Enter Character Name:

>Enter Character Name:

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I gave up being clever long ago


Fillin Aname


>tfw I used it for an rpg maker game

>Using a random meaningless name

Whenever I use some sort of name generator site it's always some tryhard shit. I just want a short, quick and snappy username. I don't want the whole alphabet tossed around 4 times over to get a name which will make me look like a super tryhard autist.

Thank god for the naming conventions in Dragonball. It made this so much fucking easier in Xenoverse 1/2.

The link I posted is pretty good for getting names quickly, just use a generator that suits your character and keep going until you find a good one

it always takes me like 40 minutes to nickname a pokemon if i dont have a name decided beforehand, because i like to name tham after fictional characters and i have an autistic need to make the name fit in some way rather than having it be totally random.

Dongs REO Speedwagon

>not using your real name for everything
no one's going to track you down or anything

What gets me is when they want a last name, too.

>My ranger already uses my real name so now I don't know what the fuck to name my mage and my dark knight

Jibbles the Hoopfiddler.

First, add xX
Second, your favorite anime character
Third, your favorite type of warrior
Fourth, 420
Finally, end with Xx


>not playing a girl
>not naming said girl after your crush

feels retarded as fuck

>Not naming them after famous actors/musicians/writers etc

I always make a twinkish character so most of the time I'd choose a girly name.

I just pick names from quotes from TV shows

Fuck off.

>Singleplayer RPG
My real name
>Singleplayer anything else
Either names from other vidya or combine two words that sounds cool


Every time, every game


>naming them after famous actors/musicians/writers etc

Gaesdramuldi De Kruafscemaultzer

>not picking a word that describes your character or aspect of your character and then translating it into latin or some old/obscure language

Phillip Mignon

why aren't you using your own name for maximum self-inserting?

What's the best theme naming scheme and why is it famous authors

pen names have already had some spice thrown in


This is beautiful.

>be male
>play female characters
>use real name because outside of my country its a female name
>always get asked if I am a girl or not on vent when telling other people my name

the third name in the list is the name you'll have to use in every multiplayer game from now on


could be worse

muh nigga


My main is always my real name. I think it fits well in any setting too.

It's Samuel

Not naming your characters from innuendo.
>Dick Hardwood
>Edward Longshaft
>Tony Sofcaugh
>Elena Dankhole

People like you need to kill themselves.

Wow, rude

>character already have a name
>enter character name xD
Fuck Elsword

>god tier
funny names like HotSauce or weeaboo. Its just a game

>high tier
using your real name or a nickname

>medium tier
using the canon name of the character

>low tier
ironic names like xXxCuntSnatcherx360x

>shit tier
unironic names like DarkestShadowVoid

>edgy tier
using names of greek gods. mythology etc.

If you had the imagination and intellectual awareness of a goldfish, sure.

>Username already taken


>character creation screen
you make your ex
you name her your ex's name

>Think of a word the describes your character.
>Translate it to a language you like.

>using your real name

it should be cringe tier