'member when vidya came as a whole game without being separated into dlc?
'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
I 'member...
'member when vidya came as a whole game without being separated into dlc?
'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
I 'member...
This was such a clever episode on their part. Now any time somebody criticizes new South Park, they've trained an army of people to respond with 'member berries shit.
>Expansion packs
>Patches have been a thing since the 90s
'member when companies made games for all sorts of target audiences and niches, instead of all making AAA Shooters and action rpgs?
Is this supposed to be funny?
'Member when game developers were able to put non-whites in games without someone calling it agenda pushing?
I want this joke to die
It's not clever, it's simple self deprecation, but retarded South Park normalfags can't see that.
member when memes were created here rather than just regurgitated from tv shows
Honestly, I haven't watched the episode, but from the clips I've seen, wasn't a lot of it "'member when things were good? 'member when things were good? 'member when that one thing was bad? Therefore thinking things used to be good means you're wrong :^)"
>all these faggots regurgitating normie memes
Jezus Christ
So I heard this season sucked
'Member when certain political factions didn't run campaigns to try to force game developers to alter their games to satisfy identity politic agendas?
'Member when developers didn't have a political agenda themselves, and only put non-white characters into games because they were just good characters?
'Member when companies didn't advertise their games as following a certain ideology to curry favour with certain political minorities?
>'Member when certain political factions didn't run campaigns to try to force game developers to alter their games to satisfy identity politic agendas?
>'Member when developers didn't have a political agenda themselves, and only put non-white characters into games because they were just good characters?
>'Member when companies didn't advertise their games as following a certain ideology to curry favour with certain political minorities?
I legitimately miss having a complete game on release
That is what I've wondered about that bit, too. Even after I saw the clip I didn't get what was so funny, clever, charming or whatever about it.
I honestly dont know why this shit is so popular since its blatantly making fun of nostalgic faggots who wants to live in the past like OP.
Not having to wait on patches, game breaking bugs and glitches being discovered as early as tutorial levels, installations, true endings sold as DLC.
>'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
HAHAHAHAHAH. You're kidding, right? Developers released broken crap all the time, and they had to constantly re-release new cartridges which acted as 60 dollar patches.
Example, you'd laugh if you saw how many revisions Final Fantasy 6 had to go through. First edition had multiple bugs that not only broke the game, but DESTROYED THE CARTRIDGE. Took them a minimum of 5 revisions to make sure that didn't happen, not taking into account the unique bugs that came with each version.
Damn memberberries.
'member when you brought a game home and you didnt have to spend 3 hours downloading day 1 updates?
>'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
I remember that games had plenty of bugs to go around even when no patches was a case.
>'member when vidya came as a whole game without being separated into dlc?
Yes, I'm upset about cosmetic shit and extra content made at later date. Fucking fuck how crazy.
Yeah, did that today.
'member CD keys?
DLCs doesn't have to be bad by default. Look at Shovel Knight.
Back in the day if an expansion was added then you would have to buy it or rebuy the whole game to get it (Fable TLC is fun but it is almost not worth rebuying for regardless how great LTC was). Don't blame the system when customers support stupidity from Devs who see a goldmine. Good devs can still use the system for good regardless of how greedy other devs may be and how stupid the general public is.
>'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
Except that never happen. All older games had bugs, sometimes even gamebreaking ones. The only difference was that they either never got patched, or the patches were distributed on CDs attached to different gaming magazines. I still have few of those CDs and, among other things (demos / utils / trainers) they all have folders with patches for various games on them.
Also, I remember few games being pulled back from the stores for being so broken that they were unplayable. Ah, good times, you never knew what you were getting.
Shovel Knight DLC are kickstarter goals though.
You heard right.
>'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
'member how they failed and games like Gothic 1 needed a huge patch that took days to download and several months to even start?
Because I do and it sucked
'member when 'Member Berries weren't around so people couldn't just make fun of any and all nostalgia?
Even PS2 and GameCube games had patches
>Metroid Prime
>Smash Brothers Melee Optimizations
Granted it's not as much as games are now.
>>Expansion packs
Where made after the fact, new fag.
Here's how it used to be
>Wow GAME sold really well
>Let's make an expansion pack because people seem to want more
Now it;s
>Fuck you buy our game
>Oh and we cut out half the roster buy the season pass
Bullshit, a lot of AAA nowadays games are printed with game breaking bugs in them and need a 1-day patch to work properly. It's the industry standard to speed up development time and split resources across multiple titles.
That's just how you think it is.
How does that counter his point?
>1-day patch to work properly
More like just Ubisoft Ass Creeds apply for this
Maybe so. the fact remains the companies weren't obviously selling me half a product and then dangling more as EXTRA content before the game is even out.
When I see a season pass advertised before the game is out I see a game that with a few more months time could have been a better end product
reminder that SFV's DLC characters were leaked in the beta files far before launch
also they had all six characters complete by the time the story mode came out, but still drip-fed us Juri and Urien as DLC because they could
Thank you, this fucking post sums it up perfectly. I'm not buying your game when you openly show off a whole bunch of other shit that should come with the game, well in advance before it's release.
>Melee optimizations
I thought optimizations just meant pro players finding new techniques in that context. Did the game itself get revised somehow post-release?
>How does that counter his point?
>>'member when developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches?
>Except that never happen.
Plenty of other publishers do this. EA and Activision for example. Microsoft did it with the newest Halo and Gears games, I think that Square did it with the newest Deus Ex, I know that No Man's Sky needed one. They really are the new Industry standard at the AAA level.
Using SFV as an example in a shitty launch thread is like a cheat code
SFV got everything wrong at launch
>Bullshit, a lot of AAA nowadays games are printed with game breaking bugs in them and need a 1-day patch to work properly.
Older games had gamebreaking bugs too.
I mean, even now the Steam and Gog releases of older things already come prepatched - because by today standards, the games would be unplayable without patches.
The difference is - back then patching wasn't common, so bugs were more widespread. You played the game, noticed the bug, think to yourself "heh, that's weird" and moved on with your playthrough. Nowadays when someone notices even smallest bug the game is literally deemed unplayable.
The patches became common thing but also the quality improved. A lot.
Also, please name 1 (one) game that is unplayable out of the box (and by unplayable I mean really unplayable, no "it drops to 29FPS - literally unplayable"). Even fucking NMS works out of the box (albeit it isn't very good and crashes a lot).
There's a big difference between that and deliberately releasing obviously unfinished and unplayable games that need day 1 patches.
He literally meant that games before didn't get it right the first time
It's not even Capcom's first screw up, Remember SFxT with it's ON DISC garbage
did you just not read his post past the first 4 words? its clear he was talking about past games
The only part that bothers me is the concept of season passes/pre-ordering dlc
yea the launch version would lag on fountain of dreams
Yes there is, but OPs point was that
>developers had to get it right the first time and not rely on patches
which is bullshit.
GOG and Steam mainly have patches to get the games working on modern hardware, actual game patches are pretty uncommon, what the fuck are you talking about?
You don't seem to understand that AAA games do not go through the whole Q&A process before the game is printed, and instead they finish it during the couple of months it takes for the games to be put on the disk and shipped out to stores. Yeah, in the past they had to print the finished game and bugs weren't fixed, no shit, but today they don't do that. They print and technically release a buggy game that they then fix with a download you need to get to play the game. How do you not get that?
>Also, please name 1 (one) game that is unplayable out of the box (and by unplayable I mean really unplayable, no "it drops to 29FPS - literally unplayable"). Even fucking NMS works out of the box (albeit it isn't very good and crashes a lot).
Star Wars Battlefront (2015)
Yeah you're right, the type three me.
>with a download you need to get to play the game
I legitimately can't name AAA games that literally required a patch to be playable though. I know there are buggy ones but being that broken? Nah.
Except they did need to get it right if they wanted the game to do well. Plenty of games get released now that are buggy pieces of shit but turn out to do okay in sales after a patch or two and word of mouth spreads.
You're not wrong but instead of getting better developers are flaunting their mistakes because they can patch it at launch or trying to sell us season passes.
Im not saying lie and don't screw us over but take some action because people will know you fucked up.
'member when this joke was still funny?
I don't 'member...
Like I said, Star Wars Battlefront. Others are Dead Rising 3 and Forza 3. If you bought the retail copy of GTA5 for PC you would need to download a massive file because despite having 8 or so DVDs there was a lot of content missing, slightly different but still in the same vein.
I membah
How was Battlefront completely unplayable? I didn't touch it but I never heard that it was literally unplayable either.
That Tony Hawk game where the disc only has the tutorial on it.
Jews are to blame. And guess who's at fault for them still being around.
We didn't listen. And so our punishment is this, the downfall timeline.
The console version would not load, just "you need an update lel" even if you are offline.
>'member when vidya came as a whole game without being separated into dlc?
Remember when games cost up to $80 for a 3-5 hour experience which you had to repeatedly replay to get any value out of, you ignorant fucking shitter?
How so? I recall something about extremely bloated save file sizes at best.
The PC version was insufferable at the beginning on XP, outdoors it was like 3-4 FPS and I had to get some ruski patch to fix it to get to 30+
I fucking hate South Park so much I'm so tired of seeing you dumb faggot liberals say member is it hard to pronounce the r while you've got a nigger dick in your mouth?
>2 hour DLC
>nearly double a game's content
really boils the ramen
>it hard to pronounce the r
Consider we're missing the RE sound and not the R sound, apparently in your case it just might be. R tard,
Why don't you stick my member in your cock faggot, who watches these cartoons anyway? You fucking 12? Nah mate, grow the fuck up.
>blaming jews
>when handrubbers like Capcom put the west to shame
Blame the gooks. The chinks. The yellows. The japs. The slanties. The slopes. The diagonals. The bad-eyesights. The meruvyurongtimes. The fu manchus. The animes. The ramen kings. The cateaters. The plastic faced idols. The romance of the three kingdoms.
Wow you really got me, Im gonna need some ointment for that one
>How it used to be
Street Fighter 3:
Added with Second Impact:
Added with Third Strike:
TOTAL: 11 in Vanilla, 14 in Second Impact, 19 in Third Strike
Price: 2 Retail Copies, Not Counting Quarters
>Now it's
M Bison
R. Mika
Added with First Wave:
Added with Second Wave:
Akuma + 5 Mystery Fighters
TOTAL: 15 Vanilla, 21 after First Wave, 27 after Second Wave
Price: 2 Retail Copies
It's not THAT different
Fuck off and die.
Makes sense Sup Forums would have this meme since everyone here is a nostalgic cynical piece of shit who thinks everything sucks now.
How is it bullshit? If they had shipped obviously bugged games back then nobody would buy it.
Except they're trying to sell you the second wave before the first one is even out. That's the difference. When I bought third strike I felt like I was getting a complete game. Maybe a lot of content was cut out for time and budget reasons but it wasn't so they could sell it to me again in a month.
They advertise how incomplete there games are these days. THAT'S THE PROBLEM.
But there's the fact that when Street Fighter 3: Second Impact was being sold to home, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike was already being put out to the arcades. If we're talking about being sold on incomplete games, we've got to admit the fact that Second Impact was put out only to advertise Third Strike, snatching kid's quarters only to release its home version a year after Second Impact's.
Capcom is a real shit for talking about Second Wave before First Wave even finished, but it's the same shit that's been going on for nearly 20 years. It's never been better, especially if we go back a little further and look at the number of Street Fighter 2 versions. There's no such thing as "These Days" and "Those Days." It's been the same shit sandwich for almost two decades.