Years of hype

>Years of hype
>Shantae half genie released
>absolutely no disgussion of it

Whelp. That was a whole lot for nothing.

Everyone's busy playing it user.

It didn't end up like Mighty No. 9 at least

people only like this shit so they can jerk off to it and you dont need a released game to do that

It's not properly released yet, though
Only backer copies so far, excluding wii because they got cucked by nintendo

this happens with most games

No one is talking about it because
>falseflagging asshats decided to falseflag breathe of the wild instead
>people that paid it are playing the game
>pirates can't get their hands yet

>pirates can't get their hands yet
that's pretty ironic

>game is shorter than Pirate's Curse
>they think the backers are still playing it

My vita physical copy hasnt shipped yet

Reminder that Shantaefags like pretending this picture never happened.

Expose it to them every time.

When does it release for non backers?


i'm actually impressed no one leaked it yet,the fans must be loyal.

the games have all been FUN though.

If waifufags can't be loyal, then absolutely no one else can

It's already out?
For what platforms is it available?

this is Yooka's fate

Google says release date is the 20th and I'm not even seeing it on Steam.

And Bloodstained.

What do you want? It's a solid game but nothing groundbreaking like all of Way Forward's titles. This is Sup Forums, if it was a disaster there'd be discussion.

Backers got it. They were posting 4 hour completion screenshots. Ie they beat it the night they got it and there's nothing else to discuss.

So why even make the game? Pay some people's paychecks? I guess.

>So why even make the game?
What? Why would anyone make any game?