RPG Skill says "Has a chance" instead of listing the actual % chance rendering the entire game useless as you can't...

>RPG Skill says "Has a chance" instead of listing the actual % chance rendering the entire game useless as you can't actually compare the effectiveness of skills.

Seems a bit cold out there

RPG battles are literally just a game of rock-paper-scissors. Caring about exact %s seems like you are picking the wrong thing to care about if you are trying to make a case toward the gameplay.

>RPG has a four paragraph tooltip explaining what a fireball is and how it works

>pierced nip
lol gros

>This is what I was wearing

Did you just assume the room temperature? She may have just found a Chad gets her juices flowing

Did you x-ray the pic? If so, post. I'd be curious to see because she looks somewhat attractive.


fuck i love nipple piercings

>Did you x ray the post
Nigga you can clearly see the piercings
Also those x rays are bull shit

>Did you x-ray the pic?

can you not see those obvious piercings?

Who the fuck deleted my pic ree

Probably before someone could x-ray it.

u shuld b b&

I mean, the pierced nipples were ten out of ten, but the short hair and the face were hideous. Find better pictures next time.

This is a christian image board, buddy.

>short hair

you shut your whore mouth, boy

It's not my thing, boy-fucker. I don't care if you like it, though.

ut oh u dun goofed now

>I actually share a board with someone with taste this bad

Just shut the fuck up and post more whores, buddy.

Damn, I entered this thread just to see dem tiddies.