Best tanks in vidya history and why is it the Paladin?

Best tanks in vidya history and why is it the Paladin?

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mammoth tank


>not the zahn tank




I'm about to drop the hammer...

Technically the jagdtiger is an assault gun, not a tank. Also the Cromwell is cooler.

The Cromwell, the tank that is quite capable of hitting dat big ass ramp and catching sweet air time thanks to its engine.

Not a boat.


Bong detected!

get the fuck out of my way

CoH King tiger is a tempting option but C&C Generals flame tank is waifu tier

Very OP but I wouldn't want it any other way

>"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" Tank

>TFW no empire at war 2


The overlord tank with a bunker with 3 shooters and 2 rpg is the best.

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me drifting around corners in a tank and blowing shit the fuck up


God they need to redesign the ground combat from the ground up if they did, fucking hell what a drag, just stooped to mass producing a bunch of units and hitting auto resolve to not make myself hate the sodding game.




And yet that sub-faction's most OP thing was their up armored stratofighters that you can produce and spam at the enemy's con-yard to cripple them.

mein neiger

a baneblade would literally drive over that and crush it lmao

I always liked the GLAs tank. An Elite ranked fully scrap upgraded Scorpion tank was a monster.

As it turns out most things aren't designed to tackle things from other IPs.

wh40k is the most autistic sci fi universe


I eat Scarabs for breakfast

Stand back, plebs

classic mammoth tank or what its called still is the best
yfw i wont post a picture

But the Metal Slug takes on boss tanks that are about the scale of the Baneblade or larger all the time though.

I was GOING to point that out but I decided it was a bad idea to continue that line of conversation and just opted to remind him that things are designed to take things on within their own IP.

no, its would be leman russ

You're a big tank

>There was a time to stop and we have clearly passed it

>you're a big tank


I like Fatboy better than Fatboy ll

not even the best tank in the game it's in, a locked down prowler does more damage and can kill a vanguard through the shield if not flanked and taking rear shots

Wrong tank



>tfw laser countermeasures

>____human technology______

Yeah maybe in PS2, but PS1 it was the tank to fear.

Hang on let me just fucking BREATHE on it, that will get rid of it.

It's a tank, retard.

>it's a tank, but it's like a super tank and it's biggerer and strongerer than any other tank in galaxy
wh40k is such a joke

Edelweiss is pretty bad aside from the smoke screen.

>unironically posting demon """technology"""

It's a tank destroyer

And yet no one makes fun of Fatman despite being so big you can, with no hyperbole, strap the USS Iowa's turrets on them

>not posting the rocket propelled sex machine that is the sturmtiger
were you dropped?


CnC has some very memorable tanks, but the one in my heart will forever be the indiscriminate barrage of justice from the siege tank


I don't know what that is, but every thing in wh40k is bigger and better and faster than any other thing ever, it's 5 year old child imagination tier

Does the titan count?

does the land carrier from homeworld count?


It's a tank so huge in addition to being able to strap naval armaments with no problem its it own production facility

that's what makes it fun

Covenant calls humans heretics, you done fucked up.

It's not. Not everything that's tracked is a tank.

>trying to find that awkward hill to prop yourself up on to hit aerial targets

I love EDF

These things were cool but holy fuck why is it on legs, this piece of shit only moves at 0.01 MPH, just put wheels on it or something FUCK.

no it doesn't, heretics are members of covenant races who are haram

>ut3 version

Demon is S-117
Humans are herecy according to the covenant religion

>USA theme starts playing in your head

Oh whoops, I honestly couldn't tell the difference because I haven't played UT in so long, I just searched for "UT2K4 Leviathan" and posted the nicest looking image.

100% this.

Mirage tank

demon is a general name for all spartans
everything's fucking heresy to the covies, but I don't remember them ever calling any human a heretic
calling the entire human race demons was pretty inaccurate, but more accurate than calling them heretics

Best Tank in vidya history

The what?

When Trump decides to send us in to finally topple isis, I'm gonna have the USA bgm play while in my abrams
it'll be glorious

I don't recall this many trees being here

Not like last time you went there was a total disaster and resulted in this fucking crisis or anything.

It's got tracks and armor but, does it have a turret?

It is a tank.

It's not a tank.

nobody's here but us trees

i was in elementary/middle/high school last time

>hey I heard you liked power armor, so I made some power armor for your power armor

You know what I meant, smartass.

>it's a tank

Wrong. Tracked SPAAGs have rotating turrets, they're still not tanks.

>only intance this thing was used against tanks it fucked an entire group of M4's with a single shot

This will never be in WT or WoT, russian bias fears the Sturmtiger.

It's a tank.

>Tracked SPAAGs have rotating turrets

Well it's fortunate that i said "armor", because stuff that can only protect crews from shapnel and blasts caused by counterbattery fire rarely counts as armor.

Remember that a tank is defined by mobility, armor and fire power, If any of those is missing then it's not a tank, or if the tank lost any of them is disabled.

Because someone has already posted the best eldar tank
have a casual filter
Everytime I here this I want to liberate a third world country from its oil

I'd kill for a sci-fi Warthunder/WoT styled game where you build and specialize tanks yourself from the ground up.


ba daaaaaaaaaaarrrr
ba daaaaaaaaaaarrrr
ba daaaaaaaaaaarrrr

is this music free to use in, say youtube videos?
I don't want to be flagged

bunker upgrade with tank destroyers