Symphony of the Night

Find a fucking flaw.

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Too easy


The fucking biblical loading times.

>i am the wind
>its on a cd
>some of the cryptic stuff is annoying

Regardless of how you feel about the song itself, it 100% does not fit with the game. At all.

lacks the polish of the newer metroidvanias

Not on emulator

i found it boring. i love the first castlevania, and Order of Ecclesia and Portrait of Ruin are both awesome, but for some reason this one just didn't do anything for me.

>Emulator loads too fast
>Don't have enough time to make the Loading text pleasantly swirl around.

Feels bad, man.

It's because you are a big faggot. Don't worry, a lot of people are.

That song is objectively bad.
There are only two good JPop songs from that era.

Both done by Final Fantasy composers, really makes you think.

Yes. The game would be 10/10 with a New Game + with higher difficulty, like the sequels.

Did people like the level up system? I thought it just made shit more tedious.

It's not as good as classicvanias. Still fun tho

Sound effects are crude. Especially noticeable in areas without music.

It's easy even without all the broken bullshit because the bosses don't have enough HP, seriously.

They don't. It takes like 30 seconds to a minute tops to kill the majority of the bosses.

Most spells/items/familiars/transformations don't serve much purpose.


Upside down castle doesn't do anything to switch it up other than being "lol upside down" and having some more bosses.
It also uses Lost Painting for nearly all the areas and that shit gets fucking annoying really quick. Why didn't they just use the original tracks for most of the areas?

This I can agree with.

The spells feel tacked on.
The familiars are boring.
The transformations are boring and one dimensional.

Playtime's OVER!

It's easy as shit. That's literally the only issue.

I abused the fuck out of soul steal

Soundtrack is bad.

>Not liking I am the Wind

I don't like it.

There is a reason I said "regardless of how you feel about the song itself"

It doesn't fit with the game at all, and especially the fucking ending credits.

The devs even changed the shit in later versions because they knew it didn't fit AT ALL.

I know Sup Forums is super SUPER contrarian about literally everything because we are all super fucking bored, but i am the wind is out of place in SOTN. Sincerely.

It's objectively out of place.

>finally get to the end of the repetitive, dreary castle
>have to do it all again upside down, backwards, and with way harder enemies
Dropped instantly.


>inverse castle, lazy as fuck

I liked the idea, but they could've put the fucking work in to do something with it. If they'd re-org'd everything so the inverse side was gated and fleshed out about as well as the normal side, the game would've been a legend.

Instead it's a fantastic half a game with a great midboss, and a yawny second half spent listening to the same song, hearing the same bone clatter and stonebreath SFX, with a mess of a endboss.

Did you hear the atrocious voice acting? Yeah the first cutscene is funny because of it, but that shit does nothing to benefit the rest of the game.

Anyone miss out on exploits and spells because they wouldn't activate as you couldn't get the timing right?

Damaging enemies while in mist form power up trivializes a number of boss fights, and shouldn't have been included.

Why? You can completely ignore it and it wouldn't change how the game is played.

Hell I can't get soul steal right half the time.

I had some trouble with Alucard's spells but i eventually got em
Can't say the same for Maria's spells though

The Inverse Castle is the exact opposite of lazy. They worked very hard on the level design to make sure it was viable in the first place.

>especially the fucking ending credits.
I disagree, even if you don't think it fit the game, the ending credits is still the most fitting place (or closest to one)

Emulators don't speed up the loading times unless if it's the PS2 fast disc speed setting or you actually use frame skip.

Inverted castle.

Young master, I cannot aid one who opposes the Master!

Way too easy to be engaging.

>played this when I was a kid
>didn't know how to save
>always die and have to restart the game
Who's idea was it to press up to save?

easy mode

Are there any similar games avalible for PC?
(I'm talking about a game with a similar world design and game mechanics)

Sonic Chrono adventure
not even kidding

Check the metroidvania tag on steam

>Are there any similar games avalible for PC?

There are better games for the PC.


Alucard looks terrible in lords of shadow


I legitimately don't understand what's supposed to be good about this game. I've been told that there's tons of hidden RPGs mechanics and shit, but I don't see the point when the level design is so simple and repetitive and the combat is otherwise so easy. What the hell am I not getting as to why people praise this as a masterpiece?


backdash spam > run is stupid.

>made sure you wouldn't get stuck unable to progress
>this is now considered good design, instead of minimum required design

having to equip consumables and throw them on the floor to use them
everything else was perfect though

Too easy, killed classicvanias, questionable level design decisions, fuccbois like it.

Too hard
Never know where to go

>having to equip consumables and throw them on the floor to use them

How fucking stupid would it be if you didn't have to do that?

Fuck it.
There is none

I've only played Aria of Sorrow, how do the two games compare?

From the menu maybe? Retard.

I think Aria of Sorrows but SotN is good as well.

And heal yourself instantly?

I think my original post got discarded.

It was so good it kept the series from evolving.
No natural transition to 3D occurred as with other series.
Instead the series is by and large a lot of time and money wasted trying to top a 10/10 game.

It is as if after LttP, OoT wasn't very good so the rest of the series is just the minish cap over and over.

How did you guys know that the inverted castle exists?
I mean trying to get the Holy Glasses was a secret in itself. I was too you g to play this when it came out but my brother played this a lot.

this review from super bunny hop isn't as kind as i thought it was going to be.

It uses
entirely different resolutions (of the playstation's available eight) and it really gets my fucking autism going when it changes.

That's what you get for being a baka gaijin and not getting the running boots

Way too fucking easy to the point it actually becomes boring.
Also the voice acting is pretty bad.

I mean you have the ability to fly so it wouldn't have taken much effort.

It isn't Castlevania 64

Dead ends suck.

Boring combat, exploration, bosses

it's a bit too easy
load times could be better

otherwise it's an amazing game.


You want a flaw? The fucking distance alucard flies back when you get hit.

Does the slowdown in the Saturn port count? There are no flaws with SOTN as it should be experienced on PS1.