Have you ever played against professional gamers, online or offline? How did it go?

Have you ever played against professional gamers, online or offline? How did it go?

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is that supposed to be an example of one?

The fact that cammy didn't try to wake up DP makes me happy.

Yeah I lost badly

Yep. Was at a small party, fgc showed up, we played some friendlies. I mostly lost. The guy with a big head got into a money match against one of the pros and got wrecked.

I beat honzogonzo in marvel back in the day and I took a stock off mew2king once as falcon I got chaingrabbed literally 0-death for the other 3
That's about it

Once i was at a comic con with some friends and there was this guy playing tekken with a friend, who i think was waiting until a tournament started or something. He asked us if we wanted to play against him and we all did, and we all got fucking raped by him. Man, i had never got my ass beaten like that in a fighting game before

I almost beat pr balrog on pc in ultra but he ex headbutt me on his wake up into ultra twice. I was close as fuck

I beat Fchamp in Rising Thunder and lost to Snake Eyez in the same game.

Yeah, a bunch of quake 3 pros. Wrecked horribly.

Same shit happened to me in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. The guy told me to pick his team so I picked shitty characters and he wrecked me like it was his job.

I played flocker at evo in umvc3 the year he won. Didn't take any games, but got him down to his last character once. He was pretty nice

I played m2k in pm at paragon LA last year. He fucked me up, but I didn't get 4 stocked any games at least lol.

I played against ISDD on SFV. He destroyed me.

Just for your information: michmichmichmich is a known ragequitter.

I'm top 1% in the world as McCree

Sometimes I go into quickplay just to remind them of their place

Hearthstone. Beat Kripp in Arena one time. I think we were both at about 10 wins. I was his third loss.

Checked his stream, it was the real deal.

Oh hey, I beat this Ryu with my Karin.

Surprised he didn't pull the plug on me.

Fought Mike Ross online and got my asshole ripped open. His Rashid memes were too strong

Don't fall for this idiots memes, he's a notorious rage-quitter.

Just youtube his username if you don't believe me. He was exposed a long time ago.

Mike plays Rashid?

He's a ragequitter but he's also pretty good at the game.

In SF4, I caught Maximilian online. Smashed him with my Gief 3 rounds in a row. He quit and messaged me to ask if it was alright for him to use the footage in an upcoming video. I said sure, but he messaged me a week later saying it didn't fit what he was going for in the video, but thanked me anyway. He seemed like an alright dude.

I'm also good friends with some D-List FGC dudes. Pokken tournament players, some smash players, and a few doujin fighter guys. Big enough that they play pros occasionally at tournaments and place, but obviously not big enough deals like PR Balrog/Yipes/Fchamp.

my second match in the sfv beta was against maximillian.

i lost B^(

Cool story, fag

I'm top 100000
wow epic dude
maybe if you were in the 0.1% range I might be slightly impressed

>tfw got beat by DSP in SFV

Nah, he's not. Source: I played him. He was straight up Silver League material.

I played against fran3s on 3S fightcade and nica K.O., also Fujiwara Tofu Shop (I donĀ“t know who he is but looks like he is god tier on the 3s US community). Needless to say they stomped me on every way imaginable.

Also beat Bafael (He is not pro but sure is good and knows a fuck lot of 3S) and JuiceBox

Oh hey, I remember this guy.

He isn't.

I've seen a couple of webms of him in some threads before. From what I remembe he's pretty DP happy. Oh well, next patch, the shoto tears will be delicious. Plus there's gonna be a RQ icon next to offenders' names

I've played dead by daylight against the "pro streamers" if that counts, they were pretty assmad about losing

I was on live stream at a tournament and got my ass handed to me so hard, it's embarrassing to even think about it for me.

I didn't even sleep before the tournament desu.

It was around when SFV first came out, so he was just fooling around with Rashid. Still got mauled

You want shoto tears, read the comments section on Eventscrubs about the Ryu DP nerf

Please post more webms of people getting beat badly in fighting games.


The self-proclaimed best player on /fgg/ at the time.

Me and my mates raped a bunch of tourney fags back in cs1.3
They went to the national semi finals too

I don't even play ryu and I am mad at that change
dps have always been invuln since literally forever ago and now they're going to change that after nearly a quarter of a fucking century?
I mean I don't really care because I don't play this trash anymore

Always remember, man. No matter how hard you think you got your ass beat, you're still not Perfect Legend.



sorry godeer ;_;

Didn't some /fgg/ player entered a tourney and drowned in pools thanks to LTG?


I played FairlySadPanda (the British guy who lost to the clueless Ryu player back in SFIV) twice and lost both times very close.

He's not a pro, but I also played against LiangHubbb and lost even though I don't know why. He was rather bad and kept neutral jumping with Nash. It surprised me he stuck with that tactic.

European FGC people are rare online. I want to play MDZ_Jimmy someday just to see how I would fare, but I'm simply not ranked high enough for us to get matched. Thinking about making a Twitch account and subbing. He grants each sub a set.

Good, dumb wojakposter fuck off back to r9k.

Ryu full moveset tutorial

DP has been invulnerable since SF2, sure, but SF2 didn't have a huge reversal window+input buffer on wake up either

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't DPs also have no invincibility in SF3?

Very not well.


Ken's was invincible for fucking days, I remember that much at least

Every player is a professional when I play online




Don't act like Mike didn't wreck you before, Doug.

he didnt, floe did for free

Really? Could've sworn it was Mike.

Floe bodied him with a character he doesn't even play and is low tier, it was fucking hillarious. He died to like a max distance bearhug. That was a great day.

desu doug you are just good at the games. Do you ever go to events?

LiangHuBBB is a legit garbage player.

He acts like he's hot shit but he also dodges the local community pretending that they dont exist because they would expose him hard.

Yeah, I've played all of Georgia's top players and beat a few, played Colbol, Westballz and Axe and got bodied, every time I entered a smash 4 tournament, I always had to fight Fatality first round and got bodied and I'm the best 3s player.

I played Julio on SF 4 at the Foundry once.. Iwas a Bison main at the time and he picked Yun..... really wished I pick Gief...

nah that was the first time i'd ever fought mike, floe's a lot better and it was free

frame by frame, Ryu should not have been able to grab cammy.

or was that just a jump cut edit?

I'm not a loser with hundreds of hours to spend on shitty 'competitive' games. Pro gamers are fucking pointless wastes of oxygen and I have no idea why anyone looks up to them

They aren't skilled enough to get a basic career job to do anything interesting with their lives so who cares? They aren't skilled enough to compete in any form of martial arts in reality so who cares?

Fuck threads about nobodies, at least talk about actual videogames not the spergs you bottom feeders think are worth discussion

>literally just spamming throw
This is on par with projectile spam, yet somehow nigs have deluded themselves into thinking button mashers take skill.

yeah they lost to meaties there too.

nah i am ass

but you can easily deal with both


I wouldn't rate your life so highly, less than 1

Doesn't matter, it's fun to compete and the people are usually proper. You should definitely go.

I actually agree.

never understood esports and the money they make.

My halo 2 friends and I played 3 matches with the frag dolls online.

If you guys don't know them, and you likely don't, they were pushed as gurl professional gamers at the time, but were really a marketing stunt because they were hot girls in tight t shirts playing games.

We weren't an mlg grade team or anything.

We annihilated them the first two games, they quit out of the third.

Pro players have jobs or are/have completed college. Stop being retarded.

I guess, but it doesn't really count.

Back when I played Smite, I did go up against pros all the time, but not on the competitive game mode, in one of the dumb casual ones (Assault). I did really well against them there, and I even remember a game where we 5 randoms destroyed a team of 5 pros in less than 10 minutes.

Obviously, pros in that game mode are just there doing dumb shit and not really trying, plus it removes all the strategy and map awareness.

In the normal game mode (conquest), I don't remember ever getting in a game with a pro.

Working at 7/11 isn't a job and completing college is not hard. How sad some of these retards have got into debt just to end up playing videogames "professionally", pathetic

How hard is it to be a 'pro'?

I feel like they aren't really all that amazing once you actually play them, it's just all the fanbase that hypes up these e-celebrities. If I was being paid to play video games 24/7 I could be just as good.

oh yeah beat dyne in an online st tournament take that dump

It's unreal to me that rage quitting doesn't count as a loss. Anyone with a win streak over 30 is undeniably a rage quitter.

When I played sc2, i hit Dragon, iNcontroL, and puCK on thr ladder multiple times


True. Things were different during the beta, though.

>play Karin for a couple of hours
>"Alright, I'll quit after my next loss."
>ended up going on a 50+ win streak

A lot of it is intimidation because you're playing against a pro yes, but just playing 24/7 wouldn't get you on the same level as most pro players.

Right now there are probably thousands of teenagers playing CS:GO 24/7 for example but they will never reach the pro level, you definitely need some kind of talent for that.

I've played against a few, most notably Hafu in BLC and Dunkey in league way back in the day. Lots of other random ones I didn't know about until people in the game pointed it out. Like that tranny StarCraft 2 player.

I used to have 30win streaks around launch all the time.
People are shit.

Also made a smurf account for my laptop and I'm on like 20 with Guile.

My friends and I play smite and we're often paired against pro players since our normal MMR is pretty high.

>ended up going on a 50+ win streak
That's because Karin is a cheap, unga bunga bitch that does a gorrilion damage as soon as she breathes on you. Delet her and Chun-Li

>tranny StarCraft 2 player.
that's sad af

>for a videogame
Hahahaha faggot. No the difference is these people have no lives and nobody ever telling them to stop and go outside/do chores/eat dinner/go to school/study

That's a massive difference in potential time to spend on videogames you spergs

>tfw Season 2 is finally adding proper rage-quit handling with RQ jail, LP penalties, and matchmaking temp bans

Get good.

I want Karin to breathe on me.

>Alex Valle
>Won a round and then got my ass raped for 2 rounds
>Used a secondary, got beat, rage quit me on character select screen when I wanted a run back
>Mike Ross*
>Won by the slimmest margin
>First game back from a haitus and got my shit slapped
>Murdered me

SFV makes it much harder to run into them now though.

>these people are better at video games than me they must have no life

classic scrub

fought Mike Z's Tager in Blazblue, got super close to beating him and was in the final round so either of us would have taken it but he got me.

I was really happy about it though I actually held my own when I thought I wouldn't.

>SFV makes it much harder to run into them now though.
It sucks. I wish the matchmaking was more random. I don't mind facing off against Diamond players once in a while.

>classic scrub jealous that even Smashbabby "pro players" can quit full-time engineering jobs or stream full-time as a living

What was that? I can't understand caveman.

why didn't ever go pro? Did you decide to get an education and a career?

unga bunga git gud muthafukka