>Amazing soundtrack
>Amazing art direction
What went wrong?
Final Fantasy XIII
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Corridors and shit battle system
Not nearly enough armpit shots being shown to the player.
Terrible pacing. The game needed to open up way sooner.
The fanbase
Nothing. I understand the people are saying story confused them, which is fine, story was a bit messy. Then there's the corridor meme, but we have X which is X times worse in every way imaginable. And then you have the battle system retards who are just fucking retarded, since turn based combat is garbage always so I guess all FF games are shit in their eyes, except the ones they need to pretend to like to fit in with Sup Forums.
>player isn't required to use any brainpower for battles until like 3/4ths of the way through the game
>game has great lore but it's fucking buried in mounds of datalog text instead of being delivered in the story
>even after development only some of the cast members are likeable
I still really like it. I remember buying this game and then dropping it a couple hours in thinking "man what a piece of shit". Then on a whim I decided to pick it back up a year later and upon completion and forraying into the endgame and actually learning the paradigm system for superbosses and reading up on the lore my opinion completely changed. It's honestly not the worst Final Fantasy.
The sequels also kept improving on the combat system and regressing in story content. FFXIII had the best story but the gameplay was simplistic, XIII-2 had much more fun gameplay with the monster party member dynamic but a pretty loose story and a dogshit cliffhanger sequelbait ending. XIII-3 gameplay was close to actual action rpg type combat to the point where guards and dodges needed to be timed, but story was fucking batshit retardation.
>X which is X times worse in every way imaginable.
That's true, but you know what 10 had that 13 didn't?
>Towns to explore
>that you could REVISIT
>NPCs to interact with
>Side quests and minigames
>Likeable characters
>No Lightning (the character)
>Likable characters
Holy shit my sides.
>Amazing soundtrack
It's no less forgettable than FFXII's.
Too many other characters and too much story. It should have just been a game about Lightning waking up, taking a shower, styling her hair, having coffee, going to the gym, adjusting her sports bra, wiping the sweat off of her face and abs, taking another shower, microwaving dinner, drinking wine on the couch and crying herself to sleep.
Nomura is a literal madman waifufag.
Nothing wrong with Lightning, I don't understand this meme, especially after you say X had likeable characters. That shit was cringe galore, it was impossible to sit through a single sentence from those shits, it was worse than MGS. I'll give you sidequests and minigames, that's fine, but besides that, the game is painful to go through.
People expected something else, and then went on with e-celeb parroting. The game´s fine, but suffers of too slow start.
fuck you. The combat is fun as fuck.
on the polar opposite contrary.
I can´t think of ANY songs from 12, while XIII trilogy´s OST pop up into my head as ear worms all the time these days.
Neither matter as much as gameplay and FFXIII just isn't a good game
Is this your official shower song too user?
>slow start
What are you talking about?
>Light and Sazh on a train
>knock out all the guards
>fire a rpg
>jump out and fight a giant mecha scorpion
It was actiony and exciting
Why do people complain about the story in LR?
I can understand the complaints for XIII-2 because of the time travel chaos that happens but LR is pretty straight-forward
>save the souls of humans because God told you
>God is a dick, beat him up
>you win
They really shouldve chosen something other than fal'cie and l'cie
Good god 17 yo mean couldnt make sense of the bullshit sometimes.
Also unlikable main character. Boring ass VA. Actually I find many of the characters unlikable. Especially hope. Sorry kid but I need to like you to actually sympthatize with your dumbass.
Also snow marrying lightnings sister ? Dude it's like a 7 foot tall NBA player marrying a 4 foot tall Asian woman shit is just odd.
Other than that it's a beautiful game. I'm actually surprised FFXV didn't look that much better.
Everything else.
But in hindsight, FFXV makes FFXIII look like a decent game now. (God, it hurt to type that)
>What went wrong?
By not following FF12 footsteps while improving it.
Aka open world with open world gameplay, quest and all. I don't know if i'm clear enough. It doesn't have to be like it but just to follow its foot steps.
They have completely different pronunciations, how can you mix them up?
Even the English language is full of words that sound similar, do you always get world mixed up because they rhyme?
Lightning is divisive, VAs are good
Hope is again divisive, but at least he gets better and is pretty cool in the sequel
Snow marrying Serah was ok, still mr. 33cm is gonna kill her
FFXIII uses a forward rederer, while it's much easier on the hardware than modern engines, it managed 720p, 2x MSAA at 30fps on a ps3, it was a fucking miracle
>following offline MMO meme
XIII is a result of everyone hating XII on release and XV is a result of everyone hating XIII on release.
>HD towns are too hard
Hopefully XVI will go back to linearity
How many explorable towns are there in XV again?
>Hopefully XVI will go back to linearity
with current games all being open world? hell no.
Even fukin Dragon quest went full open world while keeping its classic gameplay.
Why is this contradictory?
Friendly reminder Phantom Pain is objectively the best game ever made and Metal Gear benefited tremendously from open world.
MGS5 isn't an open world. An open world game drops you into the world and then its UP TO YOU to search the world for missions etc. Phantom pain just let you play a mission, the mission THEY want you to play, then, when you're done, you have to sit through a credits screen and then they tell you the next mission.
Ah come on, you pretend like XV is Superman 64 or something.
Well I tried playing it but eventually PlayStation Now took it down for whatever reason. I only had one playthrough so I didn't habe much chance. I wanted to watch a let's play if it but good lord to have to watch a let's play of an RPG.
XIII really wasn't that bad honestly. Sure it had tremendous flaws that prevented it from being a top notch game, but by no means was it "terrible" or "unplayable" as some claim.
I rather run through lively corridors than through barren open worlds.
What really ran the stake through the franchise's heart were XIII-2 and XIII-3.
>you have to sit through a credits screen
What the hell was that all about?
One game does redeem another shitty game.
Kojima is a huge film nerd but after LOST people starting regarding TV shows with the same esteem as films, so Kojima put a credits sequence after ever mission to make it feel like a TV show. That's my guess.
>Dragon quest went full open world while keeping its classic gameplay
Nope. The first footage of the PS4 battle system was shown during the stream yesterday and it has action-based combat similar to Star Ocean.
>there are people in the year of our lord trump that still think nomura directed ffxiii
Wait are you serious?
Is this the Sup Forums version of the star wars debacle? One movie/game being bad doesn't make the other ones not shit anons. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
Turn-based battle systems are dead, user.
straight-forward doesn't equal good though
FFVI an VII are universally agreed on to be the go to FF games if you're new to the franchise. I didn't play much of VI but I did play VII many times.
FFVII has an early version of open world with it's overworld map. People praise that map to no end. But what does it have compared to real open world? One tiny sign if civilisation every 50 Miles that in real life would hold from 300 to 2000 people with midgard being the exception. Those signs of civilisation include a farm that has 1 house with 2 rooms and a stable with about 15m2 of fenced off grass next to a swamp that houses a giant carnivorous cobra. And somehow this farm is self sufficient.
How are open world games of today worse than this bullshit?
thank god
Hope is the most well written character in the 13 series.
Gamerbros decided not to like him because muh non-masculine boy shows human emotion = GAY!! meme
VII isn't open world in the slightest.
Dead, yes.
Bad, no.
IIRC the team was like 160 artists and 40 devs/programmers
they also tried to make another FFX without all the things that made FFX good
so there you go
i never played it because it ran like shit on pc on release. probably get around to it sometime, i'm almost done with X
>4 hours and half
memes, literally nothing but Sup Forums memes that's all that went wrong, game itself is perfectly fine and sure as shit better than 15 is.
That's why I said it was like an early version of what one day would become open world.
Nice try
Game was on rails.
there are very few moments in games that have made me as booty blasted as getting to nautilus only to have all the attractions locked away
your mom was on rails last night
>posting an 18 month-old screenshot as proof over video of the game running live 8 hours ago
Great stuff, user!
Not to mention the best girl in the game.
I miss you, titty-Quistis.
Almost as bad as getting to Tenebrae in XV.
At least the music was comfy - youtube.com
What happens in XV?
XV has a bunch of exploration/side stuff/minigames anyway so it wasn't nearly as bad
walking in a straight line for countless hours then getting there to be denied was a slap in the balls
tenebrae is destroyed/everyone demonified, you don't get to explore it it's just a quick stop before going to the empire
You get to Tenebrae and can't do fucking shit after it was showed in trailers that we could go on panty raids in Luna's room.
XV's slide stuff is also 95% garbage, if there were more quests like Deadeye then it would've been fine but collecting frogs ayyy.
It's basically a 20 second walk before you shove off to the next area. Even worse is how often the area is mentioned throughout the story before you reach it.
>actually doing that shit
I only do optional dungeons/base infiltration. fishing and chocobo races are also fun
Dungeons are pretty good, base infiltration is aight. Would've been better with Ara.
>post a vidya without PS4 gameplay
Nice stuff, user!
Fishing is comfy in every game.
you are correct
terrible characters
terrible story
terrible game play direction
terrible desisions all around really
ya but they went out of their way to give it some depth in XV. Specific lure usage is a bit annoying though
terrible pasta
terrible memes
terribly unoriginal
terrible post all around really
>Final Fantasy
>Good story
Oh user
Horrible combat
>go in attack mode, state at screen, go in guard mode, stare at screen, repeat and ocasionally do a special move to win, you have no control
>good story
It literally made no sense. I'm not even talking about the fact that all the characters were retarded and did nothing logical the whole time, the story actually has plotholes and things don't add up at all
>good characters
>good art direction
Bland as all fuck, the main enemy are concrete slabs with faces glued on, and then generic future police. I can't remember much of the areas because they all look the same
NieR's fishing is better solely because of this song:
>everything I disagree with is a meme
>you have no control
>people are actually this bad at the game
could at least be passable story is what I'm saying, this is grade school Fanfic.
Nah VIII is grade school fanfic, XIII is more high school fanfic.
Not sure which is worse though desu.
well the reason I say it is is that 13 had a lot of holes in it writing. Little to No exposition on where they were or what they were looking at and if you read the script with out visuals you would think they never left the first area.
They forgot to include any gameplay
I'm going to start using this as to what's wrong with 13, I don't think you can get any more concise/clear
this would be true if you said FF12.
He's right though. Look, I've played this game and actually enjoyed it to a certain degree but it is a shit game. The paradigm shift has some control but it's a huge step back in what was already established in the series.
The huge problem with this game is they tried to streamline everything. Original Final Fantasy you chose your party members, what moves they learned and what they could do in battle. FFXIII chooses who's in your party for most of the game. Paradigm only lets you choose the role of party members and when they're in that role they can only perform a select amount of moves. And you can only choose the leader's actions manually, which isn't even necessary until way late in the game.
not really if anything 12 is the opposite, not enough of everything else but the gameplay's there
gambits literally are the game playing itself for you.
>Literally isn't an actual rpg until near the end of the game
That's a start.
>optional gameplay element
>which isn't even necessary until way late in the game.
I swear you people are trying to be bad on purpose: youtube.com
yeah that is a bad thing
moms are tough
No, the game is that bad and simple.
Hate to break it to you but that's every Final Fantasy. I can set up gambits in XII and leave the room and defeat a boss.
>I can set up gambits in XII and leave the room and defeat a boss.
Then don't?
What's up with butthurt XIII fans lately?
Alright. Keep lying out your ass.
Why not?