be fine.

It's some QTE counterattacking for a while, and then he uses Ra's al Ghul's "leap out of the sand and rapidly attack the player while they mash the counter button" attack with the exact same animation.

Glad someone else remembered how it copied that part of Ra's Al Ghul's fight. Seems like everyone praising the Deathstroke boss fight forgot about that

Deathstroke is honestly the best kind of 1v1 that Bam Ham can have because the fighting system was made and designed with mobs of enemies in mind and nothing else.

I kind of want a Batwoman game

>"the modern Batwoman is written as being of Jewish descent and as a lesbian in an effort by DC editorial staff to diversify its publications and better connect to modern-day readership"

wew lad

It could be far worse, it could be a Marvel character.

A proper Catwoman expansion would be better

Batman already expanded on her

I liked Knight more than City but maybe it's because I heard so many bad things about it that I was pleasantly surprised.

The city itself and the atmosphere was better, the gameplay was better, some cutscenes and interactions between characters were better.

The tank was quite bad but not enough to kill the game.

And it runs almost as well as City on my old rig (670 with very outdated driver, 8GB ram when people said 16GB was mandatory on W10 and it still ran like shit even on newest GPUs) I had everything on ultra (or wathever was the max) except some nvidia things.