Alright I need immediate help on this game right now

I'm playing dark souls and I'm struggling with the four kings right now.

I'm level 25 (I don't want to go any higher for reasons)


I tried going full havel which worked partial for me until they start spamming the goddamn soul sucking grab attack which takes a huge junk of my health out and before i can dodge and heal they do it again.

Anyways my only weapon right now is the silver knight's sword that is plus fuve and I tried power within and magic weapon upgraid for it but they keep fucking killing me to no end.

I'm on my thirteenth try and I don't want to use this sword because it isn't doing enough damage so I tried using google but all I got was a bunch of people saying oh use this and oh use that and shit.

I need a DEFINITE ANSWER! on what SPECIFIC weapon that will KILL THEM quickly.

Reason I'm posting this here is because Sup Forums is brutally fucking honest with their answers so here I am.

What weapon will allow me to kill these fucking cunts?

>What weapon will allow me to kill these fucking cunts?

Your own skills. Git gud, casul!

And before any grammar intellect judges me based on my misspellings.

I'm using a mobile phone and it is hard to text without the keys fucking up.

It's a 2011 phone so that would be why I have issues with the keyboard.

I know that but just for this sake of the thread.

What weapon at my skill level can I use that will give out the most output damage without having to increase my current level any further.


You should be able to get your weapon to plus 15 by now dude.

Again what specific weapon.

There is alot of weapons in this game.

At my current level what weapon can I use at my current level right now that will give out alot of damage at maxed level?

>(I don't want to go any higher for reasons)

What reasons?
Why such an arbitrary lvl limit if you dont already know the game inside out?

Any weapon will do, really, but a plus five one is fucking shit at this point, get that thing to plus 15 asap.

Get a Claymore if you want a more specific answer, it's pretty beast

Anything that isn't the broke straightsword or the straight sword hilt. Honest god friend. Just pick a weapon you like and hone your skills with it and it will becone the most powerful weapon in the game by the sheer virtue of your own skill.

He wants to invade undead burg to fuck with steam sale noobs. I'd hazard the guess it's for a youtube vid as well.

Well okay I will explain why.

I want to complete the game at the lowest level or at least below 30 for my own challenge and also for selfish part I want to be able to invade at that level but not for bad reasons.

The sword I got can't go any further since it is a twinkling titanite upgrade which with things that takes that particular element you can only go up to five period.

Also I never paied close attention to the claymore sword so what is the highest damage output once fully upgraded or atleast to fourteen plus considering how hard titanite slabs are to find.

I been using the silver knight's sword effectively until this moment.

No I'm not that kind of an asshole.

I just want to do some pvp in darkroot garden.


Go to the graveyard in firelink shrine and pick up the zweihander. Use it instead of the drake sword.

Get an actual non-twinking titanite weapon to +14 or +15, chuck lightning resin onto it, and hit 4 kings.

And use skinny rolls instead of attempting to fat tank like a scrub.

I think I will give it try but with my current level when using it teo hand since I can only do that it takes out a large amount of my stamina.

How will I combat against this while dealing with the four bloody cunts?

Not trying to sound ignorant but I'm just being honest here.

I would if it wasn't for the high damage they use and the quick attacks they perform.

The havel suit is what got me to be able to get close enough without staggering like a drunken fool from the pub.


If youre doing a low level build the +15 lightning handaxe is the best bang for your buck.

Have you got the drake sword? It's the best weapon in the game. Get that if you don't have it then fully upgrade it and you should be able to do it easily.

How effective is it?

you can beat 4kings naked with an unupgraded reinforced club at SL1 if you aren't shit at the fucking game

I'd go for the Fire+10 Claymore. It will help with a later boss aswell.

Why don't you want to go higher than 25? If you're going to purposely gimp yourself then don't be surprised if you get fucked.

The standard is Havels with any upgraded weapon. If you're not doing enough damage or if you're still dying too fast then your stats are just shit.

>you can beat 4kings naked
>with an 'unupgraded' reinforced club at SL1

>ctrl+f pyro
>no results
Come on, that shit is practically made to allow you to cheese at low levels.
Also 20 str is probably decent enough to warrant +15'ing a strength weapon like a club, and putting lightning resin on it. Can also use kellogs sword.

This or a +10 fire Great Scythe.

>"I need help! I can't beat this boss!"
>"I'm severely underleveled and I refuse to fix this obvious glaring issue that is making this boss fight difficult."
>"What do I do?"

You're a fucking mongoloid.

Pretty sure everyone here assumed someone that has a surplus of a billion fucking souls from not levelling would have the common sense to dump into pyromancy already.

Speaking of which, dump souls into the other pyromancy hand and trade its ascended +0 form to the crow for a red slab, then hit 4kings with a +10 fire weapon. Literally any maxed non-scaling, non-twinkling weapon can kill 4 kings, even in NG+.

To be fair plenty of people have beaten this game at sl1 so he really needs to git gud

>implying you were "gud" enough to SL1 on your first playthrough
>implying all those ppl didn't just look up guides and tips
Wow so le gud.

It is pretty clear this isn't op first playthrough and even with guides you still need to git gud to do a sl1 run

A +15 Lightning Claymore might help.

Shit,I meant a +5 lightning Claymore.

Alright I'm back.

I haven't killed the seaceless guy yet so i can't get the fire amber effectively but I can upgrade any weapons with lightning.

So I'm stuck with the lightning route for right now so here is my narrowed options.



That giant german sword.

Great scythe


I'm going to farm souls from the npc enemies in darkroot garden to get enough souls to get the required currency to do all this upgrading

A pluse fifteen lightning claymore would be fucking badass.

gotta go fast

Great scythe has better attacks.
Claymore has slightly higher damage at your stats.

Really though, you should just get the Zweihander and 2 hand it to meet the requirements. Much more damage and It's better for stomping noobs in pvp with the stunlock.

there's a video of a jap doing it on nicovideo with a regular club during a deprived speedrun, doesnt even have the reinforced for bleed

just because you can't do it doesn't mean nobody else can

>doesn't provide link to prove it's unupgraded
Stop shitposting faggot.

Kill yourself

I'm just going to use the claymore and have it upgraded to lightning since I can use the weapon more with my stamina then with the other one that will eat up my stamina in one swing.

If it doesn't work then I will the great scythe and see were that takes me.

go find it yourself i am not gonna search through moon rune videos for you faggot, im not your personal butler you lazy little brat

What you need to do is upgrade your weapon past +5. A +10 helps a shit ton no matter what the weapon is. +10 claymore would serve you well. Literally either get the ember in the depths or upgrade if you already have it

You actually want to be fast to beat Four Kings. Don't go full Havel. Use any fast weapon upgraded as far as you can go. I think I used the Crystal Halbred my very first time and that was fast enough.

Use the Crest Shield (The magic resist one).

Rush the fuck out of the first King the second he spawns. Get up to him point blank and just start swinging. Save about a quarter of your Stamina bar to dodge roll attacks. When they do the big AoE shit, you should be fast enough to run. OR, you can just block with the shield and heal the bleed-through damage. It shouldn't be much.

Your goal is to kill them faster than they can spawn. You don't want more than one out at a time if you can help it.

>having problems with four kids

your gona need to just not get hit since you decided not to level health whatsoever
whatever other shit you are trying to use or figure out is a dumb gimmick

>actually being helpful and putting effort into your post
>on Sup Forums


chaos fire/fire gargoyle's halberd

should make it really easy

>not completing all souls games and bloodborne without ever dying to a boss

kill yourself casual scum

Don't wear heavy armor. Wear something light or make sure it is magic resistant. I literally wear nothing and dodge roll the entire game so it is entirely possible to do so during the 4ch-kings

>before any grammar intellect judges me based on my misspellings.
>I'm using a mobile phone and it is hard to text without the keys fucking up.
Why would you point something out that is a non-issue, you retarded casual phoneposter?

>Your goal is to kill them faster than they can spawn. You don't want more than one out at a time if you can help it.
This a thousand times. Four Kings is a DPS race, you need to be set up to have as much stamina as possible so you're able to dodge and attack without having to take too many breaks.

Because I made threads before with shit grammar and typo errors and most of the thread was filled with grammar naxies and shitposters bitching about me being underage for not spelling my words right.

It's happened before in other boards.


>It's happened before in other boards


God fucking damnit

fuck this samsung galaxy S3

That explains everything.

You have a shit phone.

Make a pyromancer and beat the game at level 1, fucking scrub

fight them naked
or at least below med roll threshold

The best armor is not getting hit at all

Just dodge friend.

>Overhead slash
Pretty straight forward, you can sidestep it while closing or roll through it (forwards)

>Horizontal Swings
They can do 1 or 2 swings, first swing dodge left, 2nd swing dodge forwards.

For those, try to stay as close to them as possible. Being hit by their hand hurts less than bieng hit by the blade.

>Point Blank AoE
Just back the fuck off.

>Homing Missile shit
Run at them while circling them. Then just keep circling them until it fades away. Dodge in the same direction you're circling if you think it's getting to close to you.

Crest Shield is great at reducing the damage if you're forced to block the missiles or AoEs. Expecdt to stagger unless it's decently upgraded/you have decent stamina.

>Tracking grab
Back up while it's charging, dodge left twice once they start moving in with it.

That Straight sword is decent enough for the job, 2hand that fucker unless you're forced to block. Dodging is the aim here. You can buff it with spells/items so I'd recommned doing so. Also Green Blossom for more stamina regen is advised.

Don't bother with Havel's cheese. Go light and Mag Def. It's the only damage that should matter, getting hit by the hand hurts so little and the blade is trivial to dodge/block with 100% phys shield.

For fuck's sake, BE AGGRESSIVE. Keep hitting them as they're despawning, they have no HP left but it takes it off the total HP and it'll help keep the numbers down.

That's about all I can think of. Good luck.

Your kind isn't welcome here

At 20 STR, 22 DEX you have a wealth of weapon choices

>Great Club (2handed only)
>Black Knight Sword
>Reinforced Club

Chaos, fire or lightning are you best bets if you are dead set on not leveling.

Hug their nuts during their normal attacks, run away when they spin

git fucking gud nerd

Alright I'm liking what I'm seeing hwre and I will definitely plan on using these tactics and advises from you folks.

Well I'm going o bed now and get a good rest before booting up the game and go through the hassle on upgrading and stocking up before fighting them again.

Thank you everyone.


I really need to get a new phone.

Anyways goodnight.