Metal Gear?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mirror's Edge?
Metal gear, huh?
>tfw no femboi androids to bully
Solid Gear as well
This actually happened in MGSPW
Is this a Jojo reference?
I knew somebody would actually make this thread kek
That's a sprocket...
Looks more like a flex plate.
Ratchet and Clank?
Sup Forums, Sup Forums has changed.
Win. 100092349064 points.
Jojo reference?
Kirby Mass Attack?
So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES. We just got to The Empire (more than halfway through the game), and he's still wearing his fucking power wrist. It has 4 defense, as opposed to the ~20 defense from the armor avialable to us right now (this makes a lot of difference in the world of mana), but he keeps it anyways because it has +5 STR which he is convinced is more important than any amount of defense (it's not).
So while we were in the shop at The Empire, he gave up control of his character for a moment to go AFK, so I popped into his inventory and unequipped his power wrist so I could sell it and buy a Golem Ring instead. He noticed soon after he returned that his power wrist was missing, and became irate.
So now we're on our way to "potatos" (he means Potos Village) to buy back his power wrist. What he doesn't know is that he can buy it at the shop we just left in The Empire.
I used to have that vacuum. It was a piece of shit.
Reminder that Sup Forums is entirely responsible for literally everything it hates about the rest of the internet
Something is wrong. The url doesn't say which board you are on. You shopped this, didn't you?
I know Sup Forums didn't invent "meme" or >implying arrows, the world "troll" or any of that shit, but it sure is the fucking reason it's all popular.
now every image macro is a "meme", I blame advice dog and pokeparents for setting the standard easy "meme format" (I want to die typing that out)
duck roll somehow became rick roll, which became "just splice in rick astley somewhere ah ha top comedy"
Reminder that mainstream media STILL does Rick Rolling. I had to see this when I watched a Cavs game the other week.
This is genuinely good song, though.
To be a "rick roll", it has to be, for example, someone asking for a source on a .gif or a .webm or whatever. Someone else links him to the Rick Astley video.
See? He thought he was getting the source to the thing, but instead it was never gonna give you up.
It's not just playing the song, it's not just inserting him or the song into anything, it's weird to say there's a specific routine that has to be followed. Otherwise it's just listening to a rick fucking astley song, there was no trick
Cody's Lab?
I was in that thread too, you faggot.
>hurr guys look how new and young I am
Wait a minute.
Why does your Sup Forums look like the old reddit?