Is this the best card game available atm?

Is this the best card game available atm?

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Even the if the game is very incomplete and it misses tons of cards, Magic Duels is just plain better.

Boring and there is way too many Ai battles till you unlock everything.

In what way?


Less than in hearthstone.

The cards you get from the AI battles are shit tier and you don't have to finish them to access the rest of the content.

lol if your a sucker who wants to spend hundreds of dollars on a game every few months or be missing important meta relevant cards...
Hearthstone is literally a card game for streamers.
They buy all the cards and you have fun watching them play, but as an individual just playing you have to be insane to buy all the cards you need to fully enjoy the game...

Eternal Card game is where it's at. Seems like a reasonable hybrid of magic and hearthstone.

I like Faeria, but it's basically dead.

In a way that it wasn't created as an online card game, so it's not restricted as such.

Depends on what type of game you are looking for. I'd probably still pick Shadowverse over most anything else for that type of card game.

>tfw no shandalarr 2.0

Everyone's trying to copy hearthstone's card style but I'm more a fan of card game that use actual cards.

>OP Net-decking the cardgame
it has its charming points now and then tho

Adding something. The worst card game I've played has been Scrolls. It's a shame because I like the idea behind it, but games last too long.

I haven't played that in a long time. I regret purchasing it.

The offical Sup Forums card game list is as follows

1. Magic
2. Magic Duels
3. Shadowverse
4. Eternal
5. Elder Scroll Legends
6. Yugi
7. Pokemon
8. Duelyst
9. Faeria
10. Spellweaver
11. Gwent
12. Magic Online
13. Hearthstone

>He thinks he's good enough to make his own sweet deck
People on Sup Forums have always had inflated egos

Cool game but seems kinda dead

How's Eternal? I only know it has a bunch of MTG mechanics, which would make it instantly better than almost every other CCG.

Great game but low player base and for some reason they had to copy the hearthstone artstyle

Where would you fit hex on this list?

>no mention of infinity wars
it hurts

Faeria is not a copy of Hearthstone, it adds lands/board control and doesn't do the 1 mana per turn.

I like Faeria but that user is right it never seems to get mentioned.

Try Krosmaga, it's a scrolls clone made by the Dofus/Wakfu devs.

>I still haven't gotten a Gwent code

Fuck shadowverse has the most cringe inducing artstyle. I wish I could just make the cards blank.

honestly, probably because Faeria takes too much effort to play.

I like what they've designed but it's a game that I only occasionally wanna play as opposed to something easier I can just put some quick time into.

>no putting new bomb lobber

Whats wrong with the artstyle?

It is pretty good. It has some of magics mechanics and changed some a bit.
For example:
Flying is the same, but double strike doesn't automatically give you first strike. You have to test it out and see if you like it.

Here are all the cards:

Normies find it unacceptable so I can't play it on break at work.

>not figuring out your own decks
hope your having fun playing netdecks to legend

Kinda true. Lolis are just weird and I don't like it.

I meant the actual card visual and shape, or Hearthstone cards don't look like cards but some weird mix between cards and pogs.

It's full of sexualized underaged girls. I wish they had some self respect like MTG and HS artists.

Who cares what they think?

How can you tell they're underage, user?

I wish there was a game mode with no netdecks. Making your own decks is fun, but losing to netdecks isn't.

Until then, I am playing Arena.

Oh in that case fair enough.
>tfw have an entire binder full of wow cards and the onyxia raid deck
>tfw hear about WoW:TCG game and got super excited thinking it was going to be a port of the card game directly into an online game
>we get hearthstone instead
Still fucking upset.

It's fun but I hope they change some shit up with a patch eventually
aggro is stronk and control is boring
I'd rather just concede then do a control v. control matchup where nobody plays anything or combrei v. combrei that comes down to "did you draw all of your obelisks first?"
shimmer can also eat shit

This one isugly as fuck, like some shit from Devianart. The game has a lot of good artwork, though, why would you post generic trash with plastic skin?

>mtg artists in the current year
>self respect

>playing any card game other than magic
>playing anything remotely reminiscent of hearthstone

Exactly. I bet most of the are thousands of years old.

kiss yourself, sissy

Magic isn't even Garfield's best game

>Sexualized underaged girls
>a bad thing

what exactly are you doing here

not being a pedo

>implying magic is even remotely alone in the finals for "best card game ever"
move out of the realm of digital card games and suddenly the competition is 1000x higher

so is magic duels something im gona need to spend money on? I really need a new card game

>he plays card games IN REAL LIFE
fucking LMAO get a fucking grip you freak

When people say Magic, are they referring to the magic the gathering game in real life?

play infinity wars
i wouldn't suggest investing any money into it because it lingers on death's door but you can find opponents in draft relatively fast and it's also fun as shit and rivals magic in complexity

>implying digital magic clients exist

halving the bonus shards from opening packs sucked
it's not terrible but it sucks

>magic duels that high over mtgo
Are you retarded? Duels is inferior version of mtgo in pretty much any sense, even interface is abysmal in both.

>mfw im downloading duels right now

god dammit now i dont know what to do

>Gwent is not #1
kys yourself my man

duels is f2p like hearthstone

mtgo is literally the card game on the internet, you have to buy packs and trade for cards and spend money every time you want to draft or play the game, it has no singleplayer or tutorial, just online magic.

should i duels first to learn how to play and get the feel for the game then mtgo?

don't. if you want to practice mtg do so with forge. it's free and has every card ever made. if you wan't to play pvp then prepare your anus and play mtgo.
duels is shit for shitters

>literally the card game on the internet
wait, do the cards cost the same as in real life?
just download and play the single player at least, it's pretty fun

Duels has some casual friendly changes from mtgo, like deck building rules are somewhat different for example. Honestly you are better playing something like xmage to get used to mechanics and such. It is free rule enforced emulator of mtgo with pretty much all of the cards available.

>Honestly you are better playing something like xmage to get used to mechanics and such

will do

Prices are generally cheaper on mtgo

Hearthstone is the best by far in terms of enjoyability and accessibility. The only problem is that it's a coinflip simulator and even the best of the best player only have like a 60% winrate. That's true for pretty much any card game though, it just seems more apparent in Hearthstone because the games are shorter and it's a bit simpler.

Gwent sucks really bad, no matchmaking, no exp for lost games, only fucking gg system. You lose all games just to get scraps because there's no matchmaking and EVERY oponent has better cards than you.

is mtgo on steam?

MtG will probably keep its crown forever.

Will there ever be a good single player card game?

metal gear acid 1 & 2

Dead? Lol no, i get games within a min, soon enough more people will join, also monthley tournements

hearthstone is so incredibly simplistic that it's literally just as fun to watch someone else play the game as to play it yourself except they most likely have better cards so it's actually less fun to play yourself

Yeah, Monster Rancher Card Battle

u wot m8

not gonna lie, that looks pretty meh

thats what i thought until i played them.
theyre really really good. in my opinion better than peace walker and phantom pain