What's the best Breath of Fire game?
What's the best Breath of Fire game?
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You forgot 6, I can't vote.
>Voting the newer games
Neck yourselves
>The best one is winning
Well, Sup Forums surprises me sometimes.
Anyone who votes for 4 is a fucking retard. I'm torn between 3 and dragon quarter
Breath of Fire 6 isn't a BoF game. Hell, it's not even a Capcom worthy title.
4 is a fucking masterpiece get fucked
>dragon quarter
No seriously end your life.
3 > 4 > Dragon Quarter > 2 > 1
Dragon quarter was a good game fuck you guys
>positions mattered and chaining attacks felt great
>you can do something stupid like doing a bad end by blasting a random mob with your dragon beam until it reached 100%
Purple underwear seems to fit Nina's character.
This. 4 is easily the best and you're retarded if you think otherwise
It seems so.
Nina user, Is that you?
4 is the best, 3 second best, Watch ProJared top 10 non square enix rpgs youtube.com
Breath of Fire 3 gets my vote because of its deep gameplay mechanics and various ways you can character build. I loved the characters, as well.
>This. 4 is easily the best and you're retarded if you think otherwise
Elitist much? Try bringing actual discussion to the table, next time.
It was a good Vagrant Story's spiritual successor, not a BoF game, really.
I consider it to be more of a brilliant and unique spinoff.
Maybe it is. Nina is love.
The only thing 3 has on top of 4 is dragon transformation system. But it existed at expense of all other characters who were hilariously boring in combat compared to Ryu who could be the only playable character for all i care.
4 has superior story and writing, best antagonists in series, best sprite quality, one of the best turn-based JRPG combat systems i've seen (basically a superior version of FFX's combat system with a lot more depth and cool things possible like combos or back row assist/mp restoration) and much better pacing than 3.
I love BoF3 but I find it almost unbearable to play these days without a reduced encounter rate hack or something.
Why did every JRPG back in the day have to have ridiculous encounter rates coupled with long ass animations
>I love BoF3 but I find it almost unbearable to play these days without a reduced encounter rate hack or something.
If you walk, instead of run, it lowers the encounter rate by a large percent.
Why is Nina so cute?
Not trying to act elitist it's just a fact.
Good question.
Holy shit, I never noticed this.
I've only played 3 and 4, but so far 4 has been my favorite. 3s probably a better game but 4 hit such a sweet spot for me that I love it. Also the combat system in 4 is awesome.
I see Tokyo, I see Hong Kong...
I see Nina's little pink thong.
You guys are all a bunch of Low D's
Best game is winning, I see. Based anons.
I haven't played them, but I'm fairly sure 3 is the best
Do I need to play I&II to understand III's story?
Here. [email protected] I have a feeling you're the same person.
Breath of Fire 4 was my childhood. But after playing the masterpiece that is Breath of Fire 3 last summer, I can never go back. The third entry is by far the best. No wonder it gets all the love from the fanbase, and it tops every list of popular BoF games.
Never played one but I'm thinking of
What do you recommend me?
From the sprite work alone I'm moving towards IV
I know by reading this thread that IV has better gameplay too
In wich points III stands above IV?
>In wich points III stands above IV?
Nostalgia. It's basically the FF7 of the franchise.
3 ain't bad. 4 is just a vastly superior game.
I'd say play in 4 first as it can be considered a prequel of all other mainline bof games.
Holy fuck, that's a genius mechanic, I might need to replay the game then.
3 seems to have more diversity in how you can build each character, and has a much better balanced difficulty. 4 is real easy right up until the last dungeon, then shit gets brutal.
Still, I prefer 4, but both are fucking fantastic games.
I'm not the same user, but email sent. I'm open to making new friends, experimenting and such.
That's fine.
>Never played one but I'm thinking of
>What do you recommend me?
>From the sprite work alone I'm moving towards IV
>I know by reading this thread that IV has better gameplay too
>In wich points III stands above IV?
Hi, Breath of Fire 4 fanboy! Nice effort on the same fagging, but it's not working.
>3 seems to have more diversity in how you can build each character
That's not really true. You can't make Garr into any other role but a physical attacker, his base stats just fucking suck for anything else. Same with other characters. I'd say only Ryu himself can be built more freely than in 4, but 4 compensates it with awesome combo system.
>has a much better balanced difficulty
I honestly don't remember anything difficult in 3 at all because Ryu straight breaks the fucking game and chain formation with Rei hacks the game wide open.
Nah, they're only loosely connected. The ending of 2 seems to play a role in 3's story but overall you don't need to play 2.
I'll always argue that 4 has the best story, shit's just awesome and every character feels fleshed out and has their own motivation.
>In wich points III stands above IV?
All of them. It's just a better game. I love 4, but 3 is superior.
BoF 3 looks childish but has a mature story while BoF 4 looks mature but has a childish story. 3 and 4 are the only good BoF games.
thanks everyone I think I will play IV
BoF V was so bad it doesn't exist to me
Laugh my ass off at this same fagger, thinking he can trigger Breath of Fire 3 games. Must suck liking the less superior title. Hell, even Breath of Fire 2 is better.
>BoF 3 looks childish but has a mature story
It has an incredibly dumb story with immense amount of filler.
>Childish story
Nah mate
I wanted to like it so much but I can't fucking get into it. What the fuck even is the levelling system like I swear it requires you to die and play through what you've already done so many times
>you will never ____ myria
The power gap is minuscule. All are great. Have a nice night guys :)
1.) Breath of Fire III
2.) Breath of Fire II
3.) Dragon Quarter
4.) Breath of Fire IV
5.) Breath of Fire
But all games are fantastic. Great series.
She did everything wrong.
will we ever see another BoF game worth playing? or at all?
>will we ever see another BoF game worth playing? or at all?
I doubt it. Capcom have been dickheads.
Was an honest question
Not everyone comes here to bait, conspiranoic
Breath of Fire 4 fag spotted.
For cellphones.
please go back to wherever the fuck you crawled out from
>please go back to wherever the fuck you crawled out from
I crawled out from good RPGs. Like Breath of Fire 3.
>while BoF 4 looks mature but has a childish story.
I rather quite disagree
>BoF is an niche and forgotten JRPG series
>its fans are still compelled to fight and shittalk eachother
Goddamn, shit's sad. I still need to play through BoF2 and Dragon Quarter though. I have the double XP and double Zenny hack as well as the translation hack.
The only cool thing the story does in BoF3 is the slow beginning with the passing of time around the mid point. 4's story is a lot better. Also
>romantic relationships
>implied sex scenes
>murder, multiple sacrifices
>use of magic nuclear weapons
>body horror
>inappropriate sexual advances
>a childish game
Nigga is u for real?
Better animation than Dragon Age
>You can't make Garr into any other role but a physical attacker
Yes you can. You just never tried.
He is going to be a complete fucking dogshit if you build him in any way other than his default tank role and he fucking sucks even at that compared to Peco.
Wow. Sup Forums has good tastes for once.
>BoF 4 looks mature but has a childish story
nigga what is wrong with you
Funny you should mention that since Peco is also very versatile.
Garr's the only real exception to the rule, but that's only due to his shit AP. Everyone else has multiple builds that are all viable.
4 is such a fucking mess dude
Canon ending.
Did nothing wrong.