Hear me, O user of the Sup Forums

Hear me, O user of the Sup Forums.

Was FFXV's open world a mistake and was FFXIII right to be so linear?

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Neither was wrong. Love them both.

Still, I think XV was the more flawed of both and where XV falters XIII excels.

It's not that the open world was a mistake, it's that they wasted so much time on development that they didn't have anything to show for the open world they tried to meticulously detail. XIII is still an abomination of linearity mind you.

There's nothing wrong with 'linear story tracks, but have fun stuff and some open space to stretch your legs and ease down in the story pacing' designs from the pre-Enix games.

I wouldn't mind segmented areas like XIV.

Seriously on the fence about getting Noctis' necklace and jacket.

No. Abandoning it in the last third was a mistake.

Yes, but no. 13 and 15 went for two opposite extremes that highlighted all the detriments of both types.

With 13's layouts being literal hallways with no deviation to be found for a majority of the game. While 15's open world had questionable design choices that basically resembled boring MMO fetch quests.

I'd give more points to 15 if only because there was actually side shit to do and explore, even if some of it was dull.

noctis x luis vuitton when?

End your fucking life

/PlatinumClub/ checking in.

Considering the linear part of FFXV is where the game shits the bed, open world is clearly better.

this fractured logic though

Who knows?

...Is it just me or does this look kinda like Kojima's new logo?

Open world was not a mistake. Repetitive side quests that don't inform or get you more interested in the world were a mistake.

FFXIII, for the brief time you can actually engage in side quests, is even worse in that regard.

A tiny bit, yeah.

>open world in XV is considered horrible by some
>XIII-2 was actually criticized in Japan because they found it too open compared to XIII
>the criticisms aren't as sharp with XV's open world

neither, old FFs got it right

Sup Forums wanted final fantasy 15 to be turned based

what's with Japan fascinating with death and skulls

I think the important thing to take away is that a healthy middle ground is usually the best choice

They just needed more time to fill out the world they created.

>It's clearly better for what the developers wanted to achieve with the game
Is that any better for you

Glad to know someone else felt the same way I did.

I got burnt the FUCK out on the sidequests to XV but I didn't want to beat the game so soon either, I've never had this issue before.

Here is a guy who nailed it completely forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2016/12/08/final-fantasy-xvs-awful-sidequests-are-killing-the-whole-game-for-me/#49e8a1cc70ab

Maybe I've been spoiled by Witcher 3, but 'Find all my Bear Traps pls, bye' just doesn't cut it anymore.

It actually is, thanks.

i preferred the non-meme "open world" from 12

how would TB + open world work?

Current console can't handle the kind of open world square want to make. I rather have a bunch of interconnecting corridor like FF12

How it's always worked.

What's with mexico's...oh wait. yeah.

so basically pseudo-MMO style where it's just a bunch of interconnected areas you travel at your leisure so long as you can handle that fucking beef gate t-rex four times your level

I think it's a matter of quality. They created an open world, but it wasn't that great. Lots of invisible walls and unfun areas. Weak, filler fetch quests and a lot of emptiness. They tried to do one of the hardest things in AAA video game development and got pretty far. But they needed to keep going. If the side quests were of the quality of he main quests, if the world was more full of things happening, if the open world continued through to the end of the game, there's a GOTY right there. But that'd take longer to make with a bigger budget to boot.

Correlation is not causation

>Was FFXV's open world a mistake
>was FFXIII right to be so linear?
Absolutely not

See you in a day platinum

>did we even learn a damn thing about Cid and Cindy doing either of their quests?
Yes. Play the game.

>Why the fuck were we collecting Dog Tags specifically if we just hand them in like we would hand in a Frog to that lady or whatever.

Because you're a fellow hunter now and you do what you're told to. By the end of the dog tag questline you get more info about the whole thing.

don't forget to purchase the mariachi outfit for senor Noctus :^)

Personally I completed a shit ton of side quests before even heading to chapter 9.

I was level 59, I believe, before I even touched Altissa.

I'm glad I did, because I think getting to know the characters, seeing how they rely on one another and interact, made the ending of the game hit that much harder and evoke a damn fine mess of emotions out of me.

Ravus was the best looking character in this game.

Because they're rad, senpai.

I'm pretty sure the World of Ruin was an idea they wanted to develop further but couldn't in this game. I think what they really wanted was something similar to FF VI's World of Ruin, you running around and seeing the change.

Unfortunately, Square Enix didn't let them delay the game even more.

yeah that would have been nice if the "getting to know" them aspect didn't amount to so much lame Joss Whedon esque banter in place of actual character arcs

>HAH HAH HAH we jest but we're all pals

every fucking time

With the shittiest backstory and role sadly

10/10 in a 7-8 game

The open world was great. Just needed like 4 more dungeons and some more super bosses.

The part on top of the train was hype as shit though but didn't last too long.

What bothers me about XV, more than the rushed story in the second half or the feeling of things missing, is how much was changed in the past year alone. Episode Duscae painted a different context of circumstances, and Noctis' english VA would've had to revoice every single line he'd done even beyond the demo since he had to re-audition for the role with a lighter voice tone. Entire combat mechanics were changed within a year, such as Noctis doing techniques on his own being changed to remotely commanding his bodies to do them instead (which break the game since you're invulnerable the entire duration). And the post-invasion of Insomnia also showed an absolutely battered Luna but by final product, the only battering she ever gets is with Leviathan and a bloody case of lead belly,

How much of the game was even fucking finished by the release date reveal in March? It's obvious that the two month delay was to finish the game some more, not for a day one patch.

open world ruins RPGs.

The Witcher
and now Final Fantasy

Good thing post game has 10 dungeons or something

except I genuinely hate gladioulous

you can get his clothes right now


First game I platted. It was nice that pretty much every trophy just required you to play the game instead of asking insane things of you.

>Survival last

I still need 13 Royal Arms, Cooking, and Adamantoise (saving for 14/14)


Well, it made sense when Lucis worshipped the grim reaper.

Don't be mean to him, he just wanted to avenge his mom, user.

>more super bosses

your inventory would shit itself

His voice sounds deeper in Episode Duscae, he probably had to re-record everything.

Gladio Survival trophy or Adamantoise?

If you didn't solo the demon wall you're a PUSSY

Okay? Not sure if you're agreeing with me or what.

14 does a good job with maps as well, but its Heavensward maps have the same problem as 15's. Too big and empy with not enough to do.

>more super bosses.
If they were anything like the adamantoise and that nalfgar (or however that thing was called), better not.

Duscae demo felt so limited
Im glad for the change
Shame about techniques

>giant forest
>it's a hallway

He did.
Fan reception was pretty harsh towards his deep voice in ED, so they re-auditioned it. He reapplied and put on a different, lighter and more young adult tone fitting to the character that they liked.

Considering how much dialogue the game has, especially for the lead character, I can imagine that was a lot of re-recording the same stuff he'd already gone over before, and that's not even counting the new dialogue or rewrites seemingly piled on every other month. But goddamn if he didn't deliver a stellar performance.

>Yes. Play the game.

Explain? Because all I remember is Cid telling us about his past with Rgis and Cindy in the main story quest, their actual questlines do nothing but upgrade the Car or Ultima Weapon.

>Because you're a fellow hunter now and you do what you're told to

That's a fucking terrible justification, so being a hunter is the same as being a scientist? or a Power Plant worker? or a Geologist? IF this were a western RPG we'd find the info of every person whose dog tag we collected and we'd probably give it to the next of kin personally to boot.

>tfw you'll never be able to replace Noct as her one, true and only love

noct's glove does look comfy as fuck, though

It needed more of every and everything to be better.


t. beaten the game in easy difficulty

I prefer a mixture of both like... Witcher 2

Not if you do it right.


>Ravus is just Hope grown up

Which FFXV girl would you pick as your wife?

t. Projecting faggot

Only Iris

Iris. No doubt about it

Those were disappointing as hell though, I was expecting them to be extensions of their host dungeons.

No, XIII was fucking shit from every angle.

I just wish they could have trimmed some of the sidequest bloat (fuck off Dave and Sania) and made the World of Ruin a proper arc.

You're not wrong but an MMO needs to really allow for a certain degree of fuckery

Any of them but Iris. Truly worst girl.

cindy if she had an ass

>no one will ever choose Monica

Open world is ok. Devs are just stuck in the phase where everyone competes how big world they can cram in without giving a though about filling it with interesting stuff to do.
This will pass and once we get there it will be glorious.

Monica or Highwind

>complains about a level 120 super boss
>waaah I don't want harder bosses

t. first FF game ever played

Toriyama was right all along.
And we doubted him Sup Forums

Pretty sad that an actual MMO has less padding, pund for pund, than XV, and better sidequests too. (even XIV's shitty ones, like Beast tribes are worlds above anything XV has to offer)

iris is the only one that looks and acts like a human

It's hard to pick.

My brother from another mother
>tfw no qt intel ol to cuddle up with after a hard day of tending the makeshift farm while our dumb gay prince trades all of our crops for random shit so he can bake a cake

Such a milf

When did 'open-world' become a thing? Isn't that just what all of these games were as top-down games?

Of course he was, He's the only director at Square with actual experience

I traded my carrots for a gun! And a Prompto car sticker!

>picking the crazy cat lady

I mean, I've heard a lot of people in XV threads talk about how they just fuck off to do side quests. I think FF should allow for that instead of tunneling you through story the whole way through. That XV gives you that choice is good. That it executes less than well is another thing.

I think XV could've done a lot better if the open world wasn't immediately available, or if it was, it was segmented from a small area, to a medium sized one, to a large one, so that your paced with the amount of fucker you did between story progression. XIV basically does this, by encouraging you to do side questing and keeping said questing in-line with your main questing.

The way XV's open world is built, despite the gating, they just end up dumping a fuck ton of side quests on you irregardless of where the story quests are. Like, if a story quest is in one region, side quests happen to be spread out all over, instead of near and around that one story quest, which would make more sense.

Better than the original version.